Bronchial asthma is diagnosed as a psychosomatic illness in 30% of cases. The psychosomatic nature of asthma implies a close connection between a person’s psychological and emotional experiences and the development of this condition. This means that in these cases, symptoms and attacks of asthma arise exclusively for psychological reasons.
Causes of Asthma Development
Let’s consider the causes of bronchial asthma. How to determine whether external or internal (emotional, psychological) factors caused the disease? This can be established by the method of exclusion.
Firstly, it is necessary to exclude external factors such as unsuitable climate, smoking, the presence of chemical industries, allergies, etc. Although almost everyone lives in conditions where at least one of these factors is present, asthma does not develop in everyone. This is food for thought, especially if none of the listed factors apply to you.
Secondly, we will discuss internal causes related to a person’s negative emotional experiences, especially those experienced over a long period. In this case, asthma arises due to nervous tension.
If we consider the causes of asthma in adults, they can include dissatisfaction with oneself, shifting responsibility to others, dependence on the opinions of others, negative experiences of loneliness, oppression. Sometimes the basis of the disease in adults lies in negative experiences from childhood.
Asthma in Children
Now let’s turn to the causes of bronchial asthma in children. There are two main reasons: the absence or lack of maternal love and warmth, and, conversely, an excess of smothering care, or excessive guardianship from the mother. These two reasons encompass many subfactors.
In the first case, the absence or lack of maternal love is associated with the absence of a loving and warm family atmosphere, leading to frequent or constant conflicts and stresses in the family. This negatively affects the mental and physical health of children. The second cause of the child’s illness is related to the other extreme of parental behavior: hyper-care, which literally “suffocates” the child, not allowing them to breathe independently. It is important to note that hyper-care is not a manifestation of love, as many believe.
Paths to Healing from Bronchial Asthma
Is it possible to be cured of asthma as a psychosomatic disease? There is always a way out. It should be noted that the disease does not appear by chance; essentially, it is a signal for a thinking person to change. An ancient sage said: “By the age of 40, a person becomes their own doctor or remains a fool.” Therefore, an adult needs to analyze their emotional state: what exactly inside does not give peace? Depression? Fear? Self-denial? Where did these emotions come from? For what purpose? Maybe it’s worth letting go of grievances and fears for the sake of health?
Then, if you want to get rid of them, choose a new positive attitude through music, creativity, travel, renewing your living space (rearranging furniture, changing the color scheme in the interior) and yourself (reading favorite books, changing hairstyles, adding bright items to your wardrobe), etc. In the case of asthma as a psychosomatic disease, psychological and psychotherapeutic methods and techniques are very effective.
Regarding the treatment possibilities for children, they entirely depend on adults – parents, especially the creator of the home atmosphere – the mother. Believe it, maternal love can do everything. Especially the love of the closest people in the world: mother and father. It’s so simple and inexpensive. Do not rush to treat the child; hug, love, and express your love (and this is not the same thing). Express love through hugs, caresses, strokes, looks, conversations, actions – attention to the child’s natural development needs (even if you have little time, dedicate 5 minutes to play (roll cars together, play with dolls, build a house), draw, sculpt together with the child – it is vitally important! – through such attention to themselves, they will understand that they are loved).
Even we adults love it when we are spoken to kindly, hugged, not yelled at, listened to attentively. And children vitally need this! It affects their mental and physical health!
It may turn out that the diagnosis reveals non-psychosomatic asthma, caused by external reasons. Then traditional medical treatment works very well (unlike psychosomatic asthma). Certain herbs, various inhalers, and special treatment methods not only relieve asthmatic suffocation attacks but also gradually alleviate the symptoms of the disease, leading to a full recovery.
Again, parallel to traditional treatment, also improve the family atmosphere, hug children with asthma more often, and even better – all family members. Why? Often it happens that when a child becomes ill, parents start looking for someone to blame, intensifying dissatisfaction and quarrels. Remember: there are no guilty parties here, only a need for love and emotional warmth.
Another important point: children up to 12 years old are very closely connected with their parents on an energetic level. This means that if something is wrong with the parents (I mean negative: quarrels, aggression, hatred, jealousy, envy, etc.), then, even if the child is not shown this, the negative information is unconsciously absorbed by them. Then the child’s mental health begins to deteriorate (tantrums, whims, stubbornness, disobedience, unresponsiveness, fears). If the negativity continues for a long time, the child physically becomes ill. This is how the psychosomatic nature of asthma and other childhood diseases manifests itself (only in the causes of diseases other than asthma, instead of smothering care-love or the absence of love, there will be other psychological emphases).
In one family, the eldest daughter suffered from bronchial asthma from an early age. The mother, a medical worker, and I, then still young, could not understand why she could not cure her daughter, although they tried all medicines (which negatively affected the skin and gastrointestinal tract, causing allergies, itching, and other side effects), various inhalers, special treatment methods… Moving (after school) and living separately from the parents also did not change anything.
Only later, from brief stories of her sister, did I understand something: their mother lived with two mother-in-laws (the husband’s mother and the husband’s mother’s mother), who could not accept the wife of the only son, who married without their knowledge-consent. Because of the unbearable life, one winter the young mother had to go back to her village with a child in her arms. Of course, they reconciled for a while… After 25 years of continuous treatment, tired of trying all new methods, they turned to a person with the gift of vision, who said that the curse, cast by the rejected girl on the pregnant mother, passed to the firstborn. It is known that in the energetic language, a curse is a negative program implanted in a person’s energy field with the purpose of destruction (in this case – of a person).
But whether this can be attributed to the causes of asthma is unknown (although V. Sinelnikov attributes this to the causes of asthma). A child carries in them the energetic, genetic, and psychological information of both the mother and the father, so their emotional state primarily affects the child, the most vulnerable in the family. Therefore, if a child becomes ill and they are not 12 years old yet, sages and healers look for (and usually find) the cause in the father-mother (husband-wife) relationship or in the soulful sufferings of one of the parents.
Thus, in the treatment of bronchial asthma as a specifically psychosomatic disease, psychology (of the individual, family) and psychotherapy are of primary importance. But the information provided is not a reproach to adults, but a reason to think and change for the sake of your own health and well-being, as well as the health and emotional comfort of your child.
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