Chickenpox is an infectious disease transmitted through airborne droplets. However, once you have had chickenpox, lifelong immunity is developed. It is noted that children get sick more often than adults. Also, it is considered easier to endure the disease in childhood. However, some people manage to avoid this problem altogether. Psychosomatics of chickenpox can explain what this depends on.
Possible Psychosomatic Causes of Chickenpox in Adults
The reasons for the development of chickenpox in adults (chickenpox psychosomatics):
- Pressure from the environment, ridicule, control, reproaches;
- Public humiliation;
- The contradiction between “want” and “must” (“need”);
- Shame and guilt because personal desires contradict parental and social norms;
- Self-disgust;
- Self-punishment for one’s uniqueness, divergence of personal needs and the needs of others;
- Pessimistic view of the world, expectation of failure;
- Childhood traumas and complexes;
- Depression.
Chickenpox belongs to skin diseases, and the skin is the boundary between the internal world of a person and the external world. Accordingly, chickenpox testifies to the violation of personal boundaries. The patient wants to isolate themselves from the world.
Likely reasons for such a desire:
- Insecurity, low self-esteem;
- Fear;
- Conflicts;
- Pressure from society;
- Guilt;
- Disappointment in people around.
According to Louise Hay, chickenpox in adults can be the result of the personality’s infantilism, childish behavior, immature reactions to life’s difficulties.
Reflecting and Meditating on Chickenpox
As with any psychosomatic illness, self-analysis is crucial when dealing with chickenpox. To identify the true cause, ask yourself these questions:
- Was there an event in your life that impacted your self-worth? A trauma after which you felt unnecessary to your family?
- Has your environment been irritating you lately?
- Has your need for independence ever been met with anger, judgment, or more control?
- Did any of your relatives, including distant ones, experience captivity, slavery, or dependency? Suffered physical and psychological humiliations?
- Did your mother suffer from loneliness during pregnancy, feeling abandoned and unneeded?
- Recall the day you contracted chickenpox. Was there something or someone that drained you completely?
- Did you feel in danger or fearful at the time of illness? What or who was it?
- Were you under prolonged stress before the infection?
- Have you ever suffered from excessive control by others?
- How would you feel and who would you be if you fulfilled all your desires and achieved personal goals, rather than living by others’ dictates?
- Who or what makes you ashamed of your needs and differing interests from others?
According to Louise Hay, the psychological cause of chickenpox is fear, tension, hypersensitivity, and exhausting anticipation of an event. Healing affirmation: “I trust the natural process of life, which brings me relaxation and peace. Everything in my world is going well.”
Psychosomatics of Chickenpox by I. Sigal
Inna Sigal, a contemporary psychosomaticist, author, and seminar leader worldwide, in her book “The Secret Language of Your Body,” identifies psychosomatic causes of chickenpox: irritation, anxiety, disappointment. The person feels disconnected from others. Another cause is the feeling of being unneeded, unnoticed, and undervalued. The patient craves love and attention. Another cause is chronic stress and fatigue. Chickenpox offers a chance to rest.
Why Chickenpox is More Common in Children Than Adults
There’s a theory that chickenpox in children results from the mother’s actions. The child feels the mother’s karma, especially if they felt unwanted or burdensome in the womb, possibly due to a difficult pregnancy or the mother’s doubts about her maternal abilities.
Other potential causes of ‘karmic chickenpox’ in children include:
- The mother’s attempts to please both the child and husband, torn between them.
- The woman’s low self-esteem.
- The mother’s unclear personal boundaries.
- The mother’s feeling of oppression.
- Chronic stress in the woman’s life.
- Family and societal conflicts.
- The father’s detachment from the upbringing process.
- Emotional coldness from both parents.
Children of single mothers tend to contract chickenpox more often. The mother’s negative thoughts, feelings of loneliness, and sense of being unwanted affect the child.
Interesting Fact! The karmic theory explains why infants shouldn’t be shown to others in their first months of life. Their energy field is very weak, and other people’s negativity can impact them. This is not about the evil eye but about the unintentional transfer of negative energy to the vulnerable child or, conversely, people unknowingly drawing from the child’s pure energy.
