Psychosomatics, a clinical psychology branch, explores the psychological origins of diseases. Stress, trauma, and emotional strain impact all body systems, including the female urogenital system. Inflammations, infertility, erosions, thrush, PMS, etc., are part of women’s psychosomatic illnesses.
- Psychosomatics in Gynecology
- Reproductive System Disorders
- “I Kill His Sperm”
- Self-Unblocking Barriers to Motherhood
- Hypothalamus and Reproduction
- Causes of Some Diseases in Women
- Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
- Candidiasis (Thrush)
- Ovarian Dysfunction
- Fallopian Tubes
- Inflammatory Processes
- Polyps
- Fibroids
- Cancer
- Uterine Prolapse
- Cervical Erosion
- Early Menopause
- Pinopods as a Cause of IVF Failures
- Treatment and Prevention
Psychosomatics in Gynecology
Psychosomatic diseases are actual functional disorders requiring medical treatment. Their uniqueness lies in the necessity of eliminating stress factors for effective treatment. Only a combination of medical and psychological therapy offers complete healing.
These illnesses develop when the body is at its exhaustion peak, and defense mechanisms fail. Tolerance varies, depending on the strength and frequency of traumatizing events and the health and resilience of the body and mind.
Interesting Fact: Renowned psychosomatists include Liz Burbo, Louise Hay, Yulia Zolotova, and Oksana Lyubitskaya. Their books explain and offer remedies for various diseases, including gynecological ones.
Reproductive System Disorders
Challenges in conceiving and carrying a child often indicate a subconscious reluctance or unpreparedness for motherhood. The causes might include:
- Self-doubt or doubt in the partner.
- Relationship issues.
- Egoism and reluctance to sacrifice freedom and personal desires.
- Lack of security and protection.
- Fears related to childbirth, changes in relationships, new life roles, and unpreparedness for motherhood.
Childhood traumas and personal memories also influence. Female illnesses might stem from experienced violence, parental reproaches (“we wanted a boy”), upbringing without a father or mother, and parental restrictions on intimate life and marriage.
Unknowingly, some parents damage their daughters’ future when raising them to be “good girls who don’t date boys.” According to transactional analysis, everyone possesses three egos: adult, parent, and child. Parental voices and beliefs always resonate in our heads. Thus, women, constantly exposed to prohibitions and judgments in childhood, struggle to enjoy intimate life even in marriage, leading to self-dissatisfaction and self-judgment. Diseases then manifest as a consequence of suppressed desires and a way to avoid intimate life.
“I Kill His Sperm”
Psychosomatist Oksana Lyubitskaya shared a story of a woman unable to conceive with her husband because her body produced antibodies that killed his sperm, indicating a hormonal disorder and subconscious reluctance to become a mother.
Self-Unblocking Barriers to Motherhood
To self-unblock these barriers, understand the benefits of infertility. Analyze the situation to find what the body is protecting against. Often, blocks are subconscious, and visiting a psychologist can help uncover the true cause of infertility.
Hypothalamus and Reproduction
Reproductive motivation depends on the hypothalamo-pituitary system. As long as a woman is anxious, the hypothalamus inhibits conception. Unresolved issues in relationships, conflicts, or inner conflicts send signals to the hypothalamus, shutting down reproductive functions.
If the situation is not just stressful but dangerous for the woman, the survival motive dominates, deactivating reproductive functions. Examples include hunger, emotional instability, violence, frequent conflicts, social instability, etc. The body prioritizes survival over reproduction.
Causes of Some Diseases in Women
The primary cause of many female diseases is denying femininity and sexuality, self-rejection, and lack of self-love. However, each gynecological disease has its psychological underpinnings.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
PMS includes psychological, vegetative-vascular, and hormonal disturbances before menstruation. While many consider PMS a normal occurrence, psychology views painful menstruation as a sign of internal unrest, particularly anxiety, restlessness, anger, and resentment, as well as egocentrism and a loss or suppression of interest in life. Another theory suggests it reflects self-rejection as a woman, often due to problematic relationships with the mother. If relationships are marked by anger, resentment, fear, or hatred, the subconscious blocks the concept of womanhood. The logic is, “I won’t be like my mother, so I won’t be a woman.”
Candidiasis (Thrush)
Causes include self-doubt, an inability to self-assist, concerns about not meeting others’ expectations, and doubts about decision-making. Some sources state that thrush results from perceiving intimacy as dirty or sinful. Chronic thrush may stem from deep trauma, such as violence.
