Psychosomatics of Diabetes Mellitus Psychosomatic
Psychosomatics of Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is directly related to a person’s hormonal background. And the hormonal background
Breast Psychosomatics, Causes of Disease Psychosomatic
Breast Psychosomatics, Causes of Disease
Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women (16% of cases), but it’s not the only
Healing According to Lise Bourbeau's Theory. Your Body Says: Love Yourself Psychosomatic
Healing According to Lise Bourbeau’s Theory. Your Body Says: Love Yourself
Psychosomatics is a branch of psychology that studies the psychological causes and prerequisites of diseases.
Psychosomatics of Harmful Habits: Smoking in Adults and Teenagers Psychosomatic
Psychosomatics of Harmful Habits: Smoking in Adults and Teenagers
People start smoking for various reasons: to try something new, to seem grown-up, for company, etc.
Book by Louise Hay Heal Your Body Psychosomatic
Book by Louise Hay ‘Heal Your Body’
Louise Hay is a psychologist, psychosomatist, and author of self-help movement and books on healing the
Gallbladder Diseases in Psychosomatics Psychosomatic
Gallbladder Diseases in Psychosomatics
The liver and gallbladder are part of the digestive system. In psychosomatics, they are responsible for
Psychosomatic Causes of Stomach Diseases Psychosomatic
Psychosomatic Causes of Stomach Diseases
Stomach diseases are among the most common psychosomatic illnesses. People may visit a gastroenterologist
Psychosomatic Causes of Arrhythmia Psychosomatic
Psychosomatic Causes of Arrhythmia
Arrhythmia, or heart rhythm disturbances (acceleration and deceleration), can arise from various causes
Psychosomatics of Kidney Diseases and Kidney Stones Psychosomatic
Psychosomatics of Kidney Diseases and Kidney Stones
Kidneys cleanse the body of slag, toxins, and excess salts. They have a similar meaning and function
Psychosomatics of Pneumonia and Lung Psychosomatic
Psychosomatics of Pneumonia and Lung Inflammation According to Psychologists
One of the main reasons for the development and exacerbation of pneumonia is psychosomatics.