Psychosomatics of Allergy

Allergy is an increased sensitivity of the body to certain substances. Allergy is considered a disease of the human immune system. In response to an allergen entering the body, the immune system begins to stimulate target cells and produce active substances. Allergies also characterize individuality, as each person’s allergic reaction occurs to different substances. Forms of allergic reaction include:
  • Urticaria,
  • Respiratory allergy (allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma),
  • Allergic conjunctivitis,
  • Dermatosis (eczema),
  • Enteropathy (gastrointestinal reaction),
  • Anaphylactic shock,
  • Quincke’s edema, etc.

Pseudoallergy is an allergic reaction manifestation without allergen exposure and without antigen-antibody reaction. It’s just an incorrect, inadequate body reaction. However, due to nervous system malfunctions, histamine is released into the blood, exhibiting allergy symptoms. Allergy symptoms, including those on a nervous basis, are itching and rash, dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis on hands, abdomen, chest, neck, possible suffocation, cough, runny nose, tearing, trembling limbs, increased sweating, facial pallor or redness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, loss of consciousness, etc.

Psychosomatic allergy symptoms also include neuralgia, sleepiness, apathy, sluggishness, headaches or muscle pains, and other symptoms related to nervous system malfunction.

Allergy consequences may include the development of allergic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Allergy causes include:

  • Immune system malfunction,
  • Genetic predisposition,
  • Diseases (in adults – chronic digestive tract diseases, in children – cold),
  • Infections,
  • Working conditions,
  • Harmful habits,
  • Improper diet, including consumption of food with flavorings and additives,
  • Poor environment,
  • Stress, etc.

Psychosomatic Nervous Allergy

The human immune system is designed to protect, but in the case of an allergy, this protection manifests in a distorted, exaggerated form: the immune system begins to perceive even harmless substances as harmful. Psychosomatically, this means that the person does not recognize and rejects something within themselves or is afraid of something. Therefore, they push it into the subconscious as harmful and dangerous for their mental peace.

The body’s refusal to accept any substance means that the person refuses to accept something in their life, protests internally against something, but suppresses negative emotions.

These negative emotions are resentment, irritability, anxiety, suspiciousness, suppressed anger, intolerance, constant failure experiences, past events, remorse, guilt, loneliness, etc.

Psychologists have found that respiratory allergies (to dust, pollen, animal fur) mean that the person cannot tolerate, hates something or someone. Food allergy (affecting the digestive organs) speaks of irritation from the inability to accept and assimilate new ideas.

Human skin allergy (to cold, etc.) expresses irritation from contact with someone or something in the environment.

Some psychologists have also identified a psychosomatic cause connection with the location of outbreaks. For example, allergic outbreaks on the hands indicate a lack of desire to do something.

Psychological Causes of Allergy

Renowned psychosomatic author Louise Hay believes that answering the question, “Who can’t you stand?” can help determine the cause of an allergy. Another cause of this ailment, in her opinion, is the denial of one’s own power.

Psychologist Liz Bourbo defines allergy as heightened or perverted sensitivity.

A person suffering from an allergy, in her opinion, feels disgust or cannot tolerate someone. Such a person has difficulty adapting to people or life situations. They are characterized by impressionability, resentment, exceeding the necessary degree of protection.

Allergy sufferers constantly experience internal conflict: they strive and at the same time suppress their desire. For example, they want to be with a loved one but fear disappointment in them or somehow spoil the relationship and, therefore, strive to distance themselves from them.

An allergy can manifest due to a recurring life situation or a close person who causes conflicting emotions. If this is a close person, then, on the one hand, they strive to get approval from them, but on the other hand, they feel antipathy towards them. Such a contradictory attitude may be associated with their dependency on this close person (father, mother, boss, etc.).

Liz Bourbo notes that food allergy indicates that the person does not allow themselves to enjoy life’s pleasures, and allergy to dust or fur – about feeling oneself as an object of aggression.

