Psychosomatics of Uterine Polyps Appearance

Female diseases indicate that a woman does not accept herself or a particular aspect of her personality, appearance, or body. Perhaps, she is dissatisfied with her weight or social status, or maybe her behavioral model with men. In any case, the woman is convinced that she cannot change the situation, and therefore suffers even more. Each illness has its own additional psychological basis. Let’s take a closer look at such a problem as uterine polyps.

What Causes Growth (Polyps)

The uterus is the most vulnerable female organ. It reflects all the negativity from relationships with men. Resentment, anger, irritation, pain, negative thoughts – all these become causes of uterine diseases.

Polyps After Childbirth

During or after pregnancy, polyps often appear. It’s all about hormonal restructuring, which occurs throughout the entire period of childbearing and after childbirth.

Pathology in Menopause

Menopause is also often accompanied by polyps. The reason is the same – hormonal restructuring of the body. The likelihood of developing the disease is higher if the woman is constantly under stress, is emotionally and mentally unstable. Women prone to depression get sick more often. In addition, they have a higher risk of benign formations turning into malignant ones.

Main Types

A polyp is a 2–3 cm (on average) endometrial outgrowth. Some polyps have a stalk, a base, and a neck, others only a base and a body. Flat polyps are more likely to turn into cancerous growths. Moreover, polyps vary in color: from light pink to purple.

Polyp on a Stalk

The stalk is a collection of vessels that nourish the polyp, ensuring its growth. Such growths rarely transform into cancer, are well treatable, and are easily removed.

Growths without a Stalk

They have a wide base and a small body (looks like a protrusion). Such polyps are more prone to oncology and growth on the mucous tissue of the uterus.

Psychosomatics: Uterine Polyps

Polyps are multiple formations on the mucous membrane of the uterus. They can be benign or malignant. All neoplasms require medical observation and treatment. Polyps larger than 18 mm are subject to surgical removal.

Psychology believes that the reason for the development of polyposis is a woman’s uncried tears, a feeling of self-pity. She constantly suffers in relationships with men, she is offended, cheated on, betrayed. At the same time, the woman does not understand why she is treated this way. She does not understand why she can’t be a good mother and a happy wife. All that remains for her is to pity herself and cry silently.

The victim mentality is formed in childhood, but changes can occur in the teenage years or in adulthood. What precedes the development of psychosomatics:

  • Problems with sexual identity;
  • Conflicts with parents or one of them;
  • Lack of love, attention, care;
  • Fear of pregnancy;
  • Dependent relationships in which the woman endured humiliation;
  • Denial of femininity;
  • Overprotection and excessive control by parents or a man from previous relationships;
  • Negative attitude towards pregnancy, children.


When the stalk of the polyp twists, pain occurs. Along with this, bleeding or unusual vaginal discharge is observed. Growth of the polyp also causes pain. Sometimes there is pain during menstruation or a disturbed cycle. The disease has no other signs or symptoms.

Important! Symptoms of the disease may not manifest for a long time or have a vague, weak character. Often, the pathology is diagnosed during preventive examinations at the gynecologist. Therefore, it is important to regularly visit a doctor (1–2 times a year, provided there are no chronic diseases and any symptoms).

Causes of Polyps

Stress is the main cause. Due to mental tension and fatigue, the overall immunity of the body decreases, making other systems and organs vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, and fungi. However, which specific system will be affected depends on individual characteristics. More precise reasons will be told by psychosomatics.

What Famous Psychologists Say

Uterine Polyps Psychosomatics: conflicts in relationships with men, problems in sexual life, denial of femininity. Let’s look at the reasons for polyps through the theories of psychologists-psychosomaticists.


According to Sinel’nikov’s theory, uterine polyps arise for the following reasons: conflicts, quarrels, disagreements, resentments, unresolved problems in relationships with a partner. What to do:

  • Forgive yourself, your husband, or another man you hold a grudge against;
  • Stop feeling sorry for yourself;
  • Get rid of guilt and torment;
  • Find a purpose in life and follow it.

