You have probably noticed and felt the effects of stress yourself. Recall how you couldn’t sleep before an exciting event, how you lay at home for days without energy after completing an important project, how you blushed during a public performance. This is a natural reaction of the body to resolving a difficult life situation. But if the stress is stronger and the events are more traumatic, serious diseases develop. They are called psychosomatic diseases (psycho – soul, soma – body).
The Interconnection of Psychological Problems and Somatic Health
Psychosomatics is the science of the influence of psychological problems on physical health. The discipline is at the intersection of psychology and medicine. Psychosomatics studies the influence of a person’s lifestyle and thoughts, his habits, and behavior on the development of physiological ailments.
The mechanism of disease formation is as follows:
- In a difficult life situation, the mechanism of psychological defense – repression – is activated. A person pushes experiences deep into the subconscious.
- Repressed emotions continue to influence, chronic stress provokes a weakening of general immunity, and the person begins to get sick often.
- As long as the internal conflict of the personality exists, health will deteriorate.
The term “psychosomatics” was first introduced in 1818, but the connection between soul and body was noted even by Aristotle. Today, specialists have no doubt that a person’s thoughts affect their health. Negative attitudes, repressed emotions lead to diseases. Even the ancient Indians believed that people get sick from unfulfilled desires. This once again confirms the value and significance of psychosomatics of diseases.
Who is at Risk
Disease is given to a person to realize the wrongness of their actions. The disease presents a lesson. At risk are all people whose lifestyle violates the harmony of soul and body.
What behavior patterns and personality traits have a destructive effect:
- Low stress resistance;
- Obsession with problems;
- Pessimistic view of the world, expecting the worst;
- Hyperresponsibility;
- Attempts to control everything (including in the lives of close people);
- Inability to love, accept, and express warm feelings;
- Underdeveloped sense of humor, inability to rejoice;
- Excessive demands on oneself, setting unrealistic goals;
- Suppression of personal needs;
- Living for other people;
- Dependence on others’ opinions;
- Lack of life purpose, goals;
- Inability to express one’s feelings, state one’s opinion;
- Dwelling on the past;
- Touchiness.
Important! As long as a person does not change their behavior, no medicines will help. But a psychological change can only be made by the person themselves. Psychologists guide and help, but success depends on the actions of the individual.
Groups of Psychosomatic Diseases
Psychosomatic diseases can be divided into three large groups:
- Conversion symptoms. A person feels real symptoms, but medical diagnostics do not find their physiological cause. That is, from a medical point of view, the person is completely healthy. Symptoms usually affect motor skills and sensory organs.
- Functional syndromes. Real functional disorders occur in the systems, but their main prerequisite is stress. Medical treatment is not required.
- Psychosomatic disorders. Pathological changes occur in the organs. These diseases require comprehensive treatment: medication and psychotherapy.
All three groups can affect any system and organ.
Psychosomatics of Diseases: Tables
The treatment of psychosomatic diseases involves a thorough analysis of the client’s life, their medical history. To heal, it is necessary to find the psychological cause (negative attitude). For this, you can use ready-made tables of psychosomatic diseases.
Liz Bourbeau’s Disease Table
According to Liz Bourbeau’s theory, negative thoughts destroy a person’s energy shell. The author suggests working with diseases at four levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Liz Bourbeau’s Disease Table:
Disease | Psychological Cause |
Allergy | Repressed needs, desire to attract attention, sense of danger, aversion to someone or something, dependence on the opinions of others. |
Joint Diseases | Insecurity, indecisiveness, anger towards oneself and others, feeling of injustice, desire to shift responsibility to others. |
Asthma | Desire to appear stronger. Perfectionism, inadequate self esteem, striving to take more from life than to give. |
Insomnia | Distrust in oneself, doubts in one's thoughts and desires. |
Bronchitis | Tendency to exaggerate, increased emotionality. |
Alopecia | Fear, feeling of helplessness, experience of loss, self blame, guilt. |
Nosebleeds, Breathing Problems | Inability to live a full life, confusion, intolerance of a situation or person, repressed tears and feelings. |
Gastrointestinal Diseases | Hidden anger, fear, inability to digest something, dwelling on old experiences. |
Oncology | Old grievances, dependent relationships, childhood traumas. |
Hemorrhoids | Unloved job. |
Herpes | Anger, aversion, stagnation in self-realization. |
Female Diseases | Fears, resentment, and anger towards men, rejection of femininity and sexuality. |
Migraine | Guilt, low self-esteem, excessive demands on oneself. |
Throat Diseases | Living against one's desires, lack of goals, self-criticism, unexpressed thoughts, inability to accept something. |
Depression | Unfulfilled need for love, emptiness, disappointment. |
Skin Diseases | Irritation, self-rejection, dependence on others' opinions, psychophysiological exhaustion. |
Dental Diseases | Indecisiveness, anxiety, helplessness. |
Cardiovascular Diseases | Self-destruction, constant tension, mood swings, fears, inability to enjoy life. |
Obesity | Fear of relationships, living for others, inability to say "no." |
Anorexia | Unwillingness to live, problems in relationships with mother, denial of femininity. |
Liver Diseases | Anger, rage, low adaptability, anxiety. |
Kidney Diseases | Indecisiveness, feeling of injustice, emotional instability. |
Back Pain | Inability to ask for help, fear of financial distress. |
Prostatitis | Fatigue, lack of creative self-realization, feeling of helplessness. |
Diabetes | Unfulfilled desires, joyless life, deficit of love and affection. |
Cystitis | Disappointment, excessive demands on others. |
Neck | Inability to look at a situation from different sides. |
Thyroid Diseases | Indecisiveness, underdeveloped willpower. |
Treatment Stages According to Liz Bourbo:
- Assessment of the overall condition of the body. Note what and where hurts, when symptoms intensify. Think about how you care for your body and organism.
