Simple Self-Regulation by Hasay Aliyev

Simple Self-Regulation by Hasay Aliyev Self-regulation is the ability of an individual to maintain mental equilibrium in stressful situations, control emotions, reactions, and behavior. It aids in normalizing physiological processes (breathing, heart rhythm), relieves tension, excitement, and irritation, leading to enlightenment. A person can then soberly assess the situation and make a balanced decision. There are numerous self-regulation techniques, one of the most popular being Hasay Aliyev’s method.

Benefits of Hasay Aliyev’s “Key” Method

Hasay Magomedovich Aliyev, a Dagestani scientist, doctor, psychologist, and philosopher, dedicated much time to creative disclosure and self-realization. He is a globally recognized stress expert, author of books and the “Key” method. The main advantage of Aliyev’s technique is that it can be used regularly regardless of circumstances. It helps not only to manage emotions in specific situations but also eliminates internal barriers caused by regular stress. This technique enables mindfulness, increases stress resilience, and can improve the quality and level of life. Other advantages of Hasay Aliyev’s “Key” method include:

  1. Simplicity, mobility. It can be practiced under any conditions, requiring only 20 minutes a day.
  2. Accessibility. Suitable for people with special needs and those who are less motivated.
  3. Time and cost savings. This technique can replace a full-fledged training, even for very busy individuals. The method enhances stress resilience, unlocks personal potential, and eliminates internal constraints. It teaches rational thinking and maintaining composure, even in extreme situations. Knowing this technique, a person can see opportunities for personal growth and development in every challenging situation.

How to Become Healthy and Successful

If a person cannot control themselves, they will be controlled by others. People who succumb to emotions often become manipulation victims. Complexes and internal constraints hinder forming relationships, making acquaintances, communicating, and achieving goals, ultimately preventing a person from being healthy and successful. To be the master of one’s life, one must understand their thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Believing in oneself and continual self-development, learning to manage one’s abilities and opportunities are essential. This requires developing stress resilience and self-regulation ability.

Creation and Application of the Key

The method was developed in 1980, initially aimed at astronaut training, as it helps to better withstand the extreme conditions of flight and levitation-induced weightlessness eliminates fatigue. The Ministry of Health approved the method. Later, it began to be used for stress relief and treating post-traumatic stress disorder in those who experienced terrorism, war, or other difficult situations. Today, Hasay Aliyev’s self-regulation method is used not only in military and clinical psychology but also in everyday life. Anyone can master the technique and use it independently.

Exercises of the “Key” Method

One training session consists of five exercises: arm divergence, arm convergence, flight, autowaving of the body, and head movements. These exercises harmonize mental and physical processes. The body and psyche achieve full harmony, which serves as excellent prevention of psychosomatic diseases.

Arm Divergence

Stand straight, close your eyes, extend your arms forward, ensuring they are relaxed. Use the power of thought to make your arms diverge to the sides. To simplify, imagine a situation or image that causes the arms to diverge, like rejoicing at meeting a friend. If it’s difficult, try to find a more comfortable position, think about nothing, and relax. When your arms easily diverge, it indicates overcoming internal barriers and complexes.

Arm Convergence

Converge your arms in front of you using thought power. This exercise is usually easier than the first. If you encounter difficulties, smile to help relax and complete the exercise. Repeat the exercise several times, alternating divergence and convergence. If your arms tire, lower them and rest. After several repetitions, you’ll feel internal relaxation, lightness, and a surge of strength.

Hand Levitation/Flight

Stand straight, lower your arms at your sides. It’s better to close your eyes to avoid external distractions. Or, you can concentrate on one palm, which also helps eliminate extraneous thoughts. Imagine being in weightlessness, your hand rising, followed by the second. They resemble wings, and you seem to be soaring. If it doesn’t work at first, return to the first two exercises and then try levitation again. Levitation removes physical and then psychological fatigue. It prevents and eliminates psychophysiological exhaustion. This is the main exercise for achieving harmony and freedom. It also brings a state of euphoria, inspiration, and invigoration.

Autowaving of the Body

Autowaving occurs naturally as the body relaxes. If the previous exercises were successful, there will be no problem with this one. Stand straight, lower your arms at your sides, and imagine being a blade of grass swaying in the wind. You are completely relaxed, and the movements are light and harmonious. If autowaving does not occur, create it artificially: fold your arms on your chest and gently sway. This exercise improves movement coordination, which increases stress resistance and the ability to make rational decisions in extreme situations.

Head Movements

Find a comfortable position (sitting or standing), and relax your neck. Send a mental signal for your head to start swaying from side to side. If you feel pain at any stage, massage that area. This exercise improves brain blood supply and cognitive abilities.

Video Technique “Stress Relief in 5 Minutes”

Hasay Aliyev travels to cities, personally talking about the “Key” technique. The author demonstrates the exercises, comments on their execution and his feelings. He also shows examples of preparatory exercises that simplify the execution of the main complex. These can also be used as independent techniques for quick relaxation in difficult situations. They can also become daily five-minute gymnastics for body relaxation and tension relief. What are these exercises:

  1. “Hand whip.”
  2. “Skier.”
  3. “Humpty Dumpty.”
  4. “Hang back, hang forward.”
  5. “Light dance.” Interesting! The author not only gives lectures, demonstrates training but also wrote a book. “The ‘Key’ Method. Unlock Your Potential. Realize Yourself!”. Anyone can buy it. It will serve as a practical guide and theoretical support in life.


The state of flight is the main goal of the session. Imagine yourself as a bird, give free rein to your imagination, and allow yourself to experience new sensations. At first, it may seem strange, but soon the state of freedom, lightness, and euphoria will become familiar.

