Love Your Illness – Sinelnikov

Love Your Illness. How to Become Healthy by Embracing the Joy of Life’ is a book by Valery Vladimirovich Sinelnikov, a well-known author in the field of psychosomatics.

Professionally, Sinelnikov is a doctor, but his quest to find the causes of his patients’ illnesses led to his development as a homeopath, psychotherapist, and psychologist.

Careful observation of patients led the doctor to conclude that sometimes diseases served some functions for people, which were not always obvious. Medical practice and the mastery of psychotherapy helped Sinelnikov see that the causes of almost all diseases are within the person, not external.

External conditions (weather, infections, etc.), dietary characteristics, and other factors only create a background for the development of a disease. Therefore, according to V.V. Sinelnikov, the true causes of a person’s diseases lie within them, in their inner world.

Philosophical Foundation of Psychosomatics by V. Sinelnikov

Based on accumulated knowledge and experience, his conclusions and discoveries, V. Sinelnikov developed his own system of healing from diseases, which he described in this book.

This system is based on the main idea that we create the world (or rather, a model of the world) in which we live. Hence, each person should take responsibility for their world.

World models created by each person differ from one another, that is, everyone lives in their own world.

A person begins to create their world model from birth, based on the world picture offered by parents and close ones, and also based on family relationship characteristics – all this is stored as a subconscious program.

In creating their world, a person also creates all situations and events in their life, including diseases and difficulties. Usually, a person’s world model (reality) corresponds to their subconscious program, which originates in childhood and continues to be supplemented throughout life.

How, then, does a person create their world? Using such a tool as thought.

Hence, concludes Sinelnikov, our world is a reflection of our own thoughts.

BUT: if a person creates their own world, it means they can also change it!

The doctor is confident that a person can change anything in their life by turning inward and changing themselves (i.e., their subconscious program).

How to do this, as well as how to identify and eliminate the causes of problems and start living a healthy and joyful life, is discussed in the aforementioned book by V. Sinelnikov.

Psychosomatics of the Book ‘Love Your Illness’

This book is a guide for self-work, where the doctor reveals the secrets of the human subconscious and the causes of diseases, as well as offers an effective model for solving health problems and more.

The first chapter of the book is called ‘Unreal Reality.’ Here, the doctor introduces the reader to the human subconscious and subconscious programs.

In the concluding part of the first chapter, Sinelnikov presents ways to communicate with one’s subconscious.

The second chapter answers the questions ‘What is a disease?’ and ‘How do people create diseases for themselves?’ It reveals the characteristics of traditional medicine and describes a new model of medicine developed by the author himself. The main idea of the second chapter is the doctor’s thought ‘A person’s diseases are the result of their thoughts.’

In the third chapter, Sinelnikov thoroughly describes destructive thoughts and emotions that lead to the development of diseases. At the same time, he sees a positive intention behind every negative feeling. For example, behind pride, writes the author, lies the aspiration for perfection, the desire to feel calm and comfortable, the desire to declare oneself to the whole world.

This chapter reveals the destructive essence of such emotions as pride and selfishness, criticism, claims and discontent, condemnation, contempt, antipathy, hatred, irritation, anger and rage, resentment, revenge, annoyance, disappointment, boasting, slander and malice, feelings of guilt and punishment, self-criticism, self-flagellation, dissatisfaction with oneself, self-condemnation, self-contempt and self-hatred, fear, anxiety and worry, doubt and insecurity, pity, compassion, longing, despondency and depression, gluttony and overeating, greed for gain, stinginess and greed, envy, hypocrisy, lies and deception, flattery, jealousy, fornication and adultery. The fourth chapter of the book offers the reader to get acquainted with the method of immersion and subconscious programming.

The second part of the book is devoted to examining the metaphysical causes of common diseases of a specific part of the body or organ.

Thus, it explains the causes of ailments of the head, brain, nervous system, psyche, ears, eyes, cardiovascular system and blood, lymph, lungs, throat, digestive organs, mouth, stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines, rectum and anus, kidneys, pregnancy, mammary glands, neck, back, joints, legs, skin, nails, hair, thyroid gland. It also reveals the causes of children’s, women’s and men’s diseases, venereal diseases, infectious diseases, injuries and accidents, tumors and cancer, alcoholism and smoking.


The reaction to V. Sinelnikov’s book among readers varies greatly: from admiration and gratitude to cursing and condemnation. This is understandable: as many people, as many opinions.

But personally, you should evaluate this book (as well as all books in general) only from one point of view: what it brings to you, to your soul – development or regression, help or confusion, benefit or harm.

As the author himself writes, the proposed system and model of healing should be perceived only as a set of tools that can be used to help oneself. But not as an absolute truth and the only correct method.

If the book helps you clarify something, discover, realize, understand something in yourself, even if it’s something not very pleasant, then it can be considered necessary and useful for you. Especially if after working on yourself, your soul feels brighter and lighter, and health returns to your body. But, if ‘the soul does not lie’ to the book – it means it’s not for you (either at the moment or at all).

The soul itself will hint. And whether to listen to it or not – as always, is up to you.


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