- Extracting the lesson from the illness. It is necessary to get rid of complexes, fears, grievances, painful relationships, unpleasant affairs. A reevaluation of values is needed.
- Restructuring life. It’s time to let go of the past and learn to live in the present, act anew.
- Liberation and self-realization. Find your life’s purpose and meaning, your place in the world. Identify your needs and desires, and start to realize them.
- Learn to love yourself, take care of your physical and mental health. It’s important! You can find the full list of diseases in the author’s book “Your Body Speaks: Love Yourself!”.
Louise Hay’s Comprehensive Psychosomatic Table
Louise Hay personally experienced the power of psychosomatics. The woman cured herself of uterine cancer. Later, the psychologist began to help other people. And the psychosomatics in Louise Hay’s table of diseases is still in great demand.
Psychosomatics: Table of Diseases, How to Treat:
Disease | Psychological Cause | Affirmation |
Abscess | Anger coming out with pus. | I am calm. I express my emotions and thoughts. |
Allergy | Aversion to someone or something, possibly oneself. | I am not threatened. I am safe. |
Appendicitis | Fear of life, blocking positive moments. | I am safe. I am completely relaxed and let life carry me. |
Infertility | Fears associated with pregnancy and childbirth. | I believe in myself. I love myself and life. Everything happens in time. |
Warts | Dissatisfaction with one's appearance, hatred. | I love and accept myself. I am beautiful. |
Chickenpox | Tension, fear, agonizing anticipation. | I trust life, I am relaxed and peaceful. |
Hemorrhoids | Fear of not being in time, parting with something. Anger. | I freely let go of all that is no longer needed. I nourish love. |
Dysmenorrhea | Rejection of sexuality and femininity, fears, grievances. Anger at oneself. | I love my body. I love myself. My cycle is fine. |
Stomach (diseases) | Inability to digest something, fear of the new. | All is well. The universe does not harm me. It wishes only the best. I accept everything new. |
Constipation | Stuck in the past, unwilling to part with old beliefs. | I let go of the old, ready for the new and useful. The universe wishes me only the best. |
Impotence | Guilt, pressure from women, complexes, malice, insecurity. | I allow my sexuality to act in full force. |
Cyst | Dwelling on old grievances. | I love myself, I forgive grievances. |
Laryngitis | Anger, fear of speaking out, feeling of pressure. | I am free in self expression. I can ask for what I want. |
Calluses | Fixation on outdated beliefs, rigidity of thinking. | New thoughts are safe, I am open to them. I am safe. I free myself from the past and move forward freely. |
Neuralgia | Self-punishment for sins, communication difficulties. | I forgive, love, and approve of myself. Communication brings only joy. |
Fainting | Intense fear | I have enough strength and knowledge to gracefully handle the situation and overcome all difficulties. |
You can create affirmations for your specific case. Rules for composing affirmations:
- One or two short sentences.
- Present tense, affirmative tone.
- Do not use the word “not.”
- Focus exclusively on yourself.
- Positive charge.
- Visualization of what is said.
It is recommended to repeat affirmations daily for 5–10 minutes, twice a day. The first effect will be noticeable after 10–15 days.
It’s important! A complete list of diseases and affirmations can be found in the author’s book “Heal Your Body” and in our article “Mental Causes of Various Diseases.”
Sinel’nikov’s Table
V. Sinel’nikov is a licensed psychologist, folk doctor, homeopath, author of books, and a training leader. Like other psychosomatic specialists, he compiled his own table of diseases.
