Psychosomatics of Complications During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a physiological process of embryo or fetus development in a woman’s body (starting from the 11th week).

Complications of pregnancy are pathological conditions (deviations from the norm) that occur during pregnancy. Let’s list the most common ones:

  • Toxicosis: A pregnancy complication (up to 10 weeks) characterized by nausea, vomiting, changes in taste, and excessive salivation.
  • Gestosis (late toxicosis): A complication in the second half of pregnancy, involving swelling, protein loss in urine, increased blood pressure, and seizures.
  • Anemia: A decrease in hemoglobin in red blood cells, which transports oxygen.
  • Polyhydramnios: Excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid in the uterus (more than 1500 ml).
  • Oligohydramnios: Reduced amount of amniotic fluid (less than 600 ml).
  • Abnormal fetal positions: Positions where the fetal axis does not align with the uterine axis.
  • Missed abortion: A pregnancy that has stopped developing and growing.

The following causes of pregnancy complications are identified in medicine:

  • Genetic factors
  • Infection
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Anembryonic pregnancy (no embryo inside the egg)
  • Uterine developmental anomalies
  • Harmful habits
  • Obesity
  • Medications
  • Harmful factors
  • IVF
  • Multiple embryos, etc.

Psychosomatics of Pregnancy Complications

Pregnancy symbolizes the beginning of a new life. This understanding is associated not only with the physiological genesis of the embryo of the future baby but also with the start of a new life for the future mother. More precisely, it marks the beginning of the shared life of the future child and mother, a life different from the previous one (even if it is not the first pregnancy).

The new life for the future mother will differ both physiologically and psychologically, unique to that particular pregnancy.

Psychologist Lyubitskaya O.G. emphasizes that the human reproductive system is directly connected to the brain (unlike other systems, which are connected to the brain indirectly). This means that any strong thought or emotion of a pregnant woman will directly and immediately affect the state of the embryo.

Moreover, psychologists and physicians have also identified that some pregnancy complications can have both physiological and psychological causes.

Let’s look more closely at the psychological causes of some pregnancy complications.

Psychosomatics of Toxicosis in Pregnant Women

Well-known author on psychosomatics Louise Hay writes that such prolonged negative emotions as fear, refusal to accept an idea or experience, can be the basis of psychosomatic toxicosis.

Psychologist Liz Bourbeau explains the appearance of psychosomatic nausea as the woman having negative experiences: difficulty accepting changes in her life related to pregnancy or feeling disgusted by her changing body. The cause could also be fear of losing freedom or fear of disapproval from her father.

Doctor V. Sinelnikov, based on his practice, asserts that toxicosis usually affects a woman who cannot come to terms with pregnancy, subconsciously does not want to have a child, and rejects it. Another reason he cites is strong dislike and irreconcilability with the situation.

Psychosomatic toxicosis can also manifest as a signal of unconscious fear of childbirth or fear of losing freedom, as well as reluctance to have a child with a particular man or belief in the untimeliness of pregnancy.

O.G. Torsunov sees the psychological cause of toxicosis as the result of a conflict between the child’s character and the mother’s character. He asserts that the mother’s lack of internal peace and inner selfishness cause toxicosis.

A. Astrogore in his book “Confessions of a Sickness” cites the following cause of nausea in pregnant women: the woman does not need the child, and she is “sickened” by the fact that it has been conceived.

The causes of vomiting, according to him, are the woman’s thoughts about whom she cannot stomach. In his opinion, vomiting indicates that the woman has “overeaten” with dirty feelings, thoughts, and desires against someone, and she does not recognize her guilt before people.

Some psychologists believe that nausea arises from thoughts of impending changes, as well as from insufficient attention from the husband. They also explain that heartburn and nausea in the third trimester speak of fear of childbirth, uncertainty, acceptance of the new role of mother.

Psychosomatics of Urinary Tract Infections

Recall that psychosomatic gynecological problems in women are usually related to relationships with the opposite sex.

The same pattern applies during pregnancy. Thus, a feeling of guilt towards a partner can lead to vaginitis. If a pregnant woman blames her partner for something, prolonged experience of this emotion may lead to a urinary tract infection or thrush. Psychosomatic infectious disease can also indicate an unwillingness for sexual activity during pregnancy.

Ectopic Pregnancy

According to psychologist Liz Bourbeau, ectopic pregnancy can result from the mother’s, child’s, or both their indecision. The woman experiences feelings of guilt and vacillation. Another psychological cause of this complication is the woman’s lack of strength and opportunity to give birth, but she decides to for a specific reason (to awaken someone’s love, to please someone).