Louise Hay

According to Louise Hay, the reason for polyps is the feeling of guilt about sexual activity. Reasons for its emergence can be: the absence of love and harmony in relationships with men, an internal ban from parents on sexual activity, feelings of guilt about the first unsuccessful experience or other unpleasant memories associated with sex. Healing affirmation: “I feel at home in my body. My talent is all-encompassing.”

Liz Bourbeau

The uterus is a symbol of the birth of life. Any problems with it indicate emotional issues, the inability to fully live and enjoy every day. Possible causes of endometrial polyps:

  • Fear and reluctance to have a child;
  • Feeling guilty towards the child;
  • Anxiety due to unfulfilled potential, ideas, desires;
  • Seeing oneself as a bad daughter, wife, mother.

What to do: Develop femininity, believe in yourself, accept and love yourself. It is important to get rid of grievances, fears, and guilt from the past. From now on, only you control your life.


According to V. Zhikarentsev’s theory, the uterus personifies the center of creativity and creation, including creativity and self-realization as a woman. Healing affirmation: “I am at home in my body.”

Paths to Healing

Take responsibility for your life. We ourselves create situations in our lives, attract people to it. You chose an unworthy man yourself, allowed yourself to be treated poorly. Yes, perhaps you do it unconsciously, and that’s the difficulty in treatment – you need to work with the subconscious.

Acknowledge and accept the fact that you were born in a female body. This is not a coincidence. Moreover, according to psychosomatics, we choose the body in which we are born. Remember what you wanted to achieve in this world, what experience you wanted to gain, and what you wanted to do when you chose this body.

Realize yourself as a woman:

  • Develop feminine qualities: balance, tenderness, softness, kindness, acceptance.
  • Don’t forget about the harmony of male and female energy. For this, learn flexibility, and when necessary, exhibit male qualities: purposefulness, decisiveness, toughness, will.

Maintain the balance of male and female, allowing feminine traits to slightly dominate. But be careful! For example, it is considered forgivable for girls to be easily offended. But if you think about it, the basis of offense is aggression, which is a masculine trait. Thus, taking offense does not suit a girl.

What else to do to heal:

  1. Let go of grievances against your mother and father. Accept their characteristics and understand that at that time they could not act differently. They lived as they could and wanted. They didn’t wish you harm.
  2. Understand that forgiveness is more for you than for them. As long as you harbor resentment, the weight of the past lies only on your shoulders. It’s time to let go of the past, let love, kindness, and gratitude into your life.

Important! Medicine knows cases of self-destruction and self-elimination of polyps from the body. For this, a woman must have a strong immune system and a healthy hormonal background. And this can be achieved thanks to psychological work on your consciousness.

Psychosomatic Treatment Techniques

Louise Hay herself suffered from women’s health problems; she was diagnosed with uterine cancer. But she was able to defeat the disease and told the world about her technique. Stages of healing according to Louise Hay:

  1. Identify the psychosomatic cause of the disease and the negative mindset.
  2. Choose an affirmation, repeat it several times a day, articulate your desire to get rid of the disease.
  3. Speak aloud about your desire to restore health.
  4. Every time you remember the disease, return to the first three points.

The main causes of women’s diseases are resentment towards men (a man) and rejection of sexuality, female attractiveness. Rejection of femininity may be associated with resentment towards the mother (“I will not be like her”). It is important to understand whom you are resentful of, let go of the past, and allow yourself to enjoy the present.


For prevention, it is important to remember the psychological reasons for the appearance of polyps. If you know them, you can do everything to avoid facing them. Maintaining a good mood, self-love, harmony in relationships, comprehensive self-realization in life are the keys to women’s health. You need to stop living by the principles of “must” and “should.” Pay more attention to your desires and abilities.

Important! For the diagnosis and treatment of polyps, you should consult a gynecologist, and then a psychologist. In most cases, comprehensive therapy is prescribed: medication and psychotherapy.

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