Psychosomatics of Hair Loss

Hair loss (alopecia) is a condition characterized by the loss of hair and the disruption of new hair growth. Types of alopecia include focal (circular baldness), nesting, post-traumatic, diffuse (after severe infectious diseases), androgenic, hereditary, seborrheic, scarring, and cosmetic alopecia. Causes include:

  • Prolonged intoxication,
  • Hormonal disorders,
  • Unfavorable heredity,
  • Autoimmune processes,
  • External stresses (events),
  • Internal experiences (feelings of guilt, anxiety, etc.),
  • Scalp injuries (burns, etc.), and others.

Hair Loss Due to Stress

Several aspects of the negative impact of stress on hair condition have been identified. On the one hand, during prolonged stressful experiences, the processes of producing necessary substances in the human body slow down, immunity becomes vulnerable, and the body tries to obtain nutrients from hair and nails.

On the other hand, when stress hormones are released, the muscles of the hair follicles contract strongly and compress the hair. Thirdly, hormonal imbalance due to stress causes avitaminosis, which also negatively affects hair condition.

Fourthly, stressful experiences cause oxygen starvation of body cells, including hair follicle cells, leading to slowed growth of new hair. Chronic stress also negatively affects the hair growth cycle, as new hairs do not have time to go through all stages of growth before they begin to fall out.

Hair Loss: Psychosomatics

To uncover the psychosomatics of this ailment, it’s necessary to remember the functions of hair. Three main functions of hair are identified: protection of the scalp, thermoregulation (maintaining a comfortable temperature for normal brain function), and touch (through the position of hair, the scalp can feel). Translating the essence of these functions into psychosomatic language, some authors believe that hair, as a symbol of protection, indicates the need to be in a calm state of mind under the protection of God. Next, a person must regulate the state of their inner world, maintaining conditions for normal, harmonious life.

But anxious thoughts constantly whirl in the mind, stealing peace of mind. The sensitive scalp cannot withstand the heavy energy of constant worry and oppressive thoughts. Hence, hair loss means the “loss” of a person’s sense of being under God’s protection and a peaceful state of mind. Further exploring what hair symbolizes to understand the loss of which qualities leads to alopecia, it is known that hair is an antenna connecting a person with the Cosmos.

According to Liz Bourbo, hair, as antennas, conduct Divine energy into a person. Therefore, she believes that hair problems symbolize a person’s weak belief in the existence of divine energy. These problems signal the person to tune their life to the Divine. Some authors note that hair symbolizes faith in one’s own strength, and disbelief, despair, low self-esteem, loss of faith in one’s abilities and possibilities lead to hair loss.

Other authors assert that hair is a symbol of life force, the state of a person at a given moment. Therefore, a depressed state negatively affects the functioning of the hair follicle. There is an opinion that hair symbolizes freedom, strength, and power of a person, and the loss of these qualities is deeply experienced by a person, reflecting in the body.

Psychological Causes of Hair Loss

Louise Hay sees the causes of baldness as fear, tension, a desire to control everything, distrust of the process of life. Indeed, many young men who run their own businesses, which suggests a trait of wanting to control everything, but in an exaggerated form, are among those who are balding. Liz Bourbo explains hair loss as experiencing loss, fear of losing someone or something. A person suffering from hair loss feels helpless and desperate about the loss, ready to tear out their hair.

This happens when a person identifies themselves with what they have and is afraid to lose it.

Often, self-blame for one’s decisions that led to loss leads to hair loss. It has also been noticed that people who worry too much about the material side of their life and fear what people will say suffer from hair loss. In such cases, hair loss, as a symbol of connection with the Divine, indicates that the material should not take precedence over the spiritual.

Dr. V. Sinelnikov asserts that hair is a symbol of a person’s life force and reflects a person’s inner state. And when a person loses their strength on negative thoughts and emotions, hair begins to die. Psychologists have observed that hair loss in women begins after a strong disappointment in life and the associated feeling of guilt.

Reflecting the negative mental state that is not released, hair also stops renewing.

Paths to Healing

It is important to understand that no super remedies, widely advertised, can help with hair loss due to stress. Often, a person looks for the simplest way to solve the problem, which would free them from using their head: take a pill or vitamin, wash with a super remedy, and done.

As an additional means – maybe, but certainly not the main one. In fact, the simplest and least costly way to solve this ailment is, precisely, to use your head. It is necessary to make an effort and calm your mind, which throws numerous anxiety tasks, worry tasks, fear tasks, etc., every second.

For example, “What if it doesn’t work out, if I don’t make it, if I get sick?..” and so on. Fortunately, the Internet is full of various ways to relax and calm the mind for every taste. At the same time, if you analyze these tasks, most of them turn out to be greatly exaggerated and not corresponding to the real situation. So, to get on the path to healing, you should activate one habit: solve real tasks as they come.

I wish you a peaceful state of mind and soul!


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