It is often heard from parents that their child frequently suffers from tonsillitis. A brief look at the physical causes of tonsillitis reveals that this illness is caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi. This implies that the child must either be in constant contact with an infected person or frequently experience cold exposure or consume very cold food and drinks. Parents are puzzled: they provide vitamins, dress the child warmly, avoid cold water, and yes, contact with sick people occurs (which is unavoidable in kindergartens and schools), but not throughout the whole year!
They just recovered, and now they are sick again! And other children don’t get sick as often – why is that?
Indeed, parents are doing everything right, but as you may notice, all of these measures concern only the physical body. What about the psychology of the person, the child? Many don’t consider the need to strengthen mental health, or “emotional immunity,” if you will.
Psychosomatics of Tonsillitis
When discussing any illness, including tonsillitis, let’s start from the well-known axiom that a person is a unity of soul, mind, and body. This was known in ancient times, and healers treated all components of a person simultaneously, not just the physical, ignoring the others (as is done nowadays). From this axiom, it follows that any disease is primarily a SIGNAL to a person.
It is given through the body so that through physical pain, a person pays attention to some inner emotional problem (in themselves or in the child). This happens when a person (child) gets stuck in this inner problem for a long time, which is usually of a negative nature (no one gets sick from joy and happiness).
Psychological Causes of Tonsillitis
Let’s look at the psychological causes of tonsillitis. First, note that the throat, the vocal organ, is affected, which helps a person verbally express their thoughts and emotions. Therefore, tonsillitis and other throat diseases (tonsillitis, pharyngitis) indicate that something or someone is preventing the person from expressing themselves through voice and speech. In this case, emotional discomfort is caused by the inability to articulate thoughts, emotions, or one’s stance – one has to “swallow” resentment, anger, fear, and other negative emotions.
This situation especially affects adults who cannot forget or let go of it, replaying it over and over in their minds. If we continue discussing the psychological causes of the disease in adults, remember that the so-called “throat center” is associated with a person’s self-realization. That is, if a person cannot realize themselves (in work, family, creativity, etc.), the throat usually suffers.
Have you noticed that some adults, not ill, constantly cough as if clearing something “stuck” in the throat? Knowing the psychological reasons, one can guess what problem is “stuck” there. Detailed descriptions of the psychological causes of tonsillitis can be found in the works of well-known authors such as Liz Bourbo, Louise Hay, and others.
Psychosomatic Tonsillitis in Children: Causes
Tonsillitis is mostly common in children. But, if an adult cannot forget the negative, then, in the case of children – the reason is different. The main factor causing tonsillitis in children (as well as its persistence, regularity, and resistance to medication) is the psychologically incorrect attitude of adults, namely, parents, towards children.
To clarify. Who, if not parents, often “shut the mouth” of their child, thereby forbidding them to express their opinion, stance, emotions, protest: “don’t yell,” “don’t make noise,” “don’t cry,” “too young to teach,” “shut up” or in an even harsher form. How else can a child express their protest if not through crying, shouting, speaking? Somehow, parents tend to treat all these natural ways of children’s expression as whims.
A child who feels and sees that they are loved (not for show, but genuinely: tenderly, caringly, affectionately, attentively, respectfully, albeit strictly (yes, REAL LOVE IS STRICT, BUT NOT SHOUTY – these are different things)) will not act out or throw tantrums just for the sake of it (confirmed by practice).
Children are not adults (but many, forgetting this, impose adult demands on them!), they still don’t know how, properly, in the opinion of adults, to express dissatisfaction, especially if they can’t talk yet. The question arises: Do all adults themselves know how to “civilizedly” express their dissatisfaction: without shouting and insults, calmly saying: “I don’t like this, let’s discuss it”? If this were the case in the family, then children, growing up, would adopt this positive experience and use it in their future life. How many difficulties could be avoided by this!
I’ll name another reason for tonsillitis (and throat diseases in general) in children. It’s the constant shouting and quarrels between parents – between the most precious people to a child’s heart – mom and dad. Remember that a child is energetically (with a common biofield) connected to their parents. And their unspoken negative words to each other, which they constantly repeat in their internal monologue, through the common field “transfer” and “get stuck” in the child’s throat.
Here’s an example from life. I know one family, quite well, where relationship problems are evident: there is no warmth of the hearth, but there is competition, distrust, and constant grievances between spouses. No matter how often we meet – the child (10+ years) or one of the parents (always her), or both together, keep coughing. From the outside, it seems like a prosperous family. The question arises: are the parents’ own ambitions and ego more important than the mental and physical health of the child?!
Another example. A father psychologically “does not accept” his children (the youngest is 3, the eldest is 10): constantly criticizes, reproaches, demands, dislikes everything about them (just like a stepmother in fairy tales), complains about his children to others (!). You can guess that in response, the children… constantly suffer from ARVI, tonsillitis, etc. And grow up insecure (how can there be confidence in one’s strength if one’s own father takes away this strength instead of supporting), suppressed, joyless…
All parents want their children to grow up healthy, successful, and happy. But do they do everything for it? What emotional efforts do they make: love or detachment, support or reproaches, warmth or cold of the home hearth, the image of which the child will carry throughout their life and pass on to their children?
May your children grow up healthy and happy!