The knee is a large and complexly structured joint that connects the femur and tibia in the human body.
Common causes of knee diseases are:
- High physical loads,
- Injuries,
- Sedentary lifestyle,
- Excess weight, poor diet,
- Wearing uncomfortable shoes (including high heels),
- Concurrent diseases (flat feet, spinal diseases, etc.),
- Hormonal imbalances,
- Muscle, vascular spasms,
- Circulatory disturbances.
Knee diseases are divided into three groups depending on their nature, but they share common symptoms: difficulties in walking, clicks, pain that intensifies when bending the knee, and swelling.
Inflammatory diseases (arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, etc.) are characterized by swelling, high temperature, suddenness, acute pain, etc.
Dystrophic diseases (arthrosis, osteoarthritis, tendopathy, meniscopathy, etc.) arise due to congenital or hereditary factors and develop gradually.
Post-traumatic diseases occur as a consequence of injuries and trauma.
Psychosomatics of Knee Ailments
The knee is a mobile joint that enables forward movement, advancing towards the future. Knee ailments, by limiting physical freedom of movement, symbolize internal obstacles that prevent a person from moving forward in their life.
These can be stresses and strains that affect certain parts of the brain. In this case, the nervous system begins to send distorted impulses, negatively affecting the musculoskeletal system. As a result, muscle spasms, meniscus pinching, and cracks in cartilage tissue occur. Or there is hypertonus of the leg muscles, and they strongly compress the joint. Hence, the overly compressed joint loses flexibility and mobility, increasing the risk of dislocation, etc.
For example, a person may feel anger because they have to go where they do not want to (literally or figuratively). This leads to the release of hormones that suppress the production of joint fluid. If a person constantly experiences anger, the joint will remain without the necessary fluid, leading to the onset of a disease.
Joints in the human body (including the knees), according to Dr. V. Sinelnikov, are responsible for translating aggressive feelings (irritation, anger, rage) into action. If the negative is not released, it begins to accumulate in the joint sockets, leading to ailments.
Arthritis, as joint inflammation, clearly indicates that a person’s brain and emotions are inflamed (anger, rage, resentment as anger directed inward).
Or take a disease associated with joint destruction – arthrosis, which usually occurs more often in older people. What leads to the destruction of this mobile joint responsible for moving forward? Perhaps it is because they distrust the future, see no prospects ahead, and therefore are afraid to move forward? That is, fear paralyzes their movement in life (and we remember that fear is a very strong destructive feeling).
If a person suffers from inward or outward curvature of the knees, according to Liz Burbo, this means that it is difficult for the person to be straightforward and move directly towards their set goal.
Psychological Causes of Knee Diseases
Psychologists have found that ailments of the right knee are associated with negativity directed towards the male aspect: relationships in society, including work, towards a man or oneself.
Alexander Astrogore indicates that the right knee symbolizes “me with my problems,” “I don’t want this,” “I won’t do what I’m being persuaded to do.” This person is a protester with their own principles, which do not correspond to reality.
According to Astrogore, the left knee represents “the world around me” and reacts to people with whom a person lives or communicates regularly.
The left knee, as a symbol of the female aspect, becomes diseased when negativity is directed towards personal life, family, a woman, or oneself.
Examples of such negativities include pride, unwillingness to compromise, reluctance to listen to others’ opinions, megalomania, resentment for lack of recognition in society, egoism. If a person constantly lives in this negativity, it will lead to coldness, emotional stagnation, inflexibility, both in thinking and in the knee joint.
Destructive for the knees are also such negative emotions and qualities as resentment towards others, greed, criticism, apathy due to low self-esteem.
Another psychosomatic cause is that the knees, as a symbol of worship and reverence, indicate negativity directed towards parents, family, lineage: alienation from the family, unwillingness to honor one’s lineage, parents, reluctance to acknowledge one’s roots, to be part of one’s family.
Louise Hay points to the following causes of knee problems: stubbornness and pride, inability to be a pliable person, fear, inflexibility, unwillingness to yield.
She writes that joints symbolize changes in direction in life and the ease of these movements, and arthritis expresses the feeling of being unloved, as well as criticism and resentment.
Bursitis, according to Louise Hay, symbolizes anger, the desire to hit someone. Bursitis of the big toe speaks of the absence of joy in looking at life.
Liz Burbo notes that pain or a problem in the knee is a sign of insufficient flexibility regarding the future. Such a person is characterized by vanity and stubbornness. They do not want to accept ideas and advice from other people.
Dislocation occurs in a person who feels forced to go where they do not want to go.
Liz Burbo sees the cause of arthrosis as anger and malice towards another person, and in arthritis – towards oneself. Anger at oneself arises because such a person is too strict with themselves, does not allow themselves to relax, does not know how to express their desires and needs.
Gout speaks of a person who wants to dominate but does not allow themselves such a right.
People who suffer from bursitis are those who do not allow themselves to express anger, and this anger accumulates in the joint, which was associated with a specific situation.
Psychologists have found that people who suffer from polyarthritis are characterized by stubbornness, over-conscientiousness, and over-morality.
Paths to Healing
Based on the above-discussed psychosomatic causes, to heal the knees, it is necessary to abandon and free oneself from the listed negative thoughts, emotions, and qualities.
How to free oneself from them if you can neither vent nor suppress them? There are many ways to get rid of them.
Physical ways: from unproductive pillow beating to productive use of strong anger energy in some work (for example, do an unloved household chore, etc.)
Ways to work with one’s inner world: raising consciousness and bringing one’s emotional sphere into harmony.
Raising consciousness allows a person to rise above selfishness, pettiness, pride, and other qualities, as a person understands that life is a Divine school, which through the people around and through events helps them understand Divine laws and develop Divine qualities.
And, if that is the case, what sense is there in being offended, angry? And at whom? At life, which we create ourselves with our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions? Life’s only goal is the spiritual and moral development and perfection of a person as a particle of God.
And everything that surrounds a person is called to develop them, especially troubles and diseases. How else will a person pay attention to their ungodly qualities? For example, roughly speaking, if an inflexible, unfeeling person – receive hardening joints, heartless – listen to your ailing heart, etc.
This is to what forced measures our body comes for the development of its owner – a person.
The question arises: is the owner ready to sacrifice their negativity for the healing of their body?