Psychosomatics of Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is an infectious inflammation of the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane of the eyeball and the inner surface of the eyelids). This common name denotes eye diseases characterized by inflammation of the eye’s mucous membrane.

Conjunctivitis can be:

  1. Exogenous (a disease that arises independently)
  2. Endogenous (a secondary, accompanying disease against the background of measles, rubella, etc.).

Depending on the causes, there are many types of conjunctivitis. The causes of the disease include bacteria, viruses, chlamydia, fungi, allergies, hyperopia or myopia, chemical irritants, dust, ultraviolet light, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiencies, and others.

Common symptoms of conjunctivitis are:

  • Irritation, itching, burning, stinging in the eyes,
  • Redness,
  • Tearing,
  • Sensation of sand in the eye,
  • Photophobia,
  • Swelling of the eyelids,
  • Eyelids sticking together in the morning, etc.

Psychosomatics of Conjunctivitis

Since conjunctivitis affects the eyes, let’s first consider the psychosomatics of the eyes. The eyes are the organ of vision, allowing us to receive information from the external world.

Almost all eye ailments reflect a person’s unwillingness to see something or someone: events, relationships, themselves, people around them. Usually, this is related to the negative content of a person’s thoughts and emotions. For example, some information coming through the eyes is unpleasant to the person or causes them pain.

When considering the psychosomatics of the eye, it should also be clarified that problems with the right eye are associated with negativity in viewing the world and also symbolize the male side (in particular, the father and his influence). The left eye is usually associated with the influence of the mother and the view of oneself. Many well-known authors (Louise Hay, Liz Burbo, V. Sinelnikov, etc.) adhere to this approach.

It seems that this approach is valid, as it is precisely from the first words of the mother and from her attitude towards us that we begin to perceive ourselves as a separate personality, and the father helps to open up the big world.

The function of the conjunctiva is to protect the eye from the harmful effects of the external world (dust particles, microbes, bright light, chemical irritants, etc.).

That is, the conjunctiva literally stands up to protect a person (their psyche), not letting them see what irritates and angers them.

Indeed, psychologists have found that conjunctivitis usually occurs when a person dislikes what they see in their life – problems, troubles. They do not want to see them, want them to go away, but the problems recur, the person starts to get irritated, offended, angry.

It may also be that a person consciously closes their eyes to a conflict, avoiding it.

Another psychological cause of this ailment is the fear for one’s future. A person is so afraid of their future that they do not want to see it.

If this ailment has appeared in children, it means they do not want to notice quarrels in the family or close environment.

Louise Hay notes that the basis of conjunctivitis is anger and disappointment at the sight of something.

According to psychologist Liz Burbo, this disease is caused by strong anger caused by an event and the fear of the event repeating.

Dr. V. Sinelnikov, among other things, sees in conjunctivitis the manifestation of a person’s malice and spite. It is known that an evil message (as well as a good one) sent to another person always returns like a boomerang and “hits the same spot.”

Paths to Healing

The path to healing from psychosomatic conjunctivitis is relatively simple. “Relatively” – because it all depends on the person themselves: whether they want to let go of their negative thoughts and emotions or continue to cherish them. For some, letting go is easy, for others, it is difficult, and a third person does not want to part with their irritation (resentment, anger, etc.).

It turns out there is no one to blame except one’s negative view of the surrounding world. The world is objective for everyone, and a person themselves paints it in their positive or negative colors. And the body simply obeys the inner setting of the person: to rejoice or get angry, to see or not to see (remember how sometimes people say: “I wish I hadn’t seen it”).

Another important point for healing is the realization that each of us sees only what resonates with our inner state: an aggressive person sees violence, an evil person sees evil, and a wise person sees the wisdom of Life.

It seems that a wise person, instead of condemning or hating something, looks into themselves and thinks: “Is there something negative in me (thoughts, feelings) that allowed it to physically manifest in my life?”.

Such constant self-analysis allows keeping one’s inner world clean and positive, which will automatically be reflected in the state of the physical body and in your life.

I wish you a joyful and wise view of life!

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