Disease | Cause |
Cephalgia | Hypocrisy, inconsistency between thoughts and behavior. |
Migraine | Perfectionism, strong self-criticism, self-flagellation. |
Amnesia | Fear, desire to forget something. |
Brain Cancer | Inflexibility, aggression, desire to impose one's opinion. |
Neuralgia | Conscientiousness, preoccupation with others' problems. |
Radiculitis | Loss of support, fear of financial difficulties. |
Stroke | Jealousy, hatred, passivity. |
Dizziness | Scatterbrained, uncertainty in life, lack of life goals. |
Epilepsy | Panic fears, persecution mania, intense tension, aggressiveness. |
Insomnia | Lack of rest, exhausting routine. |
Ear Inflammation | Inability to listen to others, express one's opinion. Accumulated negativity. |
Deafness | Anger, denial of others' opinions. |
Eye Inflammation | Anger, unwillingness to see something, grievances. |
Stye | Anger |
Glaucoma | Old grievances, dissatisfaction with life. |
Cataract | Loss of life's meaning, joyless existence. |
Heart Diseases | Lack of self-love and love for others, old grievances, self-pity, jealousy. |
Atherosclerosis | Lack of joyful emotions and pleasure in life. |
Hypertension | Regular worries. |
Hypotension | Loss of vitality, insecurity, desire to escape from problems. |
Varicose Veins | Prolonged stay in an unpleasant situation. |
Thrombosis | Stagnation in development. |
Anemia | Lack of joy in life. |
Bleeding | Suppressed anger, lack of joy in life. |
Lymphoma | Unfavorable psychological climate in the family. |
Pneumonia | Despondency, disappointment in life, tiredness. |
Asthma | Unhealthy attachment to mother, repressed negativity, excessive conscientiousness. |
Runny Nose | Uncried tears, anger and disappointment, self-pity. |
Gastritis and Ulcer | Fear of changes, inability to digest something, desire to prove one's significance. |
Liver and Gallbladder Diseases | Repressed anger, directed at someone or a situation. |
Pancreatitis | Hatred, intolerance to criticism. |
Diabetes | Anger, rage, grievance, joyless existence. |
Constipation | Unwillingness to part with outdated beliefs and negative memories, greed. |
Kidney Stones | Years of accumulated negativity. |
Endometriosis | Distrust of men, sense of danger. |
Cervical Erosion | Complexes, feeling of uselessness, suppressed self-esteem. |
Vaginitis | Self-blame, guilt, anger at a man, fear of losing attractiveness. |
Hemorrhoids | Irritation, grievance, fixation on past problems, fear of not completing something. |
Herpes | Bitterness, desire to spite someone. |
Breast Diseases | Sacrifice, excessive care for others to one's detriment combined with anger over this. |
Itch | Conflict between reality and a person's desires. |
Bad Breath | Anger, desire for revenge, gossip. |
Heartburn | Fear and aggression. |
Candidiasis | Guilt over sexual activity, aversion to sex. |
Childhood Diseases | Unfavorable psychological climate in the family. |
A complete list of diseases and their causes can be found in our article “Psychosomatics of Diseases, Psychological Causes of Diseases” and in the author’s book “Love Your Disease.”
Interesting! When studying the psychosomatics of children’s diseases, it is necessary to look for the karmic causes of the disease in the behavior of the parents and the entire family line. Children always pay for the sins of their parents.
Table by Lazarev
S.N. Lazarev is a philosopher, parapsychologist. He studies the interrelation between disease and thoughts, a person’s character. We invite you to get acquainted with the comprehensive psychosomatic table of diseases by S.N. Lazarev:
Disease | Psychological Cause | Healing Recommendations |
Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) | Constant and strong tension | Learn to rest and relax. Master yoga, dancing. Engage in sports, explore art therapy. |
Neck and Shoulders | Anxiety, worry | Learn to take life easy, enjoy the little things. You don't notice the pleasant moments in everyday life. |
Psychological, Neurological Disorders, Sleep Problems | Confusion | Learn self |
Kidney Diseases | Fear | Connect with nature, find points of emotional balance, acquire hobbies. |
Autoimmune Diseases, Dyspepsia | Anxiety | Learn compassion, find and provide comfort. |
Liver and Gallbladder Diseases | Anger | Learn to empathize and help those in need. Visit orphanages, hospices. |
General Weakness and Fatigue, Spine Problems | Apathy | Find a new hobby, change jobs or social circles, rediscover the taste for life. |
Pancreatitis, Diabetes | Hurry, intolerance | Get a hobby that requires persistence, attention, patience. |
Dementia | Loneliness | Learn to enjoy life, derive pleasure from it. |
Oncology, Liver Diseases, Skin Diseases | Grudge | Be thankful to God, yourself, and others every day for another day lived. |
Schizophrenia | Pride, jealousy | Repent, turn to traditional medicine, healers. |
It’s important! In the treatment of psychosomatic illnesses, such psychotherapy methods as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, hypnosis, NLP, and cognitive-behavioral therapy are used. Consult a psychologist, who will select the optimal rehabilitation course for you.