In preschool and school-age children, chickenpox is not only caused by family problems but also by difficulties in peer interactions, which can have an even greater impact. Children who are ostracized, humiliated, and hurt by peers are more likely to contract chickenpox.
As children grow, they face the same causes as adults: the conflict between personal desires and parental expectations (cognitive dissonance), excessive control from parents or others, criticism, and punishment.
Chickenpox in children can be a form of self-punishment due to:
- Self-hatred for not meeting parental expectations, leading to guilt and shame for their uniqueness and self-rejection.
- Self-hatred due to family association, feeling ashamed of their lineage, and guilt over their parents’ actions, often seen in dysfunctional families, like those with alcoholism.
Children are more emotional and sensitive than adults, experiencing stress more acutely, often manifesting as physical illnesses.
When discussing chickenpox causes, it’s important to consider general metaphysical reasons for childhood illnesses. Let’s examine theories from renowned psychologists.
Liz Burbo’s View
Liz Burbo believes childhood diseases indicate a child’s inner anger directed at their surroundings. The child is discontented, feels wronged, disagrees, or experiences other negative emotions but cannot express them due to age, individual traits, or parental prohibitions. The disease also signifies a child’s lack of attention and love from parents. For treatment, it’s crucial to explain to the child that their illness is a reaction to the world around them. Everyone has their needs and beliefs, which may not align with others’. Finding and maintaining harmony is essential. Parents also have their needs and get tired – no one is exempt from difficulties. But everyone has the right to anger and express it.
Louise Hay’s Theory
Louise Hay attributes the cause to erroneous judgments, destructive beliefs, fascination with social concepts, and belief in fortune-telling. Healing affirmation: “I am protected by Providence. I am surrounded by love. I have developed spiritual immunity.”
V. Zhikarentsev’s Perspective
V. Zhikarentsev sees the cause in the belief in ideals, social ideas, false laws, and adults’ infantile behavior around children. Healing affirmation: “This child is under Divine protection and surrounded by love. They have mental immunity.”
Interesting Fact! There’s a theory that chickenpox results from actions in a past karmic incarnation. Aggression, impulsiveness, cynicism, and malice in a past life are precursors to chickenpox in the present.
Treating Karmic Ailments in Children
To treat a child’s illness, it’s essential to shield them from witnessing parental conflicts. If unavoidable, explain that they are not the cause of these conflicts and are loved and valued by both parents.
If the parents have a good relationship, analyze their attitude towards the child. Determine whether the child suffers from a lack of attention and love, feels abandoned, or is subjected to violence and excessive control. If there’s an unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the family, seek a psychologist and undergo family psychotherapy.
Seeing a psychologist is always advisable. They can assess the child’s state using special methods, such as art therapy or metaphysical cards. The problem might lie in relationships with peers or educators in kindergarten, teachers in school.
Key healing messages for the child:
- They have the right to be themselves.
- They have the right to express all their emotions, desires, fears, and experiences.
- They don’t need to please everyone and meet others’ expectations.
- They shouldn’t endure humiliation and pressure.
If the child is older (based on individual development, not physical age), introduce them to psychosomatic and karmic theory. Explain that anger, irritation, and stress are the basis of psychosomatic chickenpox. Teach them to express negativity and manage stress; otherwise, the discussion will be fruitless and cause additional worries.
Parental recommendations for chickenpox prevention and treatment:
- Accept the child as they are.
- Express love and pay attention to the child.
- Always consider the child’s opinion.
- Communicate with the child without imposing your views or insisting on interaction.
- Adopt a democratic parenting style.
- Facilitate the child’s social interaction with other children.
- Teach the child to express emotions and resolve conflicts, not to avoid problems, suppress experiences, or become introverted.
Important Note! Chickenpox is a somatic disease that develops against a backdrop of stress. It’s an infectious disease causing severe itching, significant fever, and deteriorating overall well-being. Without medical treatment, the condition can become critical, with life-threatening temperatures. Chickenpox should be treated comprehensively: medication and psychotherapy.