Psychosomatics of Skin Spots Caused by Stress

Constant stresses provoke a decrease in overall immunity, which is often reflected in the skin. Allergic reactions, rashes, and nervous-based skin spots are one of the most common psychosomatic reactions to stress.

Why Spots Appear on the Body

During stress, cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine are produced. These hormones stimulate the production and accumulation of energy. The longer this energy finds no outlet, the stronger the internal tension. Eventually, the body begins to destroy itself. Gradually, all systems, including the immune system, start to malfunction, leading to rashes on the skin.

Additionally, spots can be caused by diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, and digestive systems. Redness can also be caused by:

  • Intoxication;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Vitamin deficiency;
  • Mechanical and fungal damage;
  • Parasites;
  • Chronic diseases combined with nervous strain.

Causes and Locations of Spots

Defects can occur anywhere: face, neck, arms, legs, back, abdomen. Common forms of spots include:

  • Small red spots with itching (urticaria);
  • Inflammation with flaking spots and growths (eczema);
  • Red, flaky spots in a specific area of the skin (lichen);
  • Dry growths (psoriasis);
  • Altered pigmentation (vitiligo).

Important! Without treatment, rashes can develop into more serious diseases and become chronic.

Nervous-Based Body Spots

Precursors to neurodermatitis include:

  • Irritability;
  • Heightened emotionality;
  • Overexcitement;
  • Hard working conditions;
  • Depression;
  • Chronic sleep deprivation;
  • Fears.

Forms of rashes include:

  • Reddish small pimples on the abdomen, arms, underarms, face;
  • Irregularly shaped spots that appear in areas exposed to direct sunlight;
  • Bright inclusions on the back, neck, shoulders, chest, legs, darkening and flaking under the sun;
  • Red-brown pigments on knees, elbows, wrists;
  • Rashes of various sizes and brightness, caused by capillary accumulation;
  • Itchy red blisters with fluid inside;
  • Flaky, itchy spots on legs, nails, mucous tissues;
  • Pigmented light spots that constantly increase in size.

Interesting! Nervous-based spots are more common in children, pregnant women, and those with hysterical accentuations.

Recognizing Nervous Rash

Nervous rash is characterized by several signs:

  • Increased excitability;
  • Mood swings;
  • Spread or intensification of spots after additional stress;
  • Spontaneous disappearance of spots after a difficult period (e.g., after an exam);
  • Apathy, lethargy, low work efficiency.

Small rashes can be of any shape, location, and color. They appear immediately after stress or over time. White spots appear some time after a traumatic event. Red spots often appear immediately after stress (conflict, scare, scandal) and have an aggressive red hue. Below are examples of nervous-based body spots (photos).

Symptoms of Nervous Rash

A rash caused by nerves is distinguished by the fact that in addition to visible spots and itching, psychosomatic symptoms are observed:

  • Nervous restlessness;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Rapid heartbeat;
  • Fear and anxiety;
  • Feeling of suffocation;
  • Hyperthermia;
  • Allergic reactions (eye swelling and tearing, runny nose, cough, sneezing).

Development of Nervous Rash

After experiencing stress, a rash initially appears as small bumps, which then become reddish and itchy. The more intense the itch, the greater the desire to scratch the pimples. However, scratching leads to the spread of the rash, not to relief. Three stages of rash psychosomatic development can be identified:

  • Acute. Bumps are noticeable and very itchy.
  • Residual. Itch and clearly visible bumps pass, leaving light or dark spots on the skin.
  • Acute with complications. Itching intensifies, causing scratching of pimples, leading to infection in open wounds.

The location and specifics of the rash depend on both medical precursors and the psychological characteristics of the patient. For example, in sensitive and irritable people, the rash appears all over the body.

Nerve-Induced Skin Spots: Development Stages and Symptoms

Skin spots vary in shape and disease development stage. Generally, the stages are:

  • Appearance of spots;
  • Increase in size and number of spots;
  • Itching, prickling, and irritation. Irritation leads to scratching, causing inflammation and open wounds. Without proper care, these wounds can become infected, and scratching can leave scars.

Nervous Urticaria

Red dots resembling nettle burns appear, gradually merging and starting to itch.

Nervous Scabies

Develops rapidly. Initially, itching starts in one area and quickly spreads throughout the body. Rashes appear on the buttocks, stomach, and thighs, resembling red blisters and unlike typical scabies. Symptoms include weakness, fatigue, fever, and shaking. Itching intensifies in the evening and after a warm bath.

Nervous Psoriasis

An autoimmune disease exacerbated by stress. Initially, plaques form on the body, then a thin film that sometimes bleeds.

Nervous Allergy

Occurs exclusively due to emotional shocks. Physically, it’s similar to chemical allergies: itching, redness, rashes, cough, runny nose, chills. Psychological symptoms include irritability, emotional instability, confusion, weakness, cognitive decline, headache, and vision deterioration.

Nervous Eczema

Red pimples similar to allergies appear. Initially, the skin reddens, then a blister with fluid forms, later bursting and forming a sore covered by a yellow crust.

Children’s Rash Characteristics

In children and teenagers, the rash is accompanied by intense itching, disrupting sleep and causing irritability and aggression.

Treating Nerve-Induced Skin Spots

Treatment should be comprehensive. First, consult a dermatologist for tests, a comprehensive examination, and treatment. Medical rehabilitation can be done at home or in a hospital. Treatments include:

  • Sedatives;
  • Immunomodulators;
  • Antihistamines;
  • Symptomatic external remedies. After seeing a dermatologist, consult a psychologist. The specialist will help identify triggers and teach self-control techniques and new coping strategies. For self-help, consider traditional remedies:
  • Birch bud or oak bark decoctions;
  • Grape leaves for compresses;
  • Cranberry and vaseline ointment;
  • Potato paste for itching and inflammation relief. Important! Flaking, inflammation, itching, redness may indicate nerve-induced dermatitis or dermatitis caused by chemical, physical, biological irritants. Visit a dermatologist for accurate diagnosis and treatment!

Preventing Nerve-Induced Diseases

Eczema and psoriasis often recur with stress. Maintain treatment results and focus on prevention:

  • Monitor diet;
  • Maintain a healthy sleep schedule (at least 8 hours);
  • Avoid physical and intellectual overexertion;
  • Increase stress resistance and reduce irritation;
  • Drink plenty of water (individual norm);
  • Eliminate allergens (including mental);
  • Regular exercise;
  • Develop positive thinking;
  • Sun and air baths and other general strengthening measures;
  • Skin care (cosmetic selection best left to a cosmetologist).

For mental stability, consider yoga, calming herbal remedies (e.g., motherwort, valerian, herbal tea), massage. Learn self-regulation and relaxation techniques: meditation, autogenic training, breathing exercises.

Important! The best prevention is eliminating dislikes. Listen to your heart, engage in favorite activities, and communicate with pleasant people.

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