The list of lung diseases includes many types, but we will focus on the most common ones (this does not affect the disclosure of the topic, as the main thing is for the reader to understand the main psychological reason and consider it through the prism of a specific disease).
Pleurisy – inflammation of the lung’s pleura (this is the serous membrane covering the lungs). It can have various physical causes: infection, smoking, dirty air in the workplace, etc.
Pneumonia – inflammation of the lungs, specifically the alveoli (these are the air sacs where gas exchange occurs). When inflamed, they fill with fluid and cease to function. Physical causes: infection, chemical damage, trauma, etc.
Emphysema – expansion, bloating of the lungs, followed by the chest cavity. Can appear as a complication during pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, and other diseases. Especially common in older men.
Pulmonary tuberculosis – an infectious disease, transmitted through the air by the Koch’s bacillus. If immunity is strong, mycobacteria are destroyed, and the disease does not occur. Lung tumors – oncological formations, when lung tissues grow pathologically. Mostly benign. Lung cancer – a malignant formation, when the mucous membrane of the lungs degenerates. For some reason, a cell changes its usual behavior and starts acting selfishly and aggressively. Older men are more frequently affected.
Psychosomatics of Lung Diseases
Breathing is a vital function of the lungs: we inhale life with air. To breathe freely means to live freely. Meanwhile, a person takes in air – and gives out carbon dioxide. There is an exchange, interaction with the surrounding world.
I have specifically highlighted the key words necessary for understanding the causes of lung diseases, so that the reader can see the weak points.
Thus, the psychosomatics of lung diseases are related to something or someone (it can be oneself) interfering with breathing – living freely (meaning spiritual freedom, when nothing presses inside, the soul feels light).
Moreover, if we look at statistics, older men are more often ill. Why? What negative life experiences accumulate in the souls of older men, signaling through lung diseases? I think we will find the answers when we look closely at each disease.
Psychological Causes of Lung Diseases
- The first: a person does not allow themselves or someone does not allow them to “breathe” – live freely. In the first case, they believe they have no right to live due to some internal reasons (perhaps coming from childhood psychological traumas). In the second case, usually, close people do not allow them to breathe-live freely.
- The second reason is closely related to the first: a person does not live a full life (the expression “take a deep breath” does not apply to them), denying themselves this. Often because they are afraid.
- The third reason: there is no fresh breath of air in a person’s life. They perceive everything uniformly, oppressively, hopelessly. Then dissatisfaction arises, which can turn into aggression over time.
It’s worth noting that almost all lung diseases are accompanied by coughing, sometimes by fits of suffocation. What causes them?
If there are unspoken grievances – a cough, bronchitis starts.
Attacks of suffocation are provoked by strong fear when a person does not trust life.
Pneumonia is known to be preceded by a strong emotional shock or despair. Being in a negative situation, trying to overcome it, a person feels that life and soul forces are running out. They are tired because the negativity has accumulated for a long time and exhausted the forces. Finally, this accumulated negativity manifests as lung inflammation.
Pleurisy usually occurs in people living with dissatisfaction, anger at life. Only they restrain this negativity, keep it inside. If they were to change their dissatisfied perception of life or express themselves, free themselves from the destructive negativity – they would avoid the disease.
Emphysema arises when a person wants to occupy, delineate their space of life, which they are not allowed to do freely. As a complication of bronchitis – the desire to express oneself on this matter. Here we recall that older men suffer from emphysema more often. So why do they suffer so much? Maybe because by this time they still couldn’t occupy their space in life and this does not give them peace.
Tuberculosis arises after long deep depression, life in sorrow, life filled with agonizing thoughts. This period is accompanied by an unwillingness to live. A person withers emotionally from a hopeless life, feeling like a prisoner of life’s circumstances.
Causes of Lung Cancer
To clarify the psychological causes of cancer, let’s recall the behavior of a cancer cell (selfish and aggressive).
Thus, the first cause – egoism, living only within oneself, separation from the world, inflated ego, pride.
