Psychosomatics of Nasal Bleeding

The human body and psyche are so interconnected that any intrapersonal conflict and experience affect physical well-being. Even symptoms like a runny nose or bleeding require special attention. Behind these symptoms is not just vascular weakness, but often a deep psychological meaning.

Psychosomatic Causes of Nasal Bleeding

In psychosomatics, the nose symbolizes a sense of self-worth, the feeling of self-value and uniqueness. Problems indicate that a person does not recognize, value, or respect themselves as an individual. They believe that others also do not value them. Nasal problems in most clients coincide with thoughts like “everyone is against me.” The person feels alone, thinking that they cannot cope with the difficulties that have befallen them. They find themselves in the role of a victim.

Sometimes bleeding is combined with congestion and a runny nose. If the nasal sinuses are blocked, this indicates the person’s inability to breathe fully. If the nasal sinuses are irritated, it is a reaction to irritation, intolerance of something or someone.

According to another theory, nasal bleeding indicates a person’s propensity for violence, both towards others and themselves.

Within this theory, the physical ailment is explained by the following psychological problems (psychosomatics of nosebleeds):

  • Self-demanding, self-critical, violence against oneself under the guise of will and discipline;
  • Psychological and emotional pressure towards other people and oneself;
  • A tendency towards violence in someone’s lineage or in the person’s past life (karmic reason).

In the case of nasal bleeding in a child, the cause lies in a harsh family upbringing style. Authoritarianism, violence, criticism, insults, excessive demands, punishments – all these destroy the child’s psyche.

Interesting! Workaholics and perfectionists fall into a separate risk group. They are constantly under tension, trying by all means to earn the love of others. They carry a childhood belief that they are only valuable when they work a lot or are the best at everything.

Positive Thought Form for Nasal Bleeding

Bleeding indicates that joy has left a person’s life, and anger has accumulated. Positive thought form for healing: “I am the joy of life itself, I receive and give in a beautiful rhythm.” The nose symbolizes the self-worth of the individual. Affirmation for healing: “I recognize that I have an intuitive ability. I love and value myself.” Now let’s take a closer look at what nasal bleeding means.

Changes in Blood Pressure

Physically, nasal bleeding arises against a background of vascular weakness and increased pressure. This, in turn, can be symptoms of a number of diseases, such as hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia, etc. Psychologically, increased pressure and bleeding indicate overexertion, exhaustion, old and accumulated problems. Sometimes bleeding is combined with low pressure. In such cases, it speaks of a lack of love, insecurity in one’s own strength.

Psychosomatics explains vascular weakness as having internal complexes and aggression. Tightness and fragility of vessels may be caused by muscle blocks. They, in turn, indicate long-term suppression of negativity, energy clots.

Interesting! Aggressive, excitable, hot-tempered people are prone to high blood pressure. However, their opposites (shy and very modest individuals) can also suffer from hypertension. The difference is that in the former, pressure rises from anger, while in the latter from excitement (even pleasant excitement).

Nasal Bleeding According to Louise Hay

Nasal bleeding indicates a need for recognition and love. The person feels unnoticed and unloved. Affirmation for healing: “I love and approve of myself. I know my worth. I am a wonderful person.”

Blood Platelet Deficiency

Thrombocytes (blood platelets) are responsible for blood coagulation. Their deficiency leads to blood thinning. This can cause bleedings that are difficult to stop. According to Liz Bourbeau, this indicates that a person suppresses fatigue and forbids themselves from doing what they desire. Blood symbolizes love for life. Bleeding indicates that a person has reached a peak of tension. To precisely determine the problem area, it’s important to pay attention to the metaphysical meaning of the body part where the bleeding occurs.

Psychosomatic Causes of Nasal Bleeding and Treatment Methods

Psychosomatics (the science of the connection between the soul and body) explains the psychosomatic causes of diseases in children and adults. We have already considered Louise Hay’s theory; now let’s explore the theories of two other well-known psychologists.

Nasal Bleeding According to Liz Bourbeau

The nose participates in warming and moisturizing, helps us breathe, perceives smells, and through the mucous membrane removes unnecessary and dangerous particles from the external world. On a psychological level, problems with the nose indicate that a person cannot enjoy life.

Other reasons for breathing problems include:

  • Trying to avoid negativity;
  • Prohibition of expressing feelings;
  • Coldness with close people to avoid worrying about them;
  • Aversion to a certain situation or person;
  • Communication difficulties;
  • Fears;
  • Desire to escape problems;
  • Lack of love and attention.

Blood symbolizes the flow of life energy. Bleeding indicates a leakage of joy from life. A person suffers from a lack of attention, love, support, recognition. But the problem is that they don’t love themselves, they scold and blame themselves for certain actions, forbid themselves from enjoying and living life. They consider themselves unworthy.

Additionally, bleeding means releasing tension. Thus, a person gets rid of sadness, longing, indignation. Also, bleeding can be associated with doing unloved work, thus expressing uncried tears. What to do: find an enjoyable activity and change jobs or acquire a hobby, allow yourself to express all emotions.

Nasal Bleeding According to Valery Sinelnikov

According to V. Sinelnikov’s theory, bleeding symbolizes the leakage of joy from life. Joy disappears due to the feeling that a person is not loved, understood, accepted. Thus, a person tries to attract attention, get support, care, and love. The psychologist shares a case from his life. His son started experiencing unexplained nasal bleedings. Being psychologically prepared, Valery understood that he needed to look for the cause within himself. It turned out that he had been so busy with work recently that he had not paid any attention to his son. After he reassessed his values and changed his attitude towards his son, the bleeding stopped.

For healing, it’s necessary to identify the psychological cause and eliminate it. Besides, it’s important to form an overall positive attitude towards life. One should love themselves and be kind to other people.

Important! It is recommended to consult an otolaryngologist and a psychologist, possibly a cardiologist. Nasal bleeding has not only a psychological premise but also a medical one. Vascular weakness or blood pressure spikes need to be treated with medication.

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