Psychosomatics – Itch and Hives. This unpleasant sensation arises from the irritation of the skin’s nerve endings. The skin itches, tingles, burns, and itches when irritated by something external or internal. Hives are persistent itching accompanied by red welts, similar to a nettle burn. This condition may be accompanied by a fever and swelling. Since itching is a symptom of many diseases, it’s essential to pay close attention to your body. Psychosomatics and hives are often interrelated.
Itch on a Nervous Basis
It’s often noticeable that during nervous tension, the human body reacts uniquely to stressful situations. Such reactions frequently manifest on the skin. During stress, signals from the Central Nervous System (CNS) are distorted, increasing the level of histamine in the blood (a substance released during an allergic reaction).
Note: Histamine is usually used in medicine to treat allergies! In the case of stress, it becomes the culprit of an itching (allergic) reaction. This is because its primary role is to sound an alarm in tissues: causing itching, swelling, redness, inflammation, and other visible signals to the human eye.
The situation with itching is complicated by the fact that nervous tension reduces the production of adrenal cortex hormones, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.
Psychosomatic itching or hives on a nervous basis is characterized by the following: itching and other accompanying symptoms (redness, skin itch, welts, swelling) appear during or after nervous overstrain. If a person calms down, the itch passes quite quickly (this will depend on how quickly and easily the person calms down).
Psychosomatics of Skin Rash in Hives
The skin’s function is to protect and help interact with the outside world. It’s known that the skin is healthy if a person possesses qualities like fearlessness (feeling protected), openness (open to interacting with the outside world), calmness (not irritated by anything), and kindness (feeling good in the soul). But as soon as someone or something begins to strain a person’s mental peace: fear appears, irritation in relationships with the outside world (including people), threatening their mental health, the skin as a protective cover signals first.
Let’s look at the psychological causes of itching and hives: what negative experiences cause the body to react in this way.
Psychosomatics of Itching
When identifying psychological causes that cause itching, pay attention to the words characterizing it: an unpleasant sensation of irritation. This means that the person is in a situation that irritates them, or they are forced to be in a relationship with a person who irritates them. This is accompanied by irritation and impatience (physically, itch is associated with the impatience to constantly scratch).
What usually irritates a person?
Dissatisfaction with something or someone (including oneself). For example, they have desires, but for some reason, they do not allow themselves to fulfill them. An unsuccessful attempt to get out of an unpleasant situation, which keeps them in nervous tension. Depression, often associated with torturous remorse (regret) for their mistakes. Hives on a Nervous Basis
As noted, hives are characterized by persistent itching. This means that such a reaction of the body appears constantly, then disappearing, then reappearing. In psychosomatic language, this means that the unpleasant tense situation periodically repeats, causing hives on a nervous basis to reappear.
What can periodically strain a person’s psyche?
Small hidden fears that ‘come to life’ during certain life situations, then are forgotten until the next appearance of similar unpleasant events. Or strong fears associated with a specific situation (fear of an important exam, fear of punishment, etc.). Another cause of hives on a nervous basis is strong negative emotions with which a person reacts to a particular situation (prolonged separation from a loved one, etc.).
It should be emphasized that itching rashes on a nervous basis usually appear in people who are emotional and sensitive. This category primarily includes women and children due to their natural psychological qualities. Because they are naturally more sensitive and vulnerable, their psyche painfully perceives a tense negative situation. Therefore, hives on a nervous basis appear more often, especially in young children.
Children usually immediately react to the tense state of the mother or the deterioration of the situation in the house (quarrels, screams), with the appearance of the first fears (instinctive: something threatens). And these fears, in turn, again cause the child’s body to send signals to the parents.
Sometimes rashes in children are associated with experiencing a sense of guilt (as is often the case, many children automatically take the blame if parents argue, divorce, etc.).
It should also be noted that the negative mental state of the mother before and during pregnancy is also manifested in the form of hives in infants and young children.
‘Treatment’ of Hives on a Nervous Basis
What ‘treatment’ for itching and hives can be recommended? I think you guessed it: the main treatment here is only one – psychological (of course, to relieve unpleasant symptoms, you need to get the appropriate medicines from a doctor). But the main thing here will be analyzing your inner, soulful state: what situation or person makes my soul ‘itch’? Who or what can I not stand, cannot stand, to the point that I even itch from it?
There’s also a hint: where on the body does the skin itch and itch – the corresponding side of the person is tense (It is known that a specific part or organ of the body is closely related to thoughts and feelings concerning specific personal qualities.).
A person has rashes on the neck. What is the body signaling? To find out, let’s consider what qualities the neck symbolizes: the ability to look at a situation from all sides (the neck is what helps turn the head to see different sides) or flexibility of perception. From this, we conclude that the person is fixated only on one, irritating side of the situation (or a specific person), and does not want to see other sides, i.e., there is a lack of flexibility in perceiving what is happening. As soon as they shift their focus to other sides of perception of the surrounding world (people), the rashes will disappear.
I hope this article will serve as a hint to someone.
If you have questions, I will be happy to answer. Lada.