Psychosomatics of Diseases, Psychological Causes of Illnesses Psychosomatic
Psychosomatics of Diseases, Psychological Causes of Illnesses
Have you ever considered that a headache or muscle tension might not just be the result of a hard day
Psychosomatics of Lower Back Pain: Causes and Treatment Psychosomatic
Psychosomatics of Lower Back Pain: Causes and Treatment
The first thought that comes to mind with pain in the lower back and sacrum is catching a cold, awkward
Psychosomatics of the Spine: Main Causes of Spinal Diseases on a Nervous Basis Psychosomatic
Psychosomatics of the Spine: Main Causes of Spinal Diseases on a Nervous Basis
Discomfort in the back can vary: stiffness, muscle blocks, pain, posture curvature, shoulder drooping.
Mental Causes of Various Diseases
The connection between soul and body was emphasized by Aristotle. Today, it is well-known: all diseases
Psychosomatic Disorders Psychosomatic
Psychosomatic Disorders
The term psychosomatic was introduced in the 19th century, marking the development of psychosomatics
Psychosomatics Table of Diseases by Valeriy Sinelnikov Psychosomatic
Psychosomatics Table of Diseases by Valeriy Sinelnikov
Valeriy Sinelnikov, a psychologist, psychosomatic specialist, homeopath, and author on healing of the
Psychosomatics of Neck Pain Psychosomatic
Psychosomatics of Neck Pain
Heavy physical labor, long hours at the computer, working in forced and uncomfortable positions, and
Viilma Luule's Disease Table Psychosomatic
Viilma Luule’s Disease Table
Viilma Luule is one of the well-known psychosomaticists, a psychologist-esotericist, parapsychologist
Giessen Symptom Questionnaire Psychosomatic
Giessen Symptom Questionnaire
In the diagnosis and treatment of psychosomatic diseases, the patient’s subjective perception of
Zhikarentsev's Disease Table Psychosomatic
Zhikarentsev’s Disease Table
V. Zhikarentsev – philosopher, psychologist, author of books, training leader, founder of the educational