Psychosomatics of Poisoning, Nausea, and Vomiting Due to Nerves

Until recently, poisoning was considered purely a medical issue. Indeed, can the psyche cause intoxication in the body? Yes, as psychosomatics has revealed, it can. More accurately, the psyche creates certain conditions within the body that make it vulnerable to the effects of infections.

Psychosomatics of Poisoning

Poisoning rarely occurs exclusively on a psychosomatic basis. Deterioration in well-being occurs against the backdrop of harmful bacteria activity or consumption of low-quality products or alcohol.

However, some people are more prone to poisonings than others, and they may experience only symptoms of the disease. In this case, we talk about psychosomatics. Poisoning (psychosomatics) is a reaction to accumulated negativity. A person is ‘poisoned’ by their own thoughts and emotions.


The Connection between Psychosomatics and Poisoning Symptoms

Psychosomatics links poisoning with a feeling of vulnerability. But each symptom of poisoning has its own additional psychological predispositions. Let’s look in more detail at the psychosomatics of nausea, vomiting, bloating and stomach pain, diarrhea, fever, and general weakness, and botulism.


Signifies protest against the outside world, disagreement with circumstances. It’s a sign of antipathy towards a particular person or group of people (‘I feel nauseous about you’). Problems can be hidden in the work sphere, at home, or in relationships with friends.

Interesting! In rare cases, nausea can be a reaction to joyful anticipation or event. Excitement, regardless of the nature of the emotions, creates a stress situation.


Even greater rejection of something or someone, the desire to get rid of it. It can also be a reaction to new rules, ideas, requirements, or advice. Generally, it’s the person’s inability to digest something, to accept and assimilate it. Excessive salivation is a desire to ‘spit out’ something.

Bloating and Stomach Pain

The psychosomatic cause of occurrence is a feeling of guilt. It arises in a situation where a person is forced to comply with the demands of others. At this time, they experience guilt due to their own powerlessness, and sometimes due to the contradiction between personal desires and external requirements. The psychosomatics of bloating depends on the location of discomfort: • Upper stomach – fear of the future; • Undefined location – anxieties related to submission and feeling of humiliation; • Lower stomach – fear of being betrayed or offended.


Diarrhea symbolizes a desire to quickly get rid of something, to refuse or reject something. For example, it can be a refusal of help or advice. Sometimes diarrhea is a response to fear, haste, an excess of tasks and assignments.

Increased Temperature and General Weakness

Elevated temperature symbolizes a desire to get rid of all negative and destructive emotions. But the specificity is that the person blames themselves for the problems. To get rid of negativity, they decide to get rid of themselves through an increased temperature. That is, anger and aggression during hyperthermia are directed at the patient themselves. They blame themselves for not being able to escape dependence on another person or circumstances. General weakness signifies that the person acknowledges their helplessness and moral weakness. It’s a sign of an apathetic disorder, indifference to life, passivity.


With botulism, the nervous system’s activity is disrupted, especially noticeable in the function of swallowing food. On a psychological level, this means an inability to swallow an offense, to come to terms with a situation, or to forgive someone.

With botulism, other disorders are observed, each of which has its own psychological explanation:

  • Paralysis of the respiratory system – lack of freedom, inability to express one’s opinion;
  • Dry mouth – fear of life and losing the support of loved ones;
  • Visual dysfunction – unwillingness to acknowledge accumulated problems;
  • Constant dryness, desire to drink – need for love and care.

Psychological Predisposition to Poisonings

People with a certain internal conflict are predisposed to poisonings: the fear of loneliness and the need to remain unnoticed by most people. The longer this conflict persists, the more noticeable and serious the symptoms of poisoning become. The disease ‘strikes’ at the peak of emotional overstrain. It is unpredictable when this will happen, as stress tolerance varies.

People prone to poisonings exhibit traits such as: • Suspiciousness; • Insecurity; • Indecisiveness; • Sensitivity; • Anxiety; • Tendency to dramatize.

Interesting! In psychology, there is an opinion that any internal or external conflict at work, home, or in relationships with friends can be a prerequisite for poisoning. People in difficult life situations and constant tension are predisposed to poisonings. Their bodies are weak and therefore cannot cope with infection.

What to Do if You Notice Poisoning and Vomiting in Different Situations

Nausea and vomiting are considered normal only in one case – during pregnancy in women. However, gynecologists assert that this is normal only at a certain stage (on average from week 5 to 18). Nausea at other times indicates a psychosomatic problem – fear of responsibility and the unknown, rejection of the child.

There are other situations where the psychosomatics of nausea differ. Let’s examine some of them in more detail.

