Psychosomatics of the Heart

The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood through the blood vessels. Experts agree that the heart is the most vital organ in the human body. Over half of all deaths are linked to heart diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases are classified into groups: heart function disorders (contractility, conductivity, excitability), oxygen supply issues (ischemia, necrosis), lesion character (dystrophy, inflammation, sclerosis), diseases based on heart sections (myocardium, pericardium, endocardium diseases, and developmental defects).

Common symptoms include acute compressive pain with burning sensation radiating to the left side; prickling or compressive sensations in the heart area; constant aching and discomfort around the heart; pain paralyzing the left side of the body; pain radiating to the neck, shoulder blades, lower back; a feeling of fullness in the chest, a sense of emptiness.

Accompanying symptoms may include rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, shortness of breath, fever or chills, nausea, swelling, headaches, anxiety or fear turning into terror, blood pressure fluctuations, air shortage, weakness, fainting, etc. Causes of heart diseases include:

  1. Genetic predisposition,
  2. Mental illnesses,
  3. Hormonal changes,
  4. Climate change,
  5. Stress, etc.

Negative factors affecting heart function include smoking, alcohol, excessive medication, overconsumption of spicy foods and stimulating drinks, excessive physical activity or lack thereof, sleep deficit, prolonged computer work, overexertion, etc.

Common heart diseases are:

Heart rhythm disorders: sinus tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, extrasystole, sinus bradycardia, etc.

Chronic heart failure – a condition where the heart cannot pump blood effectively due to heart and vascular diseases.

Inflammatory heart diseases (endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis) are caused by bacteria, viruses, toxins, etc.

Sclerotic heart damage – cardiac sclerosis.

Congenital heart defects (mitral valve prolapse, etc.) and acquired (valve defects causing pumping difficulties or incomplete closure). They occur due to chronic heart diseases, past inflammations, unhealthy lifestyles.

Ischemic heart disease (IHD) – a condition related to insufficient myocardial blood supply due to atherosclerosis or thrombosis of the coronary arteries, leading to angina pectoris and acute myocardial infarction.

Psychosomatics of the Heart

The heart symbolizes Love, the ability to give and receive Love. Blood represents the joy of life. A heart filled with Love lives in joy. However, if the heart, as an organ of love, rejects love and the associated joy, it starts to ache. Such a heart literally contracts, becoming dry or even stone-like. The individual then exhibits qualities like coldness, hardness, heartlessness, and cruelty.

Cardiovascular diseases are among the most common psychosomatic disorders. It’s observed that people with negative emotions suffer from heart diseases, while those with a positive outlook don’t face such issues. Psychosomatic heart pains often occur during emotional experiences.

The heart is highly sensitive to emotional experiences, evident by changes in heart rate and strength during joyful or stressful life moments. Nervous centers also influence heart function, and their overstimulation, especially of the sympathetic plexus in the heart, adversely affects this organ. On the other hand, life stresses negatively impact the autonomic nervous system, which regulates heart function. This causes involuntary contractions of the heart muscles and vessel constriction.

Psychosomatics of Heart Pains

The primary cause of heart diseases is a lack of Love. Another reason is ignoring love’s value due to career and material success pursuits. Often, after intense emotional experiences, a person becomes indifferent by closing their heart.

Observations revealed psychological traits of people suffering from heart diseases. The first type includes egocentric, hysterical, and loud individuals. The second type comprises neurotics with unstable, weak nervous systems, easily disturbed. The third type includes psychasthenics prone to unwarranted fears and obsessive thoughts.

The fourth type involves shy psychasthenics lacking confidence and struggling with simple life tasks. These personality traits are often rooted in childhood, especially in conflict-ridden families, deeply affecting children. Heart diseases on a nervous basis are common among people who control their emotions, take things to heart, sympathize excessively, workaholics who believe love must be earned through hard work, and those living a frenetic pace, overburdening themselves and ignoring bodily signals.

Specific heart diseases can indicate particular emotional problems. For instance, arterial hypertension arises from unexpressed negative emotions, often stemming from suppressed aggression and fears. Atherosclerosis indicates a lack of joy and pleasure in life, with sufferers believing the world is negative and hostile.

Psychological Causes of Heart Diseases Identified by Experts

Louise Hay believes the heart symbolizes the center of love and security. She links heart diseases to long-standing emotional issues, joy deficiency, belief in the need for tension, and stress.

Myocardial infarction and heart attacks, according to Hay, result from the expulsion of joy in favor of money, career, or something else. Liz Bourbeau argues that heart problems signify taking things too close to the heart, with efforts and worries exceeding emotional capabilities. She emphasizes the message “Love yourself!” for those with heart diseases. Bodo Baginski, a Reiki specialist, links tachycardia to emotional disturbance, imbalance, and equilibrium disruption.

He suggests that infarcts discharge vast amounts of unexpressed aggressive energy. For prevention, he advises opening the heart to oneself and others. Vessel constriction, Baginski notes, is always connected to fear.

Dr. V. Sinelnikov views the heart as the life center, capable of enjoying life and living in harmony with oneself and the world. Blood represents the soul, joy, and life forces, with vessels delivering this joy and strength to every cell. He attributes heart pains and angina to unfulfilled love for oneself, close ones, the world, and life itself.

People suffering from heart pains often lack love due to long-standing grievances, regrets, pity, jealousy, fear, and anger. They shut themselves off from love and joy, convinced that the world brings negativity and stress. Heart rhythm disorders, according to Sinelnikov, indicate a deviation from one’s life rhythm.

O. Torsunov in his book “The Connection Between Diseases and Character” states that the state of the heart’s muscle tissue depends on kindness and tranquility in thoughts, emotions, speech, and actions. The health of heart vessels is tied to softness and optimism. Healthy heart valves require tenderness, compliance, and love for work. Stability to the heart’s nervous tissues comes from optimism, trust in others, and benevolent activity. The heart sac gains strength from stability and reliability. He associates IHD with negative traits like resentfulness, cruelty, hatred, despair, and sorrow.

Healing Paths for Heart Pains of Nervous Origin

The only way to heal heart pains is to open the heart to Love. True, unconditional love for oneself, close ones, others, life, and the world. A heart meant to be a vessel of Love starts aching when devoid of it.

Thus, it’s crucial to restore Love, as everyone is born with Love in their heart, only to lose it gradually, often starting in childhood due to hate-filled family scenes and indifferent or cruel treatment by close ones.

As an adult, one should seek ways to return Love, fully restoring it in the heart or in a child’s heart (if it concerns your sick child). Acknowledge self-love seriously: as a part of the Creator, every individual is unique and has the right to be loved, starting with self-love.

True Love originates in your heart and spreads around, bringing only joy and goodness to oneself and others. Filled with Love, there’s no room for negative emotions. Embrace gratitude for life’s challenges and happy moments.

To have a healthy heart, return Love and Kindness to it.


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