Psychosomatics of the Left Side of the Body in Women

Both feminine and masculine principles exist within every person, helping men and women understand each other and complement harmoniously. From a psychosomatic perspective, the right and left sides of the body correspond to different energies: masculine and feminine. However, their balance is crucial for health.

Is There a Difference in Pain on Different Sides

In psychosomatics, every detail matters: which organ is in pain, the nature of the pain, which side the problem is on, what it’s associated with, etc. Special psychosomatic body maps have been developed to explain the metaphysical significance of each organ and body part.

Thus, the side of the pain matters. Pain on the left side indicates issues with women or feminine energy. Pain on the right signifies difficulties in relationships with men. If pain occurs in the middle or on both sides, it suggests a conflict between the father and mother or conflicts with both parents.

The location of the discomfort, whether at the front or back of the body, is also significant. The front of the body represents the future, while the back represents the past. Pain in the front and left side suggests fears related to something feminine. Pain on the left and back indicates old grievances, painful memories, and unresolved conflicts from the past with women.

Interesting! Typically, disease tables and interpretations are presented for right-handed people. For left-handed individuals, the psychosomatics are mirrored. In this case, their right side represents feminine energy, and the left represents masculine energy.

Left Side Psychosomatics in Women and Men: Is There a Difference

The right brain hemisphere controls the left side of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the right side. The left hemisphere is associated with logic, rationality, restraint, while the right hemisphere is linked to intuition, creativity, sensuality. Traditionally, the first traits are attributed to men and the second to women. Thus, the left side of the body corresponds to feminine energy, and the right side to masculine energy.

Is there a difference in psychosomatics of the left side in men and women? Yes, but it’s subtle:

  • In women, diseases indicate difficulties in relationships with the mother. For instance, conflicts and resentment might lead a woman to reject her mother, subconsciously rejecting her femininity and body (“I won’t be like her,” meaning “I won’t be a woman”).
  • In men, diseases speak of difficulties in relationships with the mother, sister, wife, or another woman. A man with left-side pain feels oppressed, submissive to a woman. However, left-side diseases in men can also indicate excessive harshness and aggression. For a normal life, every person should possess both masculine and feminine qualities, managing them through psychological flexibility. For example, a man should be gentle and caring with children and his wife. If the left side is blocked, he lacks sensitivity and care, struggles to express feelings, and access his intuition. He imposes restrictions on creative self-realization, choosing stable but not always beloved work, because “a man must…”.

Diseases that develop due to internal conflict between masculine and feminine energies include scoliosis (especially in children), reproductive system diseases, sexual disorders, hypertension, and allergies.

Interesting! Remember how warriors behave in battle: shield in the left hand and sword in the right. This is because the left side protects and safeguards, while the right attacks and reclaims (also protects, but more aggressively).

What the Left Side of the Body Represents

The left side of the body corresponds to feminine energy and relationships with the mother. Any issues on this side indicate a rejection of femininity (in women), problems in relationships with the mother (in both women and men), or issues in interactions with women (in men). For a harmonious life, the balance of feminine and masculine energies is essential. If one channel is blocked (due to visible or hidden unresolved conflict), energy flow is obstructed, leading to apathy, emptiness, and a purposeless life. Often, blockage of the left side results in difficulties finding one’s purpose and place in society, self-identification struggles, and feelings of loneliness.

Possible Problems on the Left Side and Their Meaning

Left Side Psychosomatics in Women:

  • Drooping left shoulder or growth on the shoulder blade – feeling a lack of support and love from the mother.
  • Curvature of the left side of the back – feeling guilty towards the mother.
  • Lowering of the pelvis on the left side – worries about the mother’s financial problems.
  • Lower back pain – financial dependency on the mother.
  • Blocked nostril – grudge against the mother.
  • Pain in the left side of the neck – hyper-responsibility, excessive care for others, suppression of personal desires.
  • Left-sided throat pain – unexpressed opinions, unshed tears.
  • Lung diseases or breathing problems – suppression and overprotectiveness from a woman.
  • Pain in the leg – mother (or another woman) and memories of her prohibitions hinder forward movement.
  • Pain in the left side – guilt towards the mother. 90% of psychosomatic problems arise from unresolved conflicts with the mother (mostly from childhood). Resentment, anger, fear, rejection are the main feelings triggering self-destruction. To be healthy, it’s crucial to reconcile with the mother, love, and accept her as she is.

Interesting! Another psychosomatic theory suggests that the left side of the body represents one’s ability to understand their inner world and personal relationships. Thus, pains on the left indicate self-rejection and hindrance to personal development.

Feminine Energy of the Left Side of the Body

Feminine energy is directly linked to qualities like measuredness, softness, gentleness, tolerance. The left side is responsible for:

  • The ability to rest and relax;
  • The ability to feel and submit;
  • The ability to listen and accept another person;
  • The skill to cooperate and compromise;
  • The ability to give and express care and help. Women experiencing pain on the left side lack sufficient femininity, displaying more masculine traits. They are missing:
  • Vulnerability,
  • Wisdom,
  • Humility,
  • Softness,
  • Gentleness,
  • Care,
  • Maternal love.

However, it’s not that simple. Some left-side diseases (e.g., breast diseases) can indicate excessive maternal care, forcing women to sacrifice themselves. Pain on the left in women can result from a conflict between desires and capabilities.

Treating Left Side Psychosomatics

Detecting disharmony between masculine and feminine is simple: consider any conflicts with females. Was the conflict resolved? What are your current relationships? Start with your mother and move on: sisters, friends, daughters, aunts, wives, etc. If you harbor a single negative thought or unpleasant memory about any woman, your inner harmony is disrupted.

What to do: Eliminate negativity towards women and yourself (if you are a woman). How to do it: Identify all problem situations, determine all traumas and grievances, reevaluate situations, and let go of the past.

If you hold a grudge against your mother, understand that you choose whether to be like her. You are not obligated to repeat her mistakes; you have the right to love and value yourself. You can only pity and forgive your mother, as she couldn’t act differently, not knowing another behavior model. Talk to her or find out about her childhood history; you will likely discover the roots of her behavior and understand that she meant no harm. She was just being herself.

Louise Hay

Louise Hay also links the left side of the body to feminine energy, women, mothers, receptivity. For healing, the psychologist suggests using affirmations like: “My feminine energy is perfectly balanced,” “I love and accept my body, my femininity, and sexuality. I love myself and let go of the past.”

Liz Bourbeau

According to Liz Bourbeau, the left side determines one’s attitude towards themselves (through the prism of the mother’s beliefs), while the right side represents the attitude towards the external world. Any problems on the left side in women indicate self-rejection. Healing requires shedding past beliefs, stepping out from under the mother’s influence, and focusing on positive self-perception.

V. Sinelnikov

For V. Sinelnikov, the left side signifies the ability to absorb and perceive. Like other authors, Sinelnikov highlights the importance of balancing masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) energies.

Important! Forget stereotypes like “girls don’t behave like that,” “real men don’t cry,” “be a real woman,” etc. For a harmonious and happy life, a balance of masculine and feminine qualities is crucial. For example, a woman should be serious, persistent, and strict at work but can be gentle and soft at home. If you cannot resolve the imbalance on your own, seek a psychologist’s help.

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