Psychosomatics of Pediculosis

Pediculosis is a parasitic skin and hair disease in humans, caused by lice.

There are three types of lice: head, pubic, and body (clothes).

Symptoms include the presence of parasites on the skin and clothing, nits on hair and linen, inflamed skin due to bites, constant itching, skin rash or specific spots in pubic and body lice cases, and progression to chronic dermatitis.

Causes of pediculosis infection:

  1. Close contact (playing, fighting, kissing, hugging, sexual intercourse),
  2. Sharing personal hygiene and hair care items,
  3. Hairdressing tools,
  4. Wearing the same headwear,
  5. Sleeping on an infected pillow,
  6. Bathing in public places,
  7. Infected clothing and bedding.

Risk factors include being in kindergartens, schools, baths, pools, hospitals, trains, etc.

Can Pediculosis be Stress-Induced?

Dermatologists and parasitologists assert that lice cannot appear due to stress. Studies have not found a psychosomatic basis for pediculosis nor confirmed the possibility of its occurrence due to stress.

However, it’s acknowledged that human skin under strong emotional excitement is vulnerable to parasites. This is because lice, like small insects, are usually well-oriented by smell, and a stressed person, due to active sweat glands, emits a distinctive odor that can attract parasites.

Still, no direct link between stress and the appearance of lice exists, as lice cannot spontaneously appear from nowhere without contact with a carrier.

The question arises: why not everyone in high-risk areas gets pediculosis? The absence of an answer suggests that there might be exceptions. This assumption is supported by materials from renowned authors on psychosomatics.

Psychological Causes of Pediculosis

Louise Hay believes the cause of parasites is surrendering power to others, allowing them to dominate.

Psychologist Lise Bourbeau claims that a person suffering from parasites lets others parasite on them, in terms of thoughts and lifestyle.

Bourbeau writes that children often suffer from parasites because they are too influenced by the adult world: they feel obliged to pretend, to be someone else, to earn love and attention.

According to her, a person’s body suffering from parasites indicates that no one can parasite on them unless they allow it.

Bourbeau believes the more a person lets others parasite on them, the more they focus on trivialities, which occupy too much space in their life.

Another reason for pediculosis, according to Bourbeau, is forcing oneself to be someone else to earn love.

She also thinks that one should not let useless thoughts and beliefs into their mind, just as one should not let suspicious strangers into their home.

Dr. V. Sinelnikov explains lice infestation by allowing others to “fiddle” in one’s head and thoughts, interfering in one’s thoughts and life.

Paths to Healing

Everything happening to a person (or their child) has reasons associated with that person. According to psychosomatics, the occurrence of any disease is meant to make one reflect on internal or external unresolved conflicts.

Pediculosis, as a parasitic disease, signals something wrong. The keyword here is “parasitic,” indicating a problem related to someone parasitizing on you, “sucking your blood,” thoughts, ideas, strength, energy, etc., with your silent consent.

The path to healing is clear: express your disagreement (through behavior, words, attitude, actions, etc.), protest, refusal of such treatment.

Regaining control over oneself and one’s life as an adult, conscious person who takes responsibility for their actions, words, thoughts, feelings, and the health (physical and emotional) of their child is essential.

Another aspect for a person suffering from pediculosis to consider is getting rid of “parasitic” thoughts. Some obsessive but useless thoughts torment from within, “itch” in the head, disturb peace, and exhaust mental strength.

Various methods and techniques for mind cleansing can help (e.g., monitoring thoughts, constantly asking “What am I thinking about now?”, consciously stopping thoughts, directing thoughts towards useful channels, meditation, etc.).

Wishing you to be the master of your thoughts and life!


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