In its direct meaning, nerves are components of the nervous system; they are sheath-covered structures consisting of bundles of nerve fibers that provide signal transmission between the brain, spinal cord, and organs.
Note that all diseases on a nervous basis have a common name ‘neuralgia,’ which consists of two groups. The first group includes diseases that are accompanying other illnesses. The second group includes direct mental illnesses (from phobias to schizophrenia).
In our case, the word ‘nerves’ is used in colloquial speech not in its direct meaning but metaphorically, implying the entire human nervous system, sometimes including their psyche.
How do nerves become ‘culprits’ in causing diseases?
It has been found that stress and psychoemotional overstrain negatively affect the functioning of the brain and nervous system, on which the state of the entire human organism depends.
- Firstly, in a stress mode, the functioning of the brain in regulating the tone of peripheral blood vessels worsens. This leads to spasms of the vessels, deterioration in the supply of organs with oxygen, and an increase in stress hormones (adrenaline, etc.).
- Secondly, in response to stress, the autonomic nervous system signals the body to mobilize (muscles tense up, the heart starts beating faster, etc.). If the stress goes away, and the person’s psyche perceives the subsequent situation as calm, then the body is signaled to relax.
But if a person has to be in stressful situations day after day, then both the psyche and the body do not have time to relax and continue to live in a constant mobilized position.
This means that all this time (days and weeks or even months and years), the human body, all systems, and organs cannot function normally. Is it any wonder then that diseases arise as a consequence of this stress mode?
Psychosomatics of the Onset of Diseases from Nerves
It is well known that living in nervous tension, which often causes negative emotions in a person, can lead to stress.
Stress (literally ‘pressure, tension’) is the response of the human psyche to overstrain, negative emotions, and other unfavorable environmental factors.
It can be recognized through such mental (nervous) manifestations as constant irritability, anxiety, or despair, and even anger.
If at this stage the signs of stress are ignored and the person continues to live in the same way, the situation will worsen, and nervous disorders will follow (neurosis, depression, vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc.).
At this stage, nervous disorders begin to turn into psychosomatic disorders (VVD, hormonal disorders, malfunctions in weakened organs).
This chain of nervous overstrain, when completely ignoring all the listed stages, ends with the onset of diseases, usually chronic ones.
Such diseases are difficult to treat traditionally. Usually, even with apparent healing, they return with slight nervous overstrain.
Identifying this interrelation: ‘overstrain – exacerbation of illness’ clearly indicates that this disease is ‘from nerves.’
And this means that suppressing and treating unpleasant and painful symptoms with medications will only have a temporary effect. Complete healing from such psychosomatic diseases can be achieved only by finding and eliminating their true – psychological – cause.
Causes of the Onset of Diseases from Nerves
Thus, the main cause of diseases from nerves is stress, which is mainly associated with external unfavorable factors.
But often, stress can also originate within the person themselves: when there is a conflict between ‘there is a need’ and ‘it is impossible to satisfy it.’ That is, in this case, a person’s psyche may perceive the inability to satisfy their basic needs as stress.
For example, a child has a basic need for tactile contact (hugs, caresses, stroking) with parents, but the parents, due to their beliefs, do not satisfy this need. Hence, the child’s experiences (if they can already be aware) create internal tension for them, which can manifest externally as illness. Then the parents will surely surround the sick child with care and affection.
Therefore, it is still desirable to particularly highlight the inner experiences of a person as another, no less (and perhaps more) significant cause, giving rise to psychosomatic diseases.
Let’s take a closer look at the needs, in connection with the dissatisfaction of which a person begins to experience negative emotions.
Psychology describes four groups of basic needs that are vital for healthy functioning.
- The first group includes food, material, and social needs.
- The second group includes sexual needs, as well as the need for love and affection.
- The third group includes the need to be safe, the need for personal space and solitude.
- The fourth group contains the need to continue the genus, the need for parenthood, the need to show care for someone, etc.
As we already know, if basic needs are not satisfied, prolonged experiences of this contribute to the onset of ailments.
Thus, it has been found that if the abilities of:
- the first group are not satisfied, diseases of the digestive tract arise.
- Experiences regarding the inability to satisfy the needs of the second group lead, as a rule, to diseases of the genitourinary sphere, as well as to infertility.
- Negative thoughts and emotions related to the third group of needs are at the root of diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Skin and nervous system diseases are also associated with a lack of a sense of security.
- Experiences regarding the needs of the fourth group can lead to problems with digestion, pressure, cerebral circulation, etc.
List of Some Diseases Caused by Prolonged Nervous Overstrain
Speaking of the list of diseases from nerves, it is impossible to compile such an accurate list, as we have already noted, that the ‘weak’ organ of a person suffering from stress becomes diseased. And each specific person has their ‘weak’ organ, hence the variety of diseases.
Another important point from the point of view of psychosomatics is that the type of ailment will depend on the specific negative thought or emotion that has lived in a person’s soul for a long time. This explains why the same organ in one person is affected by one disease, and in another person – by a completely different illness. For example, eyes may become ill with conjunctivitis or glaucoma. In the first case, the disease was caused by the fact that the person did not like what they saw in their life (problems, troubles). The causes of the second disease were oppressive grievances when a person looks at the world through the pain of accumulated grievances in the past.
Let’s try to list the most common and often occurring diseases after prolonged stress. Hypertension, angina, neurosis, panic attacks, vegetative-vascular dystonia, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, infarction, bronchial asthma, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis), skin, and other diseases.
Note that this list remains unfinished, as, as we have already written, any organ can become the ‘weakest link.’ Therefore, it is impossible to compile a list of symptoms common to diseases provoked by stress.
Ways to Solve the Problem
The key to healing diseases from nerves is the person’s own realization of the psychoemotional nature of their ailment.
If this happens, then the person’s brain itself will begin to search for the most optimal paths, methods, and means of solving this problem. These can be breathing techniques, forgiveness techniques, massage, yoga, relaxing music, communication with nature, engaging in a favorite activity or creativity, etc.
And when a person (their brain) searches, they will surely find what they need. And if they have a great desire to heal, they will start applying the found means.
It seems that such a logic of actions will inevitably lead to positive results.
Wishing you emotional harmony and physical health!