According to Dr. V. Sinelnikov, an allergy is a sign of a lack of emotional self-control. This means that a person, not knowing how to deal with some negative emotions, simply suppresses them. But they do not disappear anywhere, and the subconscious brings them out so that the person sees that they pollute his soul.

The doctor names the cause of the allergy as the person’s intolerance of someone or something in their life. Sinelnikov emphasizes that the cause is inside, not outside (i.e., the cause is not in food, etc.).

Another well-known psychosomatic specialist Luule Viilma writes that an allergy is a tangled ball of love, fear, and anger.

Psychologists’ observations have revealed that the substance rejected by the body can hint at what problems the person is associated with. Thus, an allergy to house dust speaks of fear of what is considered dirty, unclean (here we are talking not only and not so much about physical dirt, but about spiritual or emotional).

Reaction to antibiotics indicates a healthy reaction of a person (against something anti-life), symbolizing the acceptance of all living things.

Allergy to pollen as a symbol of procreation speaks of fear of sexuality, to animal fur – about fears in the sphere of love, sexuality, procreation.

At the same time, the reaction to dog fur symbolizes the suppression of the aggressive component of sexuality, and to cat fur – problems in the field of female sexuality, softness, and caress, on horsehair – fears and protection against sexual instinct.

Psychosomatic Causes of Allergy in Children

Liz Bourbo points out the following causes of childhood allergy: constant parental quarrels due to different views and allergy as a way to attract attention (due to a lack of attention and love). Sinelnikov notes that the allergic reaction in children is a reflection of the parents’ behavior.

Luule Viilma writes that if a child has an allergy to fur, one should look at the mother, as the cause may be in her imbalance.

Food allergy in children speaks of the liver’s helplessness, which, according to Viilma, means there is a lack of energy in the heart chakra: the child’s heart is blocked by silent heart pain from the breakdown of parental love.

According to psychologists’ observations, allergies in children can arise due to prolonged separations from the mother, family conflicts, constant prohibitions and restrictions, as well as a way to attract attention and satisfy the need for love and affection.

In infants, the appearance of an allergic reaction is closely related to the mother’s emotional state.

Healing Paths

It seems that suffering from this individual disease should lead a person to the thought that something is wrong with them, not with any substance (which others also use, but their bodies react adequately).

As is known, the body’s suffering directly indicates the suffering of the human soul. The above-mentioned psychological causes help us to reveal the essence of the ailment: what exactly the soul suffers from, what negative emotions pollute it, do not give peace, irritating and itching.

Hence, the path to healing from nervous-based allergies is very simple: not to suppress, but to solve the arisen emotional ailments.

How to do it? First, admit to yourself that you are experiencing some negative emotion (as many begin to deny). Next, trace what caused this emotion.

For example, you experience anger. And what’s behind it? What caused it? Maybe it’s because you had expectations that someone would act in a way that would be beneficial to you or that the situation would turn in your favor, etc. But your expectations were not met. And now anger begins to boil in you.

Now stop and ask yourself: Why should someone fulfill your expectations? You made them up, fantasized about them. And the other person is not you, they don’t know what you are inventing in your inner world, they live their own life – and that’s correct.

Each person is responsible for their own fancies and empty expectations. Why empty? Because you can’t expect something from someone or something. It will be more expensive for you because expectations almost never justify themselves, but, on the contrary, destroy everything, especially relationships between people.

It is the expectations, or rather their failure, that becomes the cause of disappointments, claims, and excessive demands on another person. Note: on another, but not on oneself (because “I expected, and you did not justify!”).

But let’s remember, who ultimately gets sick? The one who boils with irritation and anger.

And the body, as a faithful servant of man, is ready to go to sacrifices just to vividly show its master all his inner impurity, psycho-emotional unsightliness. In the hope that he will see, understand, and take measures to cleanse his inner world.

I wish you inner and outer purity!


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