Prostatitis is a disease of the prostate gland, involving the growth of its tissue and the development of benign tumors. Since the prostate is located under the bladder and around the urethra, it causes compression of the urinary canal.
- Painful, difficult, or frequent urination,
- Pain in the groin, perineum, sacrum,
- Erectile dysfunction,
- General malaise,
- Elevated body temperature,
- Increased sweating.
In its chronic form, the above symptoms are less pronounced, but may include additional symptoms: regular discharge from the urethra during defecation, a constant feeling of a full bladder, increased irritability, lack of orgasm, or decreased quality.
The causes of prostatitis are linked to its forms. Chronic abacterial prostatitis arises from reasons such as capillary stasis without inflammation, anomalies in gland structure, lack of necessary hormones, impaired blood circulation in the gland, negative occupational factors (e.g., sedentary work), injuries or trauma to the perineum, inflammation of the urethra (urethritis), narrowing of the urethra, stones in the gland, inflammations in the rectum, constipation, unhealthy habits, frequent hypothermia, etc.
Bacterial (acute or chronic) prostatitis is caused by sexual, fungal, and intestinal infections, bacteria, viruses.
Psychosomatics of Prostatitis
Unraveling the psychosomatics of prostatitis helps to understand the function of the prostate gland. The prostate produces a secretion involved in maintaining the activity of sperm, linking this gland to male strength and procreation, creation.
Urination, as the release of used, unnecessary fluid from the body, symbolizes the liberation of a person’s inner world from unnecessary emotions. Therefore, a man who holds onto outdated, unnecessary thoughts and emotions, not letting them go, begins to poison himself from the inside. For a man, such health-damaging emotions can be anxiety and hyper-care about his health, fear of non-recovery, fear of consequences, anxiety about potency.
The prostate is a vital organ, so medical specialists and psychologists have dubbed it the “second heart of a man.” This is closely related to the belief that deep experiences and stress negatively affect both a man’s heart and his prostate.
It’s observed that prostatitis is most often diagnosed in advanced age. This age in psychology is characterized as an age of psycho-emotional helplessness when internal significance, confidence, stability is lost, leading to panic.
Most psychologists explain the cause of this male ailment as problematic relationships with the opposite sex. These can be disharmonious family relations or experiencing shame for infidelity.
Another cause can be concerns about continuing the lineage (e.g., worrying about the health of children or grandchildren).
Psychosomatic Causes of Prostatitis
Renowned author on psychosomatics Louise Hay states that the prostate is a symbol of the male principle. Therefore, prostate diseases are connected with internal fears that weaken masculinity, such as belief in aging, prolonged sexual tension, or guilt.
Liz Burbo writes that the prostate is linked to a person’s creative, constructive abilities. The state of this gland is negatively affected by experiencing situations of helplessness and powerlessness when a man feels tired of life.
According to this psychologist, diseases of the prostate tell a man that he cannot control everything in his life, especially situations meant to help him get rid of the old, unnecessary.
Dr. V. Sinelnikov asserts that prostatitis, especially chronic, is the result of the wrong attitude towards oneself and women.
Paths to Healing
Based on the above reasons, healing psychosomatic prostatitis is possible under the following conditions.
- Positive perception of situations, people, events. The basis of such a positive attitude is the realization that it’s impossible to control Life itself and what Life offers us. Everything that happens in our life (including meetings with people) we attract ourselves with our internal state for passing certain lessons, acquiring necessary life experience, or getting rid of the unnecessary that hinders our development.
- The person himself creates his life. How? With every thought, emotion, reaction, behavior. For example, you can react differently to any situation, and it’s up to the person to choose: negative or positive. For example, how does one perceive unexpected rain: some smile, some grumble, some get angry, etc. Life constantly throws such surprises.
- Regarding aging. How does a person perceive this fact of life? Some cannot reconcile with it, convinced that life ends with aging. As we know, such thoughts in men lead to prostate disease.
- The third condition concerns relationships with women. Here the same pattern applies, which is evident in both male and female diseases: a negative, therefore incorrect attitude (judgment, irritation, resentment, anger, hatred, revenge, etc.) towards members of the opposite sex leads to diseases of the reproductive organs.
In conclusion, it makes no sense to be offended, to hate, to be angry, etc. These negative emotions can only destroy the soul and body but cannot help you. If you want to be healthy and happy, choose emotions with a “+” sign: joy, acceptance, respect, faith, admiration, friendliness, mercy, nobility, Love, tenderness, soulfulness, etc.
Wishing you health and love, Lada