Nausea in Fears, Phobias, and Panics

Fears and phobias are the result of a person’s lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, desire to control everything, inability to accept oneself and the peculiarities of other people. Healing requires changing thinking, perceiving each situation as a valuable experience, opportunities for personal growth.

Causes in Children

Psychosomatic vomiting is common in children. The reason: overprotection and excessive control by parents or permissive upbringing. Children learn about the world through their parents – by default, the world seems hostile because it is unfamiliar to the child. Without proper parental support, the child will experience even greater stress. Excessive care and prohibitions will cause a reaction of opposition, rejection of parents. Unmet need for love and misunderstanding in relationships with parents is the main cause of childhood poisoning.

In children and adolescents, nausea occurs before entering school, exams, or other life changes: changing schools, moving. The symptom will be even more pronounced if parents pressurize and intimidate. For example, saying that life will no longer be carefree after starting school, or that failing an exam will prevent university admission.

When Poisoning is a Blessing

Some psychoanalysts believe that poisoning can be considered a warning of impending danger. Perhaps life is calm now, but soon something will happen that the person will not be able to ‘digest’. Such poisoning usually occurs suddenly and defies logical explanation. Medications do not help in this type of disease.

Development of the Disease

In children, poisoning can occur weeks after exposure to negative factors. In adults, an attack occurs immediately after a trauma. However, in children, the disease develops faster and is more severe than in adults. In any case, it is important to start treatment promptly and correctly identify the cause.

How to Find the Cause

It is necessary to analyze possible physiological and psychological predispositions. Recall whether you have eaten questionable or exotic foods, or whether there have been conflicts at work or home. Of course, it’s better to visit a therapist immediately, so they can order tests to exclude or confirm the physiological basis of the disease. After that, it’s necessary to visit a psychologist or analyze your life in recent months independently.

If a child is sick, consider the psychological atmosphere in the family, whether the child receives enough support and love. Remember, not only misunderstandings in relationships with the child but also conflicts between parents can cause harm.

Signs of Psychosomatic Causes of Poisoning

The influence of psychosomatics is easy to suspect when family members or friends have dined together, but only one person got poisoned. Or when one or several participants felt mild discomfort, others got severely poisoned, and the rest felt nothing bad. If the body subconsciously expects danger, the chance of getting poisoned increases.

Another possible sign is exhaustion in recent days, overload at work. It’s possible that the body decided to rest, ‘digest’ everything that’s happened lately, and get rid of unnecessary information.

The third possible reason and sign is the lack of attention and care. This is more common among children, but adults can also seek recognition and attention from colleagues, friends, and relatives in this way.

The last sign indicating psychosomatics is the inefficiency of medication. If drugs do not help or have only a temporary effect, it indicates a psychogenic poisoning.

How to Work with Psychological Causes of Vomiting and Nausea

To precisely determine which conflict torments and causes guilt, it’s advisable to visit a psychologist. But you can try to identify the psychosomatic cause of nausea and vomiting on your own. Pay attention to the situations in which symptoms intensify, when and to whom you say ‘this makes me nauseous’ and similar phrases.

Nausea and vomiting should be considered a signal of an unmet need for safety, an unwillingness to reconcile with something. Think about what circumstances might have caused this, and what you can do. In principle, there are two options: change the situation or change your attitude towards it. Determine whether the situation is under your control. If not, the only option left is to change your thinking, adapt to new conditions.

Important! If you notice signs of poisoning in your family members, do not shift all responsibility onto them. In most cases, the problem lies in you as well. Psychological correction is needed for the entire family.

Psychology of Diseases: Food Poisoning

We have already discussed the general psychological interpretation of poisoning and its signs. Now let’s delve deeper into the theories of famous psychosomatists: Vladimir Zhikarentsev, Liz Bourbeau, Louise Hay, Valery Sinelnikov.

Food Poisoning by V. Zhikarentsev

V. Zhikarentsev links poisoning with unfulfilled desires, unrealized ideas, and plans. Along with this, there is a misunderstanding of the world’s logic and human actions. The patient feels defenseless, allowing others to control them. An affirmation that can aid in healing: “I recognize my individuality. I have the strength and wisdom to solve my problems independently.”

Let’s examine individual symptoms of poisoning in more detail:

  • Diarrhea during poisoning can be caused by fear and anxiety. For healing, use this affirmation: “I peacefully and joyfully digest and assimilate all new experiences with a calm and happy soul.”
  • Nausea – fear, denial of the new (due to fear of making a decision). Affirmation: “I am safe. I trust the process of life, which will only bring me benefit.” • Vomiting – a sign of denial of the new. Healing affirmation: “I joyfully welcome the new in my life. It only brings me benefit.”

