Down syndrome (trisomy 21) is a chromosomal pathology arising due to the presence of an extra chromosome in the 21st pair. Instead of the normal 46 chromosomes (23 from the father, 23 from the mother), there is an additional 47th chromosome causing the anomaly.
Therefore, the cause of Down syndrome is the extra chromosome.
This anomaly is considered a random genetic mutation. Since it occurs at the moment of the sperm and egg cell fusion, the extra chromosome can be contained in these cells. It has been found that in 90% of cases, the egg cell carries the extra chromosome, and in 10%, the sperm.
The presence of an extra chromosome in one of the sex cells depends on a special protein that stretches the chromosomes to the poles of the cell during division.
Factors that can lead to Down syndrome include:
- Marriage between close relatives,
- Early pregnancy (under 18 years),
- Late pregnancy (mother over 35 years old),
- Father’s age over 45 years,
- Maternal grandmother’s age over 35 years at the time she gave birth to the daughter,
- Parents as carriers of translocation of the 21st chromosome (when a segment of the 21st chromosome attaches to another, usually the 14th chromosome),
- Women’s starvation,
- Stressful situations,
- Ionizing radiation,
- Chemical exposure.
The following signs of this condition are noted:
- During pregnancy: fetal nuchal translucency width more than 3 mm (normal is not more than 2 mm), underdeveloped nasal bones, shortened humeral and femoral bones, heart defects, cysts in the vascular plexus of the brain, shortened iliac bones of the pelvis and an increased angle between them, coccygeal-parietal size less than 45.85 mm (at the first ultrasound). Along with these signs, secondary pathologies confirming the presence of Down syndrome in the fetus can be detected: tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), absence of one umbilical artery, enlarged bladder.
- In newborns: short head, presence of a third fontanelle, flattened occiput, growth and weight below average, round flattened face, Mongoloid eye slant, pigmented spots along the iris edge, short wide neck, large tongue, short nose, small jaws, open mouth, small ears, broad and short palms, a single transverse palm crease, curved little finger, shortened limbs, sandal gap (distance between the big toe and other toes).
- In children and adults: low height and tendency to obesity, abnormally shortened skull with a round face, low and flat forehead, Mongoloid eyes, short nose, narrow and underdeveloped upper jaw, dental anomalies, large furrowed tongue, short wide neck, deformation of the rib cage, muscle weakness, sagging abdomen, short limbs, hypermobility of joints, delayed development of external genitalia in children, tendency to flat feet, thin and dry skin, weak immunity, speech defects.
Is it possible to explain Down syndrome from a psychosomatic perspective?
Partially, yes. For instance, one of the causes of this anomaly in healthy parents has been identified as the fear of giving birth to a sick child, as well as identifying one’s own children with such children.
Luule Viilma considers the fear of being oneself as the cause of Down syndrome.
Regarding other non-physical causes of Down syndrome, it should be noted that, as the medics themselves say, it is not a disease (diseases usually appear for certain predictable reasons). Interestingly, there are no objective and serious explanations for the occurrence of this syndrome: can the phrase “considered a random genetic mutation” reveal the cause? If, as we know, the structure and functioning of the human body, like the entire Universe, are “thought out” to the smallest detail based on strict laws, how can randomness occur here? The wise saying “Coincidences are not coincidental” involuntarily comes to mind.
One of the fundamental Laws of the Universe is the “Law of Cause and Effect.” Yes, the formulation is familiar to everyone. But does everyone remember this Law when deciding to do something in their life? Probably not always, since later many have to hear: “Why?” or “Why did it turn out this way?”.
A person lays the cause with their thought, word, action, leading to a specific result-effect. Thus, each event-effect in a person’s life was preceded by its own cause.
Returning to our topic, it should be noted that the syndrome also has causes, but they can be different, unusual (like the syndrome itself), unfamiliar to our mind, going beyond the scope of psychosomatics. Whether to accept them or not is for each to decide.