Luule Viilma believes that the basis of such a pregnancy is the woman’s unwillingness to share the child with anyone.

Psychological Causes of Missed Abortion

Psychologist A. Piskovatskaya, based on her practice, identifies the following causes of this complication: personal characteristics of the woman (lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, unstable emotional background, depression), stress and strong emotional tension, unwillingness or unreadiness of the woman, conflicts in the family or at work.

Prematurity (Preterm Birth)

B. Baginski and Sh. Shalila explain this phenomenon by the mother wanting to quickly get rid of the child, but not wanting or being able to admit it to herself. They also note that the subconscious reluctance of new pregnancies can have the same consequence.

A post-term child, according to these Reiki specialists, indicates that the mother does not want to give the baby to the world.

Miscarriage (Spontaneous Abortion)

Louise Hay sees the psychological cause of miscarriage in fear, or alternatively, in fear of the future. The mother torments herself with thoughts of “not now, after,” constantly thinking about the wrong timing of pregnancy.

Miscarriage can also be a consequence of the woman’s subconscious choice (not feeling ready) or the child’s soul (making another decision). Many authors on psychosomatics unanimously assert that the mother and child communicate at the soul level, so a miscarriage can happen as a delay they decided on for certain reasons.

Psychologists have found that, as a rule, miscarriage occurs simultaneously with some important but stressful or negative event in life.

V. Sinelnikov asserts that the psychosomatics of miscarriage are related to the woman’s subconscious strong fear of the future or fear of giving birth to a child, uncertainty in her own strength or in the man, fear of being left alone with the child, or thoughts that the child is untimely.

Luule Viilma writes that this phenomenon occurs if the mother feels shame because of pregnancy. This author notes that the decision to leave in this way can be made by the fetus when it feels unloved and unwanted.

B. Baginski and Sh. Shalila believe that the presence of conscious or subconscious reluctance to have a child (tension and scandals in the family) can also be a psychological cause of miscarriage.

Psychologist-psychotherapist A. Lobazova asserts that in cases of not the first miscarriage, the cause is the fear of repeated loss and the woman’s anxiety, as well as her false beliefs.

Uterine tone during pregnancy signals the woman’s anxiety, tension, increased nervousness.

Low hemoglobin (anemia) clearly indicates that the pregnant woman does not know how to relax and rejoice.

Leg swelling, varicose veins indicate that the woman takes on too much, overloads herself. The cause may also be problems with independence and self-support.

Psychosomatics of Stretch Marks on the Skin

Liz Bourbeau asserts that stretch marks, as a rupture of the skin’s elastic tissue, indicate that the person should be more flexible in relationships with others.

Stretch marks during pregnancy also indicate that the woman is too tense, convinced that a pregnant woman needs to be serious and responsible. She wants to show herself strong, so she demonstrates rigidity.

Swelling, constipation, hemorrhoids during pregnancy indicate experiencing the loss of the previous way of life, unwillingness to let go of the past, to leave behind everything that needs to be forgotten (old thoughts, emotions, beliefs) and start anew.

A. Astrogore writes that hemorrhoids appear from the “hemorrhoidal” sufferings of a woman’s soul, explaining that during pregnancy, a woman matures the ability to get her husband and relatives with her dissatisfaction. And in physics, this manifested as an unpleasant ailment.

Psychosomatics of Infertility

Dr. Sinelnikov explains infertility as an inability to conceive due to the presence of a program in a woman’s subconscious that destroys the soul of the future child.

He explains the nature of this program as a strong subconscious aggression against men: contempt for men, disrespect for men, claims, grievances, jealousy, hatred.

This psycho-emotional aggression of a woman, which she may not even be aware of, turns into physical aggression (the body executes the orders of the mind): the woman’s body does not accept male spermatozoa, destroys them.

Most psychologists believe that psychosomatic infertility (when all tests are normal, but pregnancy does not occur for a long time) clearly indicates the absence of readiness in the subconscious to have a child. This can be influenced by the family environment, the relationship between parents and children, fear, resistance to life, and uncertainty about the future, fear of becoming unattractive, etc.