Ovarian Dysfunction
Causes include internal conflicts, fear, and rage. Ovarian problems also indicate internal blocks hindering relationships with men.
Fallopian Tubes
Each person has both feminine and masculine aspects from birth. Harmonizing these aspects is crucial for successful socialization and interaction with the opposite sex. Fallopian tubes symbolize the connection of these principles, and women with these issues often struggle in relationships with men and self-realization.
Inflammatory Processes
Psychosomatic inflammatory diseases include vulvitis (inflammation of external genital organs), colpitis (inflammation of the uterine mucous membrane), and adnexitis (infection in fallopian tubes and ovaries). Causes are fear of not measuring up, doubts about one’s sexuality and femininity, feelings of vulnerability and weakness before men, suppressed aggression, anger, and contempt.
Polyps are benign small growths on the uterus or other female organs. Causes are self-pity, grievance, and genuine misunderstanding (“why is this happening to me, why does he treat me this way?”).
Fibroids are benign tumors arising from muscle tissue growth due to hormonal imbalance. The psychological cause is a strong desire for motherhood, seeing it as the only indicator of a woman’s worth and fear of being unnecessary if childless or when children grow up. Another perspective is that fibroids stem from internal grievances and the belief “I am unloved,” often related to guilt towards the mother. Women with fibroids tend to be prone to depression and bad moods.
The cause of cancer includes unforgiven grievances, self-doubt, future uncertainty, guilt, and disillusionment with life.
Uterine Prolapse
Uterine prolapse is the displacement of the cervix’s bottom due to weakened muscles. The psychosomatic cause is a sense of personal unfulfillment, resentment towards oneself, and undervaluing one’s femininity.
Cervical Erosion
Cervical erosion is an inflammatory process caused by mechanical injury or infection. The reason is suppressed grievance eating away from within, unsatisfied personal needs and desires. This disease is common in strong women who want to be feminine but resist yielding to men.
Early Menopause
Menopause is the decline of the reproductive system. The reason is fear of aging, loss of attractiveness, including sexual allure to the partner.
Pinopods as a Cause of IVF Failures
Pinopods are endometrial protrusions to which the embryo attaches. A lack of or underdevelopment of pinopods can prevent successful childbearing. The growth of pinopods is influenced by female hormones progesterone and estradiol, produced by the ovaries and pituitary gland. Therefore, related diseases or hormonal disorders in women can cause IVF failures, which at a psychosomatic level are caused by a woman’s non-acceptance of herself.
Treatment and Prevention
The primary cause of diseases is issues with female self-identification. For treatment and prevention, a woman needs to recognize and accept her characteristics, and love her femininity and sexuality. Psychosomatics believes the soul chooses its body; you chose to be born a woman, presumably to develop as one:
- To love and open your heart.
- To develop female consciousness, intuition, and wisdom.
- To cultivate feminine qualities (softness, kindness, gentleness, patience).
However, it is also essential to harmoniously develop masculine qualities: strength, bravery, endurance, decisiveness, courage, industriousness, and goal orientation. Women with illnesses usually don’t have issues developing these.
Another common cause of female health problems is a negative attitude towards men, related to personal experiences (relations with a brother, father, husband, former lover, etc.). Addressing this cause requires working through psychological traumas and correcting current relationships, if any.
To harmonize the state, specialists recommend changing your thinking and self-perception. Positive words and thoughts are the primary healing tools. Each illness corresponds to a particular affirmation:
- Erosion: “I will grow, develop, achieve my goals. I will no longer be sick. I forgive and release my unsuccessful experiences.”
- Ovarian Pathologies: “I have a joyful perception of the world; I feel complete harmony in my body.”
- Thrush: “I joyfully and admiringly perceive my body; I can do anything, no barriers exist for me.”
- Early Menopause: “I will continue to love my body, feel my femininity and importance to others.”
- Cancer: “I rid myself of guilt, anger, forgive my offenders. I am reborn to start living anew.”
Key Points for Self-Correction of Psychophysiological State:
- The body and psyche are interconnected; one affects the other. Change your thoughts, and your body will change.
- Affirmation is the most accessible method of working with the subconscious, correcting the psycho-emotional and physical state.
- Frequently repeated thoughts become beliefs.
- Any pain and discomfort are signs of suppressed emotions and desires.
- Hidden benefits lie behind every disease.
Key Takeaway: Guilt, complexes, barriers, grievances, fears are emotional trash. They must be discarded.