Cellulite and Its Psychosomatics

Women combat cellulite through nutrition, massage, cosmetic procedures, and sports. However, few know that the cause of the problem should also be sought in the mind. Psychosomatics of cellulite will explain why “orange peel” skin appears and how to get rid of it.

Psychosomatic Causes of Cellulite (Orange Peel Skin)

Cellulite often appears on the thighs, buttocks, legs, and abdomen. To determine the causes, it’s necessary to study the metaphysical meaning of the body part where cellulite has appeared. For example, buttocks and thighs are related to intimate life. Orange peel skin in this area indicates unfulfilled desires in the sexual sphere. If a woman herself has imposed a ban on sexual activity, she simultaneously experiences guilt for her desires. This is followed by self-hatred and the need for self-punishment. Cellulite on other body parts speaks of unrealized potential in the corresponding sphere, fear of asserting oneself, disbelief in one’s own strengths.

Psychosomatic Appearance of Cellulite

Cellulite is an inflammation of subcutaneous fatty tissue. It often affects women and can appear on any body part. The externally roughened skin areas resemble orange peel. Let’s consider the psychosomatic theories of cellulite’s appearance.

According to Louise Hay

According to Louise Hay, cellulite is a form of self-punishment and a way to release accumulated anger. Affirmation for healing: “I forgive others. I forgive myself. I have the freedom to love and enjoy life.”

According to Liz Bourbeau

Liz Bourbeau believes the disease signifies a blockage of creative potential, self-suppression. Women restrain their desires and abilities. Patients have similar character traits.

Cellulite psychosomatics:

  • Dependence on the opinion of others;
  • Suggestibility;
  • Desire to manipulate close people;
  • Inability to control emotions in difficult situations.

Typically, such people unconsciously restrain both themselves and others.

For healing, it’s important to understand why you suppress your abilities. Maybe you fear failure or not being able to do something perfectly, better than everyone. Or perhaps you fear criticism, judgment. Or lack motivation, willpower. It’s necessary to find a turning point in the past that deprived you of confidence and the desire for self-development. Let go of the past and start living in the present.

Cellulite According to Vladimir Zhikarentsev

V. Zhikarentsev sees the cause in accumulated anger and guilt. The person is fixated on the pain of the past, often referring to childhood traumas. Negative experience hinders moving forward; the person cannot choose their own life path. Affirmation for healing: “I forgive everyone. I forgive myself. I forgive everything I experienced in the past. I am free.”

Other Psychologists

According to the theory of another psychologist, V. Sinelnikov, causes of cellulite include:

  • Unexpressed anger, aggression;
  • Fear of being rejected;
  • Fear of relationships with men;
  • Fixation on the past;
  • Need for self-punishment;
  • Feeling of guilt;
  • Fear of change;
  • Desire to control others.

Luule Viilma believes that the cause of cellulite is anger, striving to prove one’s significance. The person shouts “look, I’m here!”, “look at what I’m capable of!”

Various Situations in Specific Examples

Let’s consider the causes of cellulite through specific examples and situations from life.

Fragility and Need for Protection

Some girls develop cellulite in adolescence. They usually visit a psychotherapist around the age of 40, where deep-rooted childhood issues emerge. Clients often talk about an overpowering mother who demanded physical and material help, manipulated, and used illness and orders to prevent her daughter from living her own life. In these conditions, the daughter felt vulnerable, dependent, and fragile, which manifested as cellulite. The disease will pass as soon as the woman gains complete autonomy.

Fear of Judgment

Fear is a common cause of cellulite.

Practice shows that women are tormented by the following fears:

  • Fear of rejection;
  • Fear of reality;
  • Fear of imperfection;
  • Fear of social contacts;
  • Fear of intimacy;
  • Fear of self-realization.

Fear disrupts the body’s water balance, which physiologically triggers the appearance of cellulite.

I, You – Not One Whole

In the first year of life, a child and mother are one whole. Physical attachment disappears, but a strong moral attachment remains. After a year, the child begins the journey to autonomy and emancipation. By the age of 3, a child experiences an acute need for independence. However, not all mothers are ready to let go of their child. Some do everything to raise a dependent, infantile offspring. If you are 20, 30, 40 years old and still can’t live your life, but only by your mother’s dictate, this may be a cause of cellulite. It’s time to cut the mental umbilical cord, break free from dependent relationships with parents.

Orange Peel as an Indicator of Our Fears

Cellulite on the legs speaks of stubbornness, cruelty, fear of appearing weak. Orange peel on the buttocks suggests problems with self-identification. A woman can’t find her place in society because she’s lost in the clouds. Chinese medicine asserts that cellulite reflects fear. The person fears criticism, being imperfect, ending up in an unflattering situation. They fear not achieving high results, not being recognized and valued properly. All because they don’t value and accept themselves.

Battling Cellulite at the Subconscious Level

Stages of working with psychological traumas of the subconscious:

  1. Acceptance of sexuality. Intimate relationships between a man and a woman are a normal and natural part of life. It’s normal to enjoy your body and fulfill your desires. If you’re oppressed by a specific partner, perhaps it’s time to part ways.
  2. Elimination of dependence on others’ opinions. Behind dependence hides a fear of criticism and judgment, rooted in childhood. Likely, you had authoritarian parents. Analyze problematic situations from the past with an adult’s perspective. You’ll probably realize that the criticism was unjustified. Reacquaint yourself with who you are, acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses, give free rein to creativity in all spheres. Learn to enjoy life.
  3. Acceptance of your peculiarities. Know and accept yourself. Learn to love yourself and work on increasing your self-esteem.
  4. Find a creative hobby. Don’t aim for fame or recognition. Simply engage in what you like.

Important! The result of self-improvement will be better if the analysis and correction of traumas are done under the supervision of a psychologist. They will conduct a thorough diagnosis and advise on what to work on, tailor an individual rehabilitation and correction program.

Don’t forget to reinforce the result with cosmetic procedures, sports, proper nutrition, and physiotherapy. In some cases, a cosmetologist may prescribe oral medications. Physiologically, the problem may be linked to impaired circulation and metabolism, lymphatic stagnation.

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