The psychological state of a woman and its influence on pregnancy

Thus, as the analysis of works has shown, the emergence of psychosomatic complications is closely related to the psychological state of a woman. In most cases, hidden, suppressed emotional tension in the soul of the mother, which is associated with motherhood or the appearance of a child, as well as unconscious fears, become the trigger for various complications. One of the important dominants in a person’s life is the reproductive dominant (dominant – emphasis on the most important (for example, the instinct of self-preservation of the body) at this moment). But when negative experiences related to pregnancy arise, the dominant of self-preservation takes over the dominant of reproduction and blocks pregnancy.

For example, when information about fatal childbirth outcomes in the family, stored in a woman’s subconscious, starts to “protect” her, preventing her from getting pregnant. Another example: a woman does not want to have children at all, but decides to under the pressure of relatives. Over time, she even begins to believe that she wants to get pregnant.

But in her subconscious, there may be completely different needs and desires (travel, career, etc.). Then there will be a conflict of interests: in the consciousness of the woman (which is controlled by us) there are foreign, imposed desires, and in the subconscious – the true ones. Who will win? What’s in the subconscious. This is how the human psyche works.

Or, for example, many girls have a fear of ruining their figure (which, in turn, may be related to the subconscious fear of ceasing to please the husband or being left without a job). Such pregnant women start to worry a lot even before changes in the body occur. Hence, their body reacts with non-carrying – as their owners wanted, it does not change (that is, it does not allow the fetus to develop).

Ways to heal psychosomatic pregnancy complications

As we understand, only one person can decide the outcome of the emerged psychosomatic pregnancy complications (healing or worsening) – the pregnant woman herself. To do this, she needs to do only one thing – work on her inner world. What does this mean?

  1. Recognize your true desires. Psychologists advise you to ask yourself a question and answer it as honestly as possible: “What are the reasons for not wanting to have a child?”. Since a person asks themselves this question, wanting to get to the truth, there is no sense in evading. Whatever the answer, you shouldn’t scold or blame yourself for anything, justify yourself in front of yourself and others. This is your life. But girls who are horrified by the thoughts of changing the body should remember: modern body parameters are a made-up thing. The beauty of the body does not depend on them, especially since the understanding of beauty is individual. And the fact that a pregnant woman glowing with happiness was perceived by many nations as a Goddess, I think, is known to everyone. The following steps are associated with huge responsibility for Life. Therefore, to perform them, you need to be an adult, mature, wise Person!
  2. Realized. And then you should take responsibility into your own hands, decide for yourself: whether you want to become a mother or not – you decide, and you are also responsible for the consequences.
  3. Change your attitude to what is happening in life. I think everyone has heard that pregnancy is a gift from God. So it is. We cannot even imagine how many people pray day and night, begging the Creator for a long-awaited baby. Here it is necessary to reassess values. What is more important, more valuable, more expensive for you? Yes, a good job, a beautiful body, personal freedom, etc. – these are important attributes of a modern woman. But no one forces you to sacrifice them. And after giving birth, you can take care of yourself, and there are many such examples.

At the moment, if you have decided to get pregnant, be kind enough to take responsibility for your decision to conceive a new Life!

Even if it happened, in your opinion, accidentally (and there is no accident in our Universe), then again, considering that it happened to you (with a rational approach, you will agree, it is easy to avoid in our time), it is up to you to take responsibility for yourself. Now the priority is to take care of yourself and the child.

If you are an emotional person by nature, and it is difficult for you to cope with yourself, then various relaxation techniques will come to the rescue. There are also many ways to increase self-confidence and other self-support methods.

Caring for a child implies not only full nutrition of the body but also the soul (listening to classical or other high-vibration music, reading relevant books).

Especially, practically all psychologists (and other wise specialists) strongly advise talking to the soul of the child, saying that you love him and are waiting for him. This is both care for the child and the establishment of relationships, and education.

Separately, it should be said about complications associated with spontaneous abortion.

The first thing you need to do is not to blame yourself for what happened. Self-flagellation will not lead to anything good. In this case (as always, in all cases), it is necessary to accept what happened to you. Realize that everything that happens to a person has reasons that lead to corresponding consequences. Understand the words of the sages: “If it happened, then it should have been so.”

Another important point (maybe for someone, this will be the first item) – to release emotions, to give them free rein. For this, there is also a large number of effective methods described on the Internet.

It should be noted that if you yourself cannot get rid of negative obsessive thoughts and emotions, then you need to call a psychologist for help! Since a competent psychologist possesses special knowledge and skills, with the help of which you can get to the fears, negative programs embedded in your subconscious, and remove them.

Realize your desires, accept Life and be healthy!


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