Psychosomatics of Bronchitis

Bronchitis is the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi. The inflammation usually begins in the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx, tonsils, trachea) and spreads to the lower parts (bronchi).

The bronchi are a network of tubes of various diameters. Their function is to conduct inhaled air into the lungs.

Due to damage from inflammation of the mucous membrane, the bronchi cannot perform their functions properly, worsening the bronchial cleansing process, leading to breathing difficulties. Main symptoms of bronchitis include throat pain, cough (initially dry, then productive), fever, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, general malaise, headache, sleep disturbances, and sometimes vomiting.

Acute and chronic bronchitis are distinguished.

  • Acute bronchitis usually resolves in 2 weeks with proper treatment, and bronchial condition fully recovers by the 3-4th week.
  • Chronic bronchitis is a progressively worsening inflammatory disease, occurring with exacerbation periods of more than 3 months. It disrupts bronchial functions and causes structural changes.
  • Obstructive bronchitis is sometimes diagnosed, where the bronchial mucosa swells and obstructions occur, leading to shortness of breath.

Causes of bronchitis include infection (viral, bacterial), heredity, weakened immunity, smoking, working in harmful environments (dirty air, coal dust, etc.), climate (high humidity, etc.), and congenital respiratory pathologies.

Psychosomatics of Bronchitis

To understand the psychosomatics of bronchitis, recall the functions of the bronchi. They deliver air to the lungs but first warm, humidify, and cleanse it. The bronchi can narrow and widen, allowing regulation of the air volume delivered to the lungs.

The parasympathetic system, influenced by a person’s psycho-emotional state, controls bronchial narrowing. This system activates when a person adopts a passive-lazy lifestyle. In response, the respiratory organs, symbolizing a person’s life stance, also start functioning at half capacity. Breathing becomes shallow, bronchial passages narrow, and they are not fully cleared, leading to diseases.

Physically, the bronchi serve as a conduit for air from the outside world into the human body. Hence, psychologically, their function is to connect the external world with a person’s internal world. Therefore, any problems in a person’s interactions with the external world are reflected in the bronchial condition.

Psychological Causes of Bronchitis

Through breathing, a person connects with space. This requires openness. In cases of self-isolation or communication difficulties with the world, the body signals breathing difficulties. Constant fear for safety can lead to obstruction (from Latin, meaning “locking, closing, barrier”). Sensitive and vulnerable people, especially adolescents, often suffer from psychogenic hyperventilation (lack of air, noisy breathing, disrupted rhythm) under uncomfortable psycho-emotional conditions (e.g., entering society), leading to bronchitis.

Mucus, which the body tries to expel, usually symbolizes negative emotions, grievances. For instance, hidden resentment towards loved ones often causes bronchitis.

Psychologists Louise Hay and Liz Bourbeau have identified that bronchitis is linked to turbulent family life, arguments, and internalization.

Bronchitis in adults can develop when a person cannot engage in open confrontation, express themselves, or defend their position.

In children, bronchitis is often caused by constant family conflicts and arguments.

Another cause of pediatric bronchitis noted by psychologists is parental authoritarianism, where children are not allowed to express their desires or opinions.

Doctor V. Sinelnikov sees the manifestation of unexpressed anger and claims in bronchitis. Unspoken negative words, stuck in the throat, are expelled by the body through coughing.

Healing from Psychosomatic Bronchitis

Firstly, regardless of whether an adult or a child has bronchitis, an adult must work on themselves. Remember that children depend on parents not just materially and physically, but also psychologically, emotionally, and energetically.

This means every parental word, emotion, thought, and action either benefits or harms your child.

Thus, the first step for someone suffering from bronchitis or whose child is suffering is to find the psycho-emotional cause. Recall events shortly before the illness that had a negative impact on you or your child. Identify what caused emotional pain in the situation, what unpleasant information it carried, and which emotion (fear, grievance, anger, etc.) caused trauma.

Having found the cause-emotion, examine it in detail. For instance, what caused your anger towards a person? Their words, attitude, action?

Now reflect on yourself: maybe you expected something different (e.g., they would act as you wanted), and your expectations were not met.

Question arises: Who or what is responsible for your anger? Your expectation?

Is it right for others to meet your expectations? Would you like it if everyone around expected and demanded you to act not as you see fit, but as they do?

Each person is unique, and this uniqueness lies in having our own approach to life, principles, character, and perspective. This is what attracts us to others and earns our respect.

Should you torment yourself and others with your demands?

It seems the best solution is to allow your loved ones (and yourself) the right to be themselves, rather than shout and break psyches. This is especially true if it concerns your child, as the consequences of a traumatized child’s soul will eventually affect you.

In difficult situations, it may be wiser to listen to all sides (including the child) and try to find a solution that satisfies everyone. Believe that if you approach from a position of Love for your loved ones, such a solution will be found.

Wishing you Love and Health!


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