The eyes are a crucial organ for perceiving the world and oneself in it, indispensable for a waking person every second. Thus, any discomfort in the eyes does not go unnoticed. There are quite a few eye ailments diagnosed. Let’s focus on the most common ones.
Nervous tic – involuntary contractions of eye muscles.
Dry eye syndrome – insufficient fluid production leads to burning, itching.
Stye (sometimes attributed to conjunctivitis) – inflammation due to pathogenic bacteria.
Conjunctivitis – infectious inflammation with redness, stinging, tearing.
Keratitis – inflammation in the cornea of the eye.
Myopia – ability to see only at a close distance.
Hyperopia – ability to see only at a far distance.
Astigmatism – blurred image of objects.
Strabismus – difficulty in fixing gaze on one object.
Glaucoma – eye diseases associated with increased intraocular pressure.
Color blindness – partial or complete inability to perceive colors.
Cataract – clouding of the eye’s lens.
Retinal detachment – the retina separates from the tissue due to tears.
Vision loss (more common in the elderly).
Psychosomatics of Eye Diseases
Eyes are the vision organ, allowing us to receive information from the outside world. Almost all eye ailments reflect a person’s unwillingness to see something or someone: events, relationships, themselves, others. This is usually related to negative thoughts and emotions. For example, information received through the eyes may be unpleasant or painful.
In considering the psychosomatics of the eyes, it’s also noted that problems with the right eye are associated with negativity in viewing the world and symbolize the male side (particularly, the father and his influence). The left eye is typically linked to the influence of the mother and the perception of oneself. Many renowned authors (Louise Hay, Liz Bourbeau, V. Sinelnikov, etc.) adhere to this approach.
Considering these key points, let’s look at specific psychosomatic causes of eye diseases.
- Psychological cause of nervous tic is straightforward, as it’s clear that a tic arises from nervous strain, stress, or severe irritation by something or someone.
- Dry eye syndrome fundamentally has irritation and itching (severe irritation), indicating the sufferer’s irritation with certain people or events. Burning suggests that this person likes to provoke.
- Authors like Louise Hay and V. Sinelnikov claim that myopia (nearsightedness) characterizes a person too focused on themselves, overly subjective, and fearful of looking forward, afraid of the future. The psychosomatic reason for myopia in children is explainable: if there are constant troubles and conflicts in the family causing the child’s soul to suffer, their body weakens vision to lessen the emotional pain. Sometimes, if a child feels good at home but faces problems in the world (kindergarten, school), myopia appears as protection from the outside world.
- Hyperopia often occurs in older people. Psychologists explain this by their interest in big world events, large-scale goals rather than small worries. They desire more but fear the present. They do not want to see what’s right under their noses, in their immediate environment.
- Astigmatism, causing blurred vision, reflects contradictions between internal and external worldviews, hindering the formation of a realistic world picture. Sufferers also do not want to see their true selves. They perceive themselves as right, ignoring other viewpoints.
- Strabismus indicates a one-sided view of the world. A person with this condition sees two images simultaneously and cannot choose one. In children, it might relate to living in an atmosphere of discord where parents impose contrasting demands. The child cannot decide whose demands to follow. Some psychologists explain this condition in adults as having two life images: real and illusory, struggling to choose and focus on one.
- Glaucoma manifests suppressed grievances, viewing the world through the pain of past grievances. Emotional restraint prevented releasing grievances over a lifetime, turning them into tension, hindering a clear view of the world.
- Color blindness clearly shows a person what life colors they do not want to see. It’s often related to subconscious information. Each color symbolizes an aspect of life, or a person has negative life associations with a certain color, reminding them of emotional trauma, pain, fear, etc. If a child develops this condition, the mother should reconsider her emotional experiences.
- Stye unmistakably points to something within oneself that hinders seeing the world: own malice, anger, an unyielding view of the world. It always involves suppressed aggression, manifesting as a desire to scratch.
- Conjunctivitis usually arises when a person dislikes what they see in their life – problems, troubles. They want them gone, but the problems recur, leading to irritation, anger. In children, it indicates an unwillingness to notice family disputes or conflicts in their immediate surroundings.
- Keratitis, as inflammation, indicates anger and malice in a person.
- Cataract, related to lens clouding, draws attention to ‘murky’ (metaphorically, ‘unpleasant’) past memories that an elderly person does not wish to have. They also ‘dimly’ (literally, ‘not very clearly’) perceive their future, which they fear. It’s also worth remembering that the image (and judgment) can ‘become cloudy’ from indignation, aggression, through which a person views the world.
- Retinal detachment due to a tear reflects intense anger related to what was seen. Psychologists also link it to such destructive emotions of great strength as jealousy, contempt, arrogance.
- Vision loss in the elderly means they do not see the future, do not want to look forward, refuse to see out of fear. Some psychologists note that people lose sight or visual acuity when they do not show attentiveness. Anyone losing vision, regardless of age, should ask themselves: what do I not want to see so strongly that my body ‘helps’ me in this? Behind all negative experiences (pain, sadness, grievance, anger, malice, aggression, etc.), fear usually lurks.
Paths to Healing
The most reliable way to seek methods of healing eye diseases on a nervous basis is the desire to work on oneself. Not everyone will like this approach. Questions will arise: Why me? What about medicine?
Think logically: if the ailment appeared in you (your body can only signal your problem, not that of a friend or doctor), then only you can heal it. Because both the cause of the ailment and the ways of healing are within you.
To ensure successful and permanent healing, the first step is to urgently find the cause of the ailment. As sages say, finding the cause is half the solution to the problem. As soon as you realize the cause, your subconscious will start the reverse work of removing physical manifestations of the ailment. Your subconscious initiated the physical appearance of the ailment for one reason: to make you aware of your destructive negative thoughts and emotions.
Now, let’s consider the two main emotions underlying all others: Love and Fear.
Depending on what a person initially (often unconsciously, at the subconscious level) feels: Love or Fear – they will produce corresponding emotions.
Emotions inherent in Love: gratitude, joy, tenderness, friendliness, support, care, wisdom, harmony, peace, mercy, attention, sensitivity, creativity, inspiration, etc. – work for creation. Emotions inherent in Fear: irritation, grievance, indignation, sadness, disappointment, anger, aggression, hatred, annoyance, hardness, cruelty, indifference, apathy, fuss, etc. – work for destruction.
Consider an example. At first glance, anger is not related to fear. But, if you delve deeper, it turns out that an angry person is afraid of losing something or someone. A father may be angry at his son if he takes the car without asking: the father fears losing his son, as he is not yet skilled enough at driving. Or, he may fear that the son will damage or scratch the car.
If you consider all other negative emotions in this way, a connecting thread will stretch to some fear, which may be on the surface or in the subconscious. In the latter case, a competent psychotherapist can help find, identify, and remove the fear. So, the cause is found. Identified what fear frightens you. The next step is to let go of the fear.
For this, you need to understand the motives of fear: why it appeared, in connection with what (some event, relationships), what does it want to tell you? As known, fear is our teacher. For example, fear of pain teaches a child to be careful with dangerous household items, teaches accuracy in their use. A person who sees fear as their helper and teacher will only feel gratitude towards it. Once a person goes through all these stages of emotional healing, the ailment will let go. Because the work of the ailment is done. The person has realized the necessary lesson.
It seems easier and better to timely realize and let go of your negative internal experiences and preserve health. This article is to help you.
Take care of your health and your children’s health from destructive negativity!