What to do: stop perceiving life as hostile. The universe is set to help you, but only if you are willing to accept the help. To get rid of doubts and fears, use this affirmation: “Life is in harmony with me. I assimilate the new at every moment of my life. Everything is fine. I easily digest what happens to me in life.”

Nausea and Vomiting by Liz Bourbeau

Poisoning occurs against the accumulation of toxins in the body or due to the entry of toxins through the skin, digestive system, breathing. Psychologically, this means that the person is poisoning their own life. They suppress their desires, accumulate negative emotions, maintain negative thinking, and allow bad thoughts to take over. Or it indicates dependency on someone else’s opinion and that someone else is poisoning their life.

Nausea – a sign of feeling threatened by another person or circumstances. Due to non-compliance with plans and perceived threat, aversion to the situation or person arises.

Mental healing: understand that no one but you can poison you. Everything depends on perception: any event is neutral. We decide whether it is good or bad, dangerous or safe. Cultivate love and compassion for yourself or for the person who is supposedly poisoning your life. Remember, accepting someone’s opinion does not mean agreeing with it or forgiving. It means showing tolerance, understanding, and respect. Change your attitude towards the situation that causes disgust. Think about what specifically scares you, show more objectivity.

Food Poisoning by Louise Hay

According to Louise Hay, food poisoning indicates that a person allows others to control their life. An affirmation that can help: “I have the power, authority, and ability to assimilate everything that comes to me.”

Let’s look in detail at individual symptoms of poisoning:

  • Diarrhea by Louise Hay means fear, complaints, and worry. Helpful affirmations: “I peacefully and joyfully digest and assimilate everything new in my life,” “I have no problems with absorbing, assimilating, and eliminating. I have no disagreements with life.”
  • Vomiting symbolizes fear of the new, denial of ideas. Healing affirmation: “I calmly and joyfully assimilate life. Only good things come to and leave from me.”
  • Nausea – fear, refusal of experience. Affirmation: “I am safe. I trust the process of life, which brings me only good.”

Boost confidence in your abilities, learn to objectively assess situations, and take risks. This affirmation can help: “I easily assimilate life. Life does not harm me. At any moment of the day, I assimilate something new. Everything is going well.”

Nausea and Vomiting by Sinelnikov

Valery Sinelnikov believes that nausea and vomiting are signs of an internal desire to get rid of something or someone. The patient cannot come to terms with something or accept someone. Nausea and vomiting indicate strong aversion and extreme intolerance. But due to numerous fears, the person cannot express their opinion and deal with the irritant. Possible fears include loneliness, rejection, uncertainty, death, the future.

How to Get Rid of Nausea According to Psychosomatics and Minimize Poisoning: Where to Start

First and foremost, it is essential to stop the attack. Medications such as antiemetics, sorbents, and saline solution can help. Afterward, it is advisable to call an ambulance or visit the hospital independently. If the doctor does not identify medical reasons, and/or if medications do not have the desired effect, a visit to a psychologist is necessary. If poisonings occur frequently and without apparent reasons, this also indicates psychological causes.


It’s important to understand what triggers the symptoms and why the illness is necessary for you. Answer the question, ‘Why is this happening?’ Psychogenic poisoning is a signal that you need to change your lifestyle or adjust one of its spheres. It’s necessary to eliminate stress factors and resolve all accumulated conflicts.

To do this, you need to change your thinking, develop love and self-acceptance, and understand that everything in life depends only on ourselves. Only you can help yourself. Similarly, only you are responsible for your health. No one can harm you unless you allow it. Cultivate positive thinking.

Examples of Positive Perception: • A student should perceive an exam as an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge. • An office worker should view reporting or evaluation as opportunities to show their skills and abilities. • Nausea in children will pass as soon as parents adjust their relationship and adopt a democratic parenting style. • Both children and adults in difficult situations should remember their merits, abilities, talents, and victories. Positive memories will provide confidence for new achievements. • A future mother should gather literature about pregnancy, overcome fear of childbirth, and plan future life. Nine months are enough to rearrange the usual lifestyle, choose a plan for future workouts to regain physical shape.

There are no unsolvable problems. One only needs the courage to face the problem and the ability to find several solutions. For this, it is necessary to develop thinking and psychological flexibility, and expand one’s horizons.

Important! Do not exclude the possibility of actual poisoning, bacteria entering the body. Be sure to visit a therapist. They will prescribe optimal treatment, determine the course of medication. Remember that nausea and vomiting can be symptoms of not only poisoning but also a range of gastrointestinal diseases. Comprehensive therapy will increase the chances of lifelong healing.

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