As a person and the author of this article, I am neutral towards the sphere of the unusual: in our age of energy-information technologies, the existence of energy waves carrying certain information has long been proven. What a person does not see does not mean it does not exist. We just forget that these energy waves can carry both positive and destructive information for a person.
Energyologist (the science of energy-information exchange processes in the Universe) O. Morozova, based on her practice, identified such energy causes for the occurrence of Down syndrome: lack of connection with the Earth as a planet; lack of connection with the family and specifically with parents; cruelty towards other people in a past life; constant swearing at home or nearby led to an overlap with the essence of an animal; strong fears of parents to give birth to a sick child; karmic transfers to the child through everyday magic; curses in the family at weddings or through inheritance; forced marriages in the family (for profit, out of necessity, etc.); vaccinations as the settlement of a foreign essence in the child’s energy structure (future parent with an extra chromosome).
Psychologist Liz Bourbo also provides the following metaphysical explanation for congenital diseases in children (which can include Down syndrome): such a disease indicates that the soul incarnated in the newborn brought with it some unresolved conflict from its past incarnation.
She further explains that the soul incarnates many times, and its earthly lives can be compared to our days. By analogy, it turns out that if a person injured themselves and could not heal on the same day (in a previous life), then the next morning (current life) they will wake up with the same injury and continue to heal it.
The psychologist notes that often a person suffering from such a condition relates to it much more calmly than those around them. Indeed, children and adults with Down syndrome are not as concerned about their condition as their relatives and close ones.
Here it is worth reminding that such a child “comes” to specific parents (and it’s not about the mother’s age, as children are born to young and healthy parents too). Thus, the souls of the parents and the soul of such a child are somehow connected with each other and know for what purpose this is happening (souls always know, unlike the selfish mind).
Someone among the practitioners writes that a child with Down syndrome is a punishment for parents, someone considers it a test for parents, and someone – a blessing for parents (that is, they are given the opportunity for spiritual growth through love for their unusual child).
The metaphysical causes of any ailment, as Liz Bourbo writes, are hidden in the answer to the question: “What does this disease prevent him from doing?” I think in this case it is also worth listening to the psychologist and looking for answers to this clue-question.
Parapsychologist N. Petrova believes that the birth of such a child symbolizes the working off of karma, usually along the maternal line. This is related to the fact that a parent’s love for one child far exceeds the love for another (the father waits for a son, a girl is born… In the future, such a girl may give birth to a child with Down syndrome).
This author asserts that Down syndrome is a chronic syndrome of goodness, and children with such a syndrome are very kind, and love lives in them.
Perhaps that is why children and people with Down syndrome are called “sunny”: they are smiling, kind, open, naive, trusting.
Ways to Improve the Condition of a Child with Down Syndrome
It has been repeatedly confirmed in practice that the condition of such children can not only be improved, but they can also be raised as full-fledged members of society. There are many examples of parents who do not give up but start to unconditionally love the child and actively develop them, and such children learn on par with others, master a profession, and create families.
It has even been discovered that if a child with Down syndrome is actively engaged, they can surpass their peers in certain areas (drawing, music, etc.).
Thus, the first conclusion and the main thought for parents (because, as it turned out in practice, it is they who first need support): Down syndrome is not a disease, and everything is in your hands. Yes, exactly in yours, because it is to you that such a “sunny” child has come. And only you can help him. You can. Only you (and refusal of such a child, as revealed by energyologists and parapsychologists, can only lead to a deterioration of the mental state of both the parents and the child).
Another important point for parents is not to blame themselves in any case. Since the child’s soul itself chooses the parents and the conditions of future life, including its future body and the presence or absence of pathologies and diseases in it. And for what purpose the soul chooses such a body depends on the life tasks of the future person, which he (together with his loved ones) will have to fulfill.
Now there are quite a lot of diverse and effective methods and examples of the development of children with such a syndrome that improvement is really possible. There would be a desire. Your Love and your desire to act. Only it is necessary to start developing in time, from the very birth of the child (like everyone else).
May Love reign in your heart and health reign in your body!