Positive Effect After Training with the Key

Increased self-esteem, elimination of fatigue, and mental freshness are the first positive changes noticeable immediately after training. But these are not the only effects. Other positive changes include:

  • Nervous relaxation;
  • State of meditation;
  • Improved adaptability (helpful when changing jobs or places of residence);
  • Accelerated recovery after stress;
  • Normalization of sleep, relief from insomnia and difficulty falling asleep;
  • Improved quality of sleep, leading to reduced sleep time;
  • Relief of mental and psychophysiological fatigue;
  • Increased intellectual activity;
  • Improved cognitive abilities (attention, memory);
  • Breaking free from stereotypes;
  • Elimination of complexes.

Hasay Aliyev’s method, “The Key,” can be used in psychotherapy, education, creativity, sports, and is also suitable for team building, improving relationships among members, and creating a favorable psychological climate.

The Key to Managing Your State

“The Key to Managing Your State” is the title of a paragraph from Hasay Aliyev’s book. In it, the psychotherapist discusses his understanding of the key and its significance. The key is a method of uniting the soul and body, mind, and feelings. It is created for the survival and development of a person under harsh external and internal restrictions. It is a consciously controlled bodily reaction. Each person can invent their key—a universal way to restore harmony between consciousness and the body. Alternatively, one can use one of Aliyev’s exercises for synchronizing movements.

Increasing Stress Resilience, Anti-Stress Preparation, and Self-Regulation

Repetitive actions help to calm down. Thus, people shake their leg or tap their fingers on the table when nervous. What if you consciously shake your body, harmonizing movements with your inner state? Literally shaking with anger or excitement? Shake it off, jump. Feeling melancholy and longing? Gently sway from side to side. How to prepare for a stressful situation:

  1. Perform a test for uninhibition (arm divergence).
  2. Achieve free consciousness and a neutral state, free from obsessive thoughts.
  3. Plant in the brain the idea you need to achieve your goal.
  4. Gain control over yourself: ideoreflective movements, or synchrogymnastics (Hasay Aliyev’s synchro method). Hasay Magomedovich’s method is universal. It suits both relaxation and resource mobilization. These practices allow anyone to discover talents in art, sports, acting, business. “The Key” positively impacts all areas of life: work, personal life, family and friendly relationships, self-realization.

We’ve Been Hearing “Know Yourself!” Since Childhood

From school, we are taught to behave well, follow social norms, and keep ourselves in check. But there’s more theory than practice in this matter. This gap can be filled with the “Key” method. Teachers conduct warm-ups in class, so why not replace them with exercises in mindfulness and self-awareness? Then, children will learn to control and regulate not only their behavior but also their state. This is much more important, as suppressing true feelings and emotions leads to neuroses, psychosomatic illnesses, and internal conflicts.

“The Key” method – a healthy, simple, and accessible way of uninhibition and self-discovery. It replaces unhealthy indulgences in alcohol or cultish trance entries, which do not help but only hinder personal growth. Aliyev’s method helps a person find the key to themselves, personal harmony, and well-being. Everything a person needs for happiness and success is innately within. It just needs to be unlocked, brought out from the depths of the body and psyche. Note: You can read the author’s original thoughts on this subject in the eponymous paragraph from the book “The Key Method. Unlock Your Potential. Realize Yourself!” The title of this section and the next is taken from the author’s book.

Tell Yourself: “I am the Sun!”

People fear themselves and each other. Few of us realize our own strength and power. In reality, human potential is limitless; we can achieve anything if we truly want it and believe in ourselves. How often do we have to step out of our comfort zone, face new people, circumstances, places? And every time, the same thoughts: what if it doesn’t work out, what if I’m not liked, what if I do something wrong. And each time, we are engulfed in excitement, fear of the unknown. This is normal, it’s how the instinct of self-preservation works. But humans are rational beings. We can and should master our instincts, use them to our advantage. Dr. Hasay Aliyev’s gymnastics relieve these feelings, boost self-esteem, and instill confidence. For even better results, Hasay advises using the affirmation: “I go to help, I am useful, hence I am needed, hence I am good, I am the Sun!” Repeat this whenever you feel uncertainty, the influence of complexes, or fear of failure.

Stress Prevention, Tension Release, Fatigue Relief, or Battle Readiness in 5 Minutes

Just 5 exercises in 5 minutes can rejuvenate the body, fill it with energy, and calm the psyche. The author calls this synchrogymnastics. We’ve already discussed the exercises in the “Stress Relief in 5 Minutes” video technique section. Let’s add that you can initially perform a quick test for tension and measure stress levels. Try spreading your arms. If you succeed, you’re uninhibited. If not, you’re stressed, and your body and mind are “clogged.” So, it’s time for a five-minute warm-up.

How to Finish Exercises

After training, a state of meditation occurs. You can leave it at any moment by imagining a refreshing image, like an alarm clock. However, it’s recommended to maintain the state for a couple of minutes, think of something pleasant, let the body rest and energize. It’s important to properly conclude the session: sit down, slowly close your eyes, assess your condition.

How to Recognize the Moment of Truth

If everything goes well, you’ll feel lightness in your body and notice an absence of thoughts. This resembles nirvana. If you achieve this, it means the psychophysiological unloading was successful.

Duration of the Course

It takes about 5 days to master the technique, and it’s recommended to practice the exercises regularly. You can change their sequence, combine, exclude, or add something. Rely on your feelings, well-being, and life rhythm.

If Nothing Happens

Don’t worry if the effect isn’t noticeable immediately or if something doesn’t work the first time. Complete the course, and you’ll see how tensions gradually ease and self-esteem grows. If you still don’t feel the result, know that this happens. It means strong tensions and psychological traumas are present. It’s recommended to visit a psychologist, undergo a medical examination, possibly a massage course. After resolving the main issues, you can return to the “Key” method.

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