Ovaries are the paired female sex glands producing eggs and hormones. Common ovarian ailments include: inflammation of the appendages, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), cysts, tumors, etc. Adnexitis, or salpingo-oophoritis, is the inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes (appendages) due to infection. Causes of adnexitis:
- Microorganisms,
- Complications post-childbirth or abortion,
- Hypothermia,
- Weak immunity.
Symptoms of adnexitis:
- Lower abdominal pain during movement and intercourse,
- White discharge,
- High fever,
- Chills, fever,
- Body intoxication,
- Mid-cycle bleeding,
- Sometimes pus discharge.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a structural and functional change in the ovaries due to endocrine and neuro-exchange disorders. This ailment belongs to hormonal diseases, with the main symptom being hypomenstrual syndrome (sparse and infrequent menstruation). Polycystic ovary disease occurs when more follicles mature in a month than needed, but their development stops and they fill with fluid, turning into cysts. The ovaries produce an excess of male hormones.
Causes of polycystic ovaries include:
- Infections,
- Genetic predisposition,
- Hormonal disorders,
- Stress.
Symptoms of polycystic ovaries:
- Menstrual irregularities or absence,
- Ovarian pain,
- Acne,
- Increased body hair as a sign of elevated androgens (male hormones), etc. A cyst is a hollow growth on the ovaries filled with fluid. A common cause is the follicle not developing during ovulation, continuing to grow and fill with fluid. Cyst symptoms include:
- Menstrual cycle disturbances,
- Pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen and pelvis,
- Abdominal bloating,
- Severe menstrual pain not subsiding on the 2nd day,
- Nausea,
- Weakness, etc.
It’s important to note that cyst rupture can be dangerous, requiring immediate hospitalization. From a cyst, a benign tumor – cystoma – can develop. Ovarian apoplexy is the rupture of the ovary, which can occur against the backdrop of adnexitis, polycystic ovaries, and other diseases. Causes of rupture include:
- Heavy physical exertion,
- Lifting heavy objects abruptly,
- Intense sports activities,
Abdominal trauma, etc. Symptoms of apoplexy:
- Sharp and acute pain,
- Low blood pressure,
- Nausea and weakness due to bleeding. Adreno-genital syndrome is a hormonal disorder where the female body produces male sex hormones in stressful situations.
Psychosomatics of Ovarian Diseases
Louise Hay writes that the ovaries symbolize creative centers. Therefore, problems with these glands signal unresolved inner issues related to self-creation as a woman and new life creation (conceiving a child). These could be destructive beliefs and thoughts, negative emotions. Even the designation of ovarian diseases in women as “female diseases” emphasizes their connection with issues of female self-identification, feeling as a woman.
Since we’re discussing unhealthy conditions of female organs, this clearly points to a lack of this sensation. Particularly, the base of adreno-genital syndrome lies in a woman’s (girl’s) denial of her nature.
An ovarian cyst signals a woman’s attempt to attain equal status with men by neglecting her feminine nature. Therefore, an excess of male hormones leads to ovarian (appendage) dysfunction.
According to psychologists, the fluid inside the cyst symbolizes accumulated negative emotions. PCOS causes the reproductive system to halt the production of mature eggs, and follicles turn into cystic vesicles.
This occurs because the reproductive system is unsure whether to function as male (numerous cystic follicles like sperm) or female (one normal egg). This “confusion” is linked to the body’s inability to determine sex due to a rejection of femininity.
It’s been found that another psychological cause of cysts is a subconscious ban on pregnancy (a refusal to create due to some fear). Following this ban, the reproductive system “orders” follicles not to release eggs for fertilization. Overripe follicles turn into cysts.
Psychologists suggest that the decisive factor in women’s diseases is their attitude towards close men (father, husband, brother). Negative thoughts and feelings towards them trigger adverse processes in the sexual organs. Constant grievances and claims against the opposite sex can lead to tumors. A. Astrogors believes that a benign tumor indicates that the suffering person is generally kind but harbors resentment, while a malignant tumor contains “evil” – an attempt to avenge the offender.
Psychosomatic Explanations of Ovarian Diseases by Noted Authors
Louise Hay’s table details the psychological causes of various ovarian diseases. Remember, negative thoughts and emotions, such as self-rejection, are linked to these issues.
Inflammation in the organs is caused by emotions like fear, rage, inflamed consciousness. Inflammatory processes arise when the conditions a woman sees in her life incite anger and disappointment, according to Hay.
A cyst represents the constant “replaying” of past grievances in the mind. Another cause of cysts, according to Hay, is incorrect development as a woman.
Neoplasms (cysts and tumors) reflect the retention of old grievances and increasing antipathy in the soul. Specifically, tumors show that a woman nurtures old grievances and shocks related to her feminine side. Hay believes that tumors can also be caused by intensifying guilt.
Ovarian cancer, according to Hay, results from a deep wound, an old grievance on the grounds of female self-identification, a great secret or sorrow that torments and consumes from within. Retaining hatred, living with the motto “Who needs this?” can also lead to cancer.
Hay notes that in seeking psychosomatic causes of ovarian diseases (and other paired organs), remember that the left side of the body symbolizes receptivity, absorption, feminine energy, women, mother. The right side represents surrender, refusal, masculine energy, men, father.
Liz Burbo explains that ovarian issues affect hormonal function (a woman’s ability to be feminine) and reproductive function (having children). A woman’s body signals through problems with her ovaries about poor contact with her creative ability. Burbo asserts that such a woman often tells herself, “I can’t do this,” believing deep down she is powerless, but outwardly tries to prove she’s as good as men.
V. Sinelnikov, based on his practice, also believes that ovaries symbolize female creative centers. He asserts that ovarian issues speak to problems with manifesting femininity in this world, hindered by negative thought-blocks about being a woman and towards men.
O. Torsunov in his book “The Connection of Diseases with Character” emphasizes that coldness, harshness in a woman’s character reduces female sex hormones; uncooperativeness and aggression cause hormonal dysfunction; touchiness leads to increased inflammation in appendages; anger weakens immunity and causes susceptibility to infections. Interestingly, Torsunov also states that excessive compliance causes increased vulnerability in the appendages.
Healing Paths for Psychosomatic Ovarian Ailments
When seeking to heal your body, remember these key thoughts:
- The body is just an executor, flawlessly executing all thought-commands constantly repeated by a person (thus entering the subconscious as automatic thought-habits commanding the body’s state). For instance, if a girl constantly says she wishes she were born a boy, unlikely she’ll get good outcomes from such thoughts;
- From the first point comes the second: it’s not about the body and ailments (they only reflect the problem), but your inner world (your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, forming your mental state). Ask yourself: What’s my current mental state? Calm-happy or rebellious-irritated? The first state grants health, the second takes it away;
- If you’re predominantly irritated, it’s time to realize that since you were born in a female body, it was necessary for your development. Your soul needs to develop feminine qualities, learn to appreciate femininity, learn to create with your feminine nature (including conceiving and birthing new life).
As psychologists observe, the reluctance to develop one’s feminine essence, denial of feminine nature, and disdainful attitude towards feminine qualities lead to health problems with female sexual organs.
O. Torsunov asserts that feminine qualities like warmth, tenderness, pliability, forgiveness, and chastity positively impact ovarian health. Therefore, the conclusion and healing path: recognize yourself as a unique and beautiful woman and stimulate the development of the feminine within (character traits, behavior, habits, beliefs, principles, etc.).
But please don’t go to extremes, stick to the “golden mean”!
Be beautiful and healthy in soul and body!