The second cause: a deadly old unforgiven grievance against life, deep disappointment in life. From these causes stems the third: a person, due to the circumstances and events in life, sees no reason to live. They cannot and do not want to change, what life expects from them, changing circumstances (for example, removed from a high position).
To continue living, a person needs to accept what life gives them, but they refuse. Maybe you’ve heard such words: “better to die.” This is the life stance, the stance against life, that the person takes.
The fourth cause: can be a personal tragedy, which a person hides, and internal self-isolation (again, an association with the behavior of a cancer cell).
Again, according to statistics, lung cancer is more common in older men. This may be related to the fact that by this time a person begins to rethink their life, drawing certain conclusions. Sometimes the conclusions are not very comforting, and sometimes a person finds themselves in a deadlock: they have tried all their life, worked hard, and now – nothing good, and the soul is also empty. Lived life in vain? It is known that such agonizing reflections particularly affect the male psyche. And this is just one example of soul suffering that causes physical suffering.
Cancer as a Karmic Disease
Many well-known authors generally consider cancer to be a “karmic disease.” What does this mean? Do not be frightened by this strict word “karma.” The law of karma is nothing but the Law of Cause and Effect, which our ancestors knew very well and passed on to us through the proverb: “As you sow, so shall you reap.” Only, for some reason, we ignore this Law in our lives, forgetting that every action, even every thought, emotion becomes a cause from which the corresponding effect follows.
Therefore, a karmic disease is a disease that is the result of our long-term negative thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Here we recall that scientists have long found out that the soul component of a person is immortal and after some time comes back to our world in the body of a newborn. This explains a lot: why children in one family have different characters, why they have different abilities, personal qualities, destinies, diseases, etc. Because the newborn baby already has an immortal soul with its accumulated baggage (thoughts, feelings, actions, knowledge, achievements, mistakes, etc.), collected in past, so to say, lives.
You may ask: how is this related to serious diseases, especially in infants (what are they guilty of)? Unfortunately, this very strict moral (Divine) Law of Cause and Effect has not been deceived by anyone yet, even if you have the body of an infant (the soul is the same!).
Imagine that a person lived, trampling on Divine Laws, for example, rejecting Love (specifically with a capital letter, since we remember that God is all-encompassing Love): they loved no one, their behavior “killed” Love in others, etc.
When the body signaled diseases, still not so serious, instead of rethinking their soul suffering, they became even more hardened and spread soul pain around them. Old age came, and the negative baggage of the soul overflowed, and there is no time to rethink and correct it (and some do not admit their mistakes even before death). And this negative baggage is transferred to the next life, becoming the cause of corresponding negative consequences: failures, diseases, etc. That is, indeed, a person who sowed evil begins to reap its fruits, only with some delay in time. And, for some reason, only after this does one begin to think: “What’s wrong? What did I do that backfired on me?”. And the body is glad: finally, you thought about it! So, we will live!
From the above, it follows that such a disease as cancer is a kind of “medicine” for the salvation of a soul that has long chosen a life without love.
Healing of the Soul and Body
A vivid example of healing from cancer is the case with the famous writer A.I. Solzhenitsyn. His biography explains why he fell ill with cancer (deep disappointment and struggle with the system, prisons, camp, exile). But he managed to heal (this stage of life is described in his work “Cancer Ward”).
Of course, there are quite a few other examples of healing from cancer. It’s not about the examples, but the fact that healing is possible! And it depends on the person themselves! Let’s start with the idea that “joyful people do not suffer from cancer” (I think they hardly suffer from anything serious). This is natural: their bodies have no reason to signal illness due to internal negativity – there’s none present. And even if something arises, it is immediately reinterpreted and changed into a positive sign. You must agree, such a life stance is very beneficial! From here, the best medicine for healing the soul and body is the Love for life and Joy of life. But first, it’s necessary to free the soul from negativity through forgiveness and accepting life itself.
I hope my article will serve as a hint to someone.