Breast Psychosomatics, Causes of Disease

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women (16% of cases), but it’s not the only problem they face. Underdevelopment, pain, cysts, benign tumors, lactostasis – these and other diseases reduce the quality of life for some women. Among the causes of disease development, the psychosomatic factor plays a key role.

Breast Disease Psychosomatics

During periods of intense and/or chronic stress, the pituitary gland actively produces prolactin. Normally, this hormone is produced during pregnancy. At other times, it is also present in the body, but at a different level. Prolactin is responsible for overall immunity and female health. Excess prolactin leads to the growth of breast tissue. What other female diseases arise from stress? Let’s find out.


Mastitis is an infectious inflammation of the breast. It causes pain and discomfort, increases breast sensitivity. Often encountered by nursing women, inflammation can also occur later, and not always due to infection.

Psychological factors in the development of mastitis:

  • Chronic stress;
  • Fatigue;
  • Physical, emotional, intellectual strain;
  • Sleep deprivation;
  • Conflicts;
  • Unfavorable psychological climate at work or in the family;
  • Neurosis, depression, or other mental disorders;
  • Excess of negative emotions;
  • Psychological trauma.

Small Breasts and Asymmetry

The protective mechanism of the psyche is responsible for this. The cessation of breast growth is a response to feelings of shame and embarrassment related to being female. The psyche protects the girl from unwanted attention, which once caused psychological trauma.

Cysts and Compactions

Cysts and compactions in the bust occur against the background of hormonal changes. This can be caused by natural processes (menstruation, pregnancy, menopause) or unnatural ones (hormonal disruption due to stress).

Common cystic diseases include mastopathy (fibroadenoma) and hemangioma. The growth of these tumors is possible against the background of stress, as noted in psychosomatics. The development of fibroadenoma in the breast follows this principle:

  • Active cell division starts during the phase of increased estrogen (a hormone responsible for female health, development, and attractiveness);
  • Cell division stops during the phase of increased progesterone (a hormone responsible for reproductive function);
  • Stress causes a disruption, leading to an excess of estrogen and pathological cell proliferation.

These hormones are like yin and yang; both are necessary for women. But their balance is important, as they balance and complement each other. Normally, there should be more progesterone in the body. A deficiency of progesterone leads to a woman’s inability to conceive, give birth, and carry a child, and also provokes the development of diseases of the uterus, ovaries, tubes, and breasts.

Progesterone is produced by the adrenal glands, which also produce adrenaline (the stress hormone). Chronic stress wears out the adrenal glands, hindering adequate progesterone production. And you already know what this leads to.

Interesting! Besides wear, there is another cause of hormonal imbalance. In a state of danger and resource deficit, the body directs all forces to produce adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones are needed for survival and protection. The sexual sphere is discarded as unnecessary. How can one think of sexual life when survival is at stake?

Underdevelopment of the Breasts

Underdevelopment, like asymmetry or small breasts, is the result of internal embarrassment, blockages, and barriers. A woman denies her sexuality, wanting to “hide” sexual characteristics.

Breast Pain

Pain in the left breast indicates problems in the relationship with the child. It means an inability to come to terms with the thought of motherhood or misunderstanding in the relationship with the child. Pain in the right breast signifies problems in the relationship with the spouse.

Important! The mentioned causes are relevant for right-handed people. For left-handed people, the left side is responsible for relationships with the child, and the right breast for relationships with the husband.


Lactostasis is the stagnation of milk in the breast. The psychological cause of lactostasis is the rejection of the role of mother (young age, unwanted child, the departure of a man, aversion to breastfeeding) or excessive dependence in relationships with one’s mother. A third variant is possible: the girl fears inflicting on the child the pain she experienced in the relationship with her mother.

Menopause and Breast

Menopause is a period of a woman’s fading. Menstruations stop, hormonal background changes, which is accompanied by tingling or other discomfort in the breast. This adds to the fear of aging and loss of attractiveness. This further aggravates the psychological state.

Some women are aware that menopause increases the risk of developing pathologies. They constantly think about this, thereby exacerbating the situation. Any symptoms are perceived too sharply, stress and fear intensify them, and other symptoms are added. Eventually, women experience what they feared.


If the cause of a benign formation is emotional shock, then the cause of cancer is severe emotional shock, chronic fatigue. In general, psychosomatics sees the cause of any cancer in old resentment. Additionally, the following factors influence:

  • Feeling of loneliness due to separation from a significant person;
  • Suppression of personal opinion;
  • Dependent relationships.

Oncology can develop even against the backdrop of old psychological trauma, for example, the death of a relative. It might seem that everything has already been experienced, but not. A similar event in the present can reopen wounds of the past.

What the Disease Tells Us

Sometimes, pimples and acne on the chest arise due to stress. This also indicates suppressed negative emotions. It points to the presence of stress (stress hormones trigger the production of sebum and clogging of pores, causing acne).

Like any psychosomatic diseases, breast diseases indicate life’s imperfections. A woman needs to understand why she has this illness. What are the deep underlying causes: guilt, non-acceptance of oneself as a woman, resentment, increased anxiety, suppressed negative emotions, or something else.

Living Someone Else’s Life, Imposing Strict Requirements

Chronic stress can be a result of internal dissatisfaction with life. Imagine a girl who dreamed of becoming a famous singer or a good surgeon. But under parental influence, she enrolled in a technical school and trained as a seamstress (a female profession, stable income, in demand), then married another “good choice” by her parents. She then got bogged down in routine and children. She never realized her potential. Lives according to someone else’s script, goes against herself.

