Body temperature is an indicator of the body’s thermal state. The normal body temperature of a human ranges from 36.5 (sometimes from 35) to 37.2 degrees Celsius (this range is due to individual characteristics of the body).
Elevated body temperature (hyperthermia, fever) is the body’s reaction to changes in the constancy of the body’s internal environment as well as external irritants. Hyperthermia is an increase in body temperature above 37 degrees Celsius. Fever is an increase in body temperature while the body’s thermoregulation mechanisms are preserved. Elevated temperature is considered to be from 37 to 39 degrees Celsius. A temperature ranging from 39 to 41 degrees Celsius is considered high.
Symptoms of elevated temperature include:
- Weakness,
- Body aches,
- Headache,
- Chills,
- Loss of fluids,
- Dizziness,
- Eye irritation,
- Heart failure, etc.
In medicine, it is commonly believed that an increase in temperature indicates that the body is fighting some illness, and therefore it is a protective reaction of the immune system. However, specialists note that elevated temperature does not always mean the development of a disease.
Psychosomatics of Elevated Temperature on a Nervous Basis
From a psychosomatic perspective, an increase in temperature is a psychosomatic reaction of the body to stressful situations experienced by a person. The study of the mechanism of the syndrome of elevated temperature on a nervous basis in medicine has led to its description as a ‘flight into illness.’ Psychologists explain this as a way to avoid failure during important but stress-inducing events.
Another psychological cause of elevated body temperature is related to the burning of negative energy accumulated by a person through emotions of fear, anger, and other destructive emotions. Some specialists assert that subfebrile temperature (37-37.5) is a sign of the body’s inability to overcome accumulated negative emotions in one go.
It’s noted that with chronic fatigue syndrome, a constant temperature of no lower than 38 degrees Celsius is maintained. This psychological ailment resembles the flu and requires medical attention. Also, medical help is needed if the temperature due to nerves rises to 38.5, and the person is experiencing hysteria, shivering, and cannot eat or drink.
Children can also experience psychosomatic temperature. Typically, this is a reaction of their bodies to stress associated with changes in their familiar environment (moving, changing the setting or daily routine, attending daycare, etc.). It has been observed that as soon as children return to their familiar environment, this symptom disappears. However, elevated temperature in children can also occur after tantrums and intense crying.
Psychological Causes of Elevated Temperature on a Nervous Basis
Louise Hay sees the cause of fever or heat as anger, an outburst of rage. Lise Bourbeau considers fever, or elevated body temperature, to indicate that something in the body is out of order. She explains that this disorder occurs because a person has accumulated a lot of anger.
Bourbeau asserts that feeling warmth by a person is a sign of resolving some current conflict, while feeling cold is a sign that anger has not yet surfaced. She writes that elevated temperature can occur when a person does something fervently (with all passion). Another reason she sees is anger because events are not unfolding as desired.
Lise Bourbeau also believes that the stronger the heat, the more important the message the body wants to convey. A very high temperature indicates that a person must solve a problem once and for all. Luule Viilma writes that the psychosomatic causes of elevated temperature are malice, fears, and searching for someone to blame.
Reiki experts Bodo Baginski and Sharamo Shalila include psychological excitement, boiling anger, and rage not released outward among the psychological causes of this ailment.
Paths to Healing the Syndrome of Elevated Temperature on a Nervous Basis
So, if you indeed suffer from the syndrome of elevated temperature, that is, your temperature always rises when you experience stress or nervous overload, and then passes on its own. If your answer is affirmative, then it’s time to find the internal problem that caused this ailment. We have already discussed the common typical causes above. You need to find your specific cause (not just anger, but anger at what (whom), what is your anger connected to).
Next, it’s important to carefully examine what angers you, as this is part of your life (Lise Bourbeau). This means that the situation that angers you appeared in your life not by chance, but to teach you something (patience, humility, acceptance, and other positive qualities). The next step will be to accept the situation-lesson (when a person calmly, without agitation, accepts what Life sends).
Thus, there is no point in getting angry and blaming others for the seemingly bad situation. First, you need to calm down, and then try to understand why the situation occurred, what it wanted to teach you. Knowing your reaction to stress, it would be wise to choose relaxation methods in advance: being in nature, taking calming teas and infusions, listening to relax music, switching to doing something you love, etc.
If you are facing participation in an important event or exciting occasion, using your relaxation methods in advance will allow you to prepare and weaken the specific reaction of your body. The right conscious and emotional setting, along with supporting your nervous system with additional means and methods, will eventually allow you to minimize such an unusual reaction of your body as elevated temperature on a nervous basis.
Stay calm and healthy!