The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body, running from the lower back to the heel. Pain can occur anywhere along its path: buttock, thigh, lower leg. However, nerve pinching often happens in the lumbar region, frequently associated with intervertebral hernia. Psychosomatic factors also contribute to sciatic nerve issues.
- Sciatica: Psychosomatic Inflammation of the Sciatic Nerve
- Sciatic Nerve Pinching in Adults
- Disturbances in Children
- Psychosomatics of the Sciatic Nerve, Expert Opinions
- Sciatica According to Valery Sinelnikov
- Sciatic Nerve Neuralgia According to V. Zhikarentsev
- Sciatic Nerve According to Liz Bourbo
- Louise Hay on Sciatica
- Prevention of Inflammation from a Psychological Perspective
Sciatica: Psychosomatic Inflammation of the Sciatic Nerve
Sciatica refers to inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The pain can be so intense that it forces the person into a constrained position, unable to walk or sit. The onset of the disease is sudden, accompanied by acute pain.
Symptoms of sciatic nerve inflammation (pinching):
- Lower back pain (may radiate to the buttock, lower leg, foot);
- Loss of leg sensitivity;
- Movement and functionality issues in legs;
- Pain;
- Swelling;
- Cramps;
- Muscle weakness and atrophy;
- Tingling sensation;
- Involuntary urination (in advanced stages).
Symptoms for diagnosing sciatica:
- Foot and toe paralysis;
- Muscle atrophy and atonia in the foot, lower leg;
- Loss of Achilles reflex;
- Leg pain;
- Loss of leg sensitivity, except for the anteromedial aspect of the lower leg.
Somatic causes of sciatica (lumbosacral radiculitis) include:
- Back, pelvis, leg injuries;
- Hypothermia;
- Intervertebral hernias, tumors;
- Arthritis;
- Female pelvic organ diseases;
- Diabetes;
- Other inflammations and infections;
- Constipation;
- Internal bleeding;
- Physical exhaustion.
Psychological causes of sciatic nerve inflammation:
- Psychophysiological overloads;
- Anxiety;
- Fears and phobias;
- Worries;
- Fatigue due to an abundance of responsibilities.
Important! For diagnosis and treatment, visit a neurologist and psychologist. Sciatica treatment should be comprehensive: ointments, injections, pills, psychotherapy, physiotherapy, gymnastics, proper nutrition, yoga, vitamin courses, massage.
Sciatic Nerve Pinching in Adults
In addition to the psychological causes of sciatica in adults, sexual dissatisfaction can be another contributing factor. Pain can arise even after resolving the conflict, i.e., when sexual life is normalized.
In women, sciatic nerve pinching often occurs during pregnancy (due to the growing uterus). Gymnastics, walking, and folk remedies are recommended for correction.
Disturbances in Children
Sciatic nerve inflammation is rare in children, more common in adolescents due to psychophysiological overloads. From a medical perspective, the causes are the same: hypothermia, spinal pathologies, infections, injuries. Psychologically, sciatica in children indicates emotional suppression and a stressful psychological atmosphere in the family.
Psychosomatics of the Sciatic Nerve, Expert Opinions
The main psychological cause of sciatica is guilt. The stronger the guilt, the more intense the pain. Chronic guilt makes people seek punishment, with a persistent need for it. Pain is the most accessible form of self-punishment. However, depending on the pain location, the psychological explanation changes. Let’s look more closely at the theories of renowned psychosomatists: V. Sinelnikov, V. Zhikarentsev, Liz Bourbo, Louise Hay.
Sciatica According to Valery Sinelnikov
The lower back symbolizes support. All psychophysiological overloads are reflected in the back’s condition. Possible causes of lower back pain:
- Concerns about financial well-being;
- Fear of the future.
Lower back health deteriorates in people whose work involves increased material and/or moral responsibility and those who “bend their backs” for success. Sciatica often affects workaholics and perfectionists. The disease is a way to rest, relax, and remove some or all responsibilities. Hustle, rush, and an abundance of responsibilities are the main precursors of sciatica. Perhaps you are taking on overwhelming tasks, trying to do everything alone.
Sciatic Nerve Neuralgia According to V. Zhikarentsev
V. Zhikarentsev sees the cause of sciatica in fear for the future and financial well-being, as well as in excessive self-criticism and self-demand. Healing affirmation: “I am moving towards my highest good. My good is everywhere, and I am safe.”
Sciatic Nerve According to Liz Bourbo
According to Liz Bourbo, sciatica is blamed on conscious or unconscious fear of losing material goods and fear of the future, uncertainty about tomorrow. Sciatica often affects those who are well-off and successful but struggle hard with losses and fear losing what they have. This stems from a denial of dependency on money and other goods. If a person acknowledges this dependency, they suffer from guilt and shame, blaming the belief that money is important only to selfish and cruel people.
Other indications of pain and inflammation of the sciatic nerve:
- Resentment;
- Unwillingness to accept an idea, person, circumstances;
- Repressed and suppressed aggression. All these arise in the realm of finances and material goods.
For healing, understand what you are blaming yourself for. Acknowledge dependency on material goods, allow yourself to feel this dependency. It’s normal; such is reality. Nowadays, everyone is dependent on finances, needed for education, work, leisure, home comfort, family support, etc. Next, determine what else you fear. If you are not ready to take risks due to fear of loss, take time to think. Allow yourself to act when you are ready. And thirdly, develop tolerance for the ideas and views of others. Let go of old resentments.
Louise Hay on Sciatica
According to Louise Hay’s theory, sciatic nerve inflammation indicates:
- Hypocrisy;
- Fear of the future;
- Worries related to material well-being;
- Fear for money.
Healing affirmations: “I am beginning to understand where my true good lies. It’s everywhere. I am safe and calm in the present and future,” “I start living more beneficially for myself. My good is everywhere, and I am always completely safe.”
Prevention of Inflammation from a Psychological Perspective
For prevention, follow these tips:
- Avoid hypothermia;
- Timely diagnose and treat any diseases;
- Avoid psychophysiological exhaustion;
- Avoid physical injuries;
- Avoid stress;
- Develop self-confidence;
- Practice yoga, meditation, gymnastics, stretching;
- Watch your posture;
- Eat healthily;
- Engage in sports (swimming is very beneficial for the back and legs: the load is reduced, but muscles work actively).
Important! Gymnastics is best done under an instructor’s guidance. There are contraindications, such as acute pain, high body temperature, and other individual contraindications.
Useful folk remedies include:
- Baths with horseradish, pine shoots;
- Aspen decoction for internal use;
- Lilac, bay leaf compresses;
- Chestnut products (infusions, decoctions, compresses, and rubs).
It’s important to watch for proper body position during sleep and sedentary work, and to regularly stretch. But even more important is to eliminate psychosomatic factors from life. Develop confidence that you can create and take from life what you need. If you are confident in handling any situation, you will stop fearing losing current benefits. You will know that even if you lose, you will gain even more. Roughly speaking, you need to know how to earn, not just save and economize. Then you will always find a new source of income.
Additionally, eliminate muscle blocks (a separate topic in psychosomatics). Remember that psychology can explain any physical ailment. If sciatica has a primary cause, such as a spinal hernia, pay attention to its psychosomatic meaning: indecisiveness and spinelessness combined with hyper-responsibility, an abundance of duties, and fear of poverty.