Often this is combined with increased demands (first from parents, then from oneself). Over time, this leads to exhaustion and burnout. And what does a tired body do? It retreats to rest in illness.

Stresses, Feeling of Imperfection

The female body is very sensitive even to minor stresses. Even healthy girls face menstrual cycle disturbances during exams, work reports, breakups with a loved one. The cause of stress can be any changes in the usual lifestyle.

An additional factor creating chronic stress is the complex of inferiority, the feeling of imperfection. Such girls have low self-esteem, are dependent on others’ opinions, cannot stand up for themselves, fear loneliness, try to avoid failures. They rarely try something new, are overly critical of themselves. The focus on imperfection and insufficiency drains a lot of energy. There is not enough for the proper functioning of organs and systems.

Feeling of Guilt

Sometimes the cause of problems is chronic guilt. Parents instill this when they tell a girl about her unattractiveness. Or that they wanted a boy. Humiliations not related to gender also contribute: not meeting expectations, behaving poorly, doing everything wrong. Over the years, the belief “I am bad” only strengthens. The situation worsens if the spouse behaves like the girl’s parents. In the end, the woman feels guilty for the mere fact of her existence.

Feeling Unneeded as a Woman

The more active a woman’s sexual life, the more feminine she is, and her health is stronger. Female hormones are produced during intimacy. With prolonged absence of intimacy, hormone production stops as unnecessary. Typically, this is combined with emotional suffering, decreased self-esteem, self-doubt. All this collectively leads to the development of psychosomatic diseases.

Separately, the issue of motherhood should be considered. Women who cannot get pregnant due to physiological problems or internal fears are 2.5 times more likely to develop breast cancer. Additionally, abortion or miscarriage has a detrimental effect. Both cannot but affect the psyche.

Suppressing Anger, Other Strong Emotions

Suppressed resentment, anger, fear of loneliness, insecurity in one’s attractiveness, and other strong emotions and feelings are another group of psychosomatic prerequisites. Girls who were mocked in childhood or suffered from men in adulthood often refuse to acknowledge their femininity and sexuality. From this, compactions arise in the breast, or it develops incorrectly (does not develop).

Another similar reason is the inability to express one’s opinion, to silence problems. Usually, this affects the spine, respiratory organs. But in women, it often reflects in the breast. The reason for the silence varies: memories of parents’ quarrels and shouting, prohibition on expressing negative emotions, and punishment. In such conditions, the belief “aggression is the most destructive emotion, I will never shout” forms. Yes, it’s the strongest emotion. But it will inevitably arise, as will conflicts. Only you need to learn to resolve them and release steam in a socially acceptable way.

Paths to Healing Breast Diseases

Louise Hay (one of the authoritative modern psychosomatics specialists) personally went through breast cancer. She overcame the disease and now helps others do the same. According to the author, the main cause of breast diseases is living for others, inability to care for oneself. In Louise Hay’s psychosomatics, the breast is a symbol of maternal care and feeding. It starts to hurt when it’s overused.

Let’s consider the specific causes of breast pathologies:

  • Pain – restriction of freedom, self-suppression;
  • Fibrocystic dysplasia – pessimistic views on life and the future;
  • Mastopathy – unmet needs.

To heal, one needs to change their worldview, their attitude towards themselves and life. It is necessary to rearrange priorities, learn to take care of oneself. Louise Hay also advises regularly using affirmations:

  • “Now I take care of myself with love and joy.”
  • “Everyone is free to be who they want. I acknowledge this. We are all safe.”
  • “I love life, and life loves me.”

According to another psychosomatics specialist, Lise Bourbeau, the breast is a symbol of maternal instinct towards children, a partner, friends, and the whole world. Any breast pathologies indicate that a woman tries to protect and feed everyone. Interestingly, maternal care can be both genuine and forced. In the latter case, the situation is aggravated by subconscious anger at those who need to be cared for.

Doctor Sinelnikov mentions the same reason: the breast hurts because a woman puts herself last. To heal, one needs to get rid of hyper-care and learn healthy self-care. Only by resting and recovering can you productively care for others.

Prevention and Treatment

For the prevention and stabilization of emotional balance, the following is recommended:

  1. Take sedative drugs. It’s better to consult a psychotherapist. You can take only herbal remedies on your own, but remember possible contraindications.
  2. Normalize the sleep and wakefulness regime, work and rest. This is important for maintaining a healthy hormonal background.
  3. Give up harmful habits, especially alcohol. It increases the level of estrogen.
  4. Learn to release negative emotions. They cannot be suppressed; you need to find rational ways to express them: dancing, sports, drawing, etc.
  5. Allow yourself to enjoy and take pleasure in life. Remember your needs and desires.
  6. Increase stress resistance, get rid of fears and anxieties, work through psychological traumas. For this, it is worth visiting a psychologist or psychotherapist. He will develop an individual correction plan.

Breast diseases identified at an early stage respond very well to treatment. It is enough to eliminate stressogenic factors, undergo a course of sedatives, change thinking and lifestyle. Sometimes treatment by a mammologist is indicated (if a medical cause is identified, for example, an infection).

Important! Benign and malignant neoplasms are the result of internal tension. The stronger the tension, the larger the neoplasm. However, with any symptoms (pain, burning, heaviness, etc.), you should immediately visit a mammologist, and then a psychologist.

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