Psychosomatics of Appendicitis

So, the appendix (the inflammation of which is called appendicitis) is a blind-ended offshoot of the cecum. It is known to play the role of a producer and storage of beneficial bacteria necessary for normal digestion. For instance, if these bacteria are lost after infectious diseases, the appendix replenishes them. It is precisely because of the work of this offshoot that the intestinal microflora and the balance in the digestive system are restored. (This was shown by observations of children and adults with removed appendices: they had frequent digestive disorders and infectious diseases).

Also, there are many lymph vessels in the wall of the appendix, whose role is protection and cleansing, freeing from pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Causes of Appendicitis: Physiology and Psychosomatics

Inflammation of the appendix usually begins due to blockage of the lumen (which connects the cecum and this offshoot) by fecal stones (mainly in prolonged or chronic constipation) or foreign bodies.

The storage for useful things, remaining without connection to the absorbing organ, begins to inflame, swell, and can even burst due to a hopeless situation – this already indicates a connection of the disease with psychosomatics.

On the mental plane, a blockage appears that begins to interfere with the appendix performing its metaphysical (subtle-material) functions: to help assimilate everything useful (from the information that comes from the surrounding world) and to cleanse, neutralize, free from outdated, harmful (that accumulates in the inner world).

This means that the problem is related to:

Firstly, with the disruption of a person’s “assimilation” of necessary, useful information from the surrounding world. At the same time, negative experiences will be companions of such a disruption. Secondly, with the disruption of timely liberation of the inner world of a person from informational and emotional “waste”. And, again, with negative experiences.

The psychosomatics of appendicitis are described in detail by the well-known author Liz Bourbo. We will only highlight the main psychological causes of appendicitis, which were identified by comparing the physiological and metaphysical functions of the appendix.

Appendicitis: Psychological Causes

So, what can prevent a person from “assimilating” new useful information coming from the surrounding world?

Blocking the positive in one’s life. Unfortunately, people often stop noticing positive events in their lives. They become fixated on the negative side.

Researchers have found that positive and negative events occur in a person’s life in approximately equal numbers. But the selective and dissatisfied mind of a person seems to think that more negative events occur (or worse: that life is full of only such events).

Another common cause is the fear of life. Of course, as a person grows and develops, he is forced to overcome his fears, both small and large. In this case, they even act as a useful tool for psychological development. But here, small fears accumulate, and, not finding an outlet, turn into something very painful. This begins to block a person’s interaction with the surrounding world. Anger. It is known that any inflammation in the human body is associated with such a destructive emotion as anger. But anger can arise in connection with different situations. Depending on where the inflammation is located, you can find out what exactly this emotion was associated with. Also, the magnitude of the inflammation is closely related to the “magnitude” of the anger (short bursts of low-power anger cause minor inflammations, but if a person constantly experiences anger, and even of great destructive power, then the inflammation will be of a corresponding degree).

In our case, anger is caused by a person’s wrong reaction to what is happening in the surrounding world: in the family, at work, in society. In particular, and as a rule, this concerns relationships: what or who does not suit him, what he starts to get angry about, until it reaches the extreme point – anger. But, the situation is exacerbated by the fact that for some reason a person cannot give vent to this anger, free himself from this destructive feeling (remember the neutralizing, liberating function of the appendix).

The seemingly dead-end situation and a feeling of hopelessness. In connection with this cause, there is immediately an association with the dead-end offshoot of the appendix (as if the body hints at the cause). The name of the cause tells us that a person has driven himself (yes, yes, himself, since there are no hopeless situations in the Divine Universe) into a dead end.

It often happens that when we share our seemingly hopeless situation with someone, that person suggests their vision of a way out of it (and we are surprised: “how did I not think of it myself!”). Because an outsider, free from your soul’s hopelessness, not blinded by negative experiences, sees all the ways out, as if on the palm of their hand.

Let’s also stop at another indirect cause. Remember what clogs the lumen of the appendix: fecal stones, formed as a result of chronic constipation. Such an ailment as constipation is metaphysically associated with the unwillingness to free oneself, to part with outdated information: dogmas, principles. Thus, when a person does not want to part with his outdated mental waste or trash, this indirectly affects the second function of the appendix (cleansing, liberating, neutralizing).

What is the solution?

It doesn’t matter who is diagnosed with appendicitis: an adult or a child – an adult should work on themselves (we know that a child up to 12 years old is energetically closely connected with the parents). And if the problem exists in a teenager or older, then work together (the parent simply helps to identify and suggests a solution).

First, analyze:

Do I have the above-described or other negative psychological experiences? What or who takes me out of myself? What scares me? Do I notice joyful events in my life? Don’t I cling to outdated thoughts, to the past in general? Why do I perceive this situation, this person in this way? It is known that in another person, we are only affected by what is in ourselves. Situations are also attracted to us in such a way: if we have anger inside, a situation containing anger will appear. And if joy is in our soul, then the surrounding world will delight us, not anger.

Second, accept: (yes, yes, it is You who negatively “color” the situation, the person, the objects) the negative experience and understand that You can change the angle of your perception from minus to plus. And find positive moments in this situation (or in the person).

